
Crafting a Project Brief That Can’t Fail: Want to Know How?

Creating an unbreakable project brief is crucial for the success of any project, big or small. This document serves as the roadmap guiding your project from an idea to reality. Here’s a simple introduction to what a project brief is and why it’s so important. 

A project brief is essentially the backbone of your project. It’s not just a formality; it’s the tool that ensures everyone involved understands the project’s goals and their roles. It’s a common misconception that project briefs are only crucial for large-scale or fully fleshed-out projects. In reality, even the smallest project or an idea in its infancy stage can significantly benefit from a well-structured brief. So, whether you’re developing a brand-new digital product or adding features to an existing one, your project begins with this brief. 

People  in front of a idea board, jotting down ideas for a project brief

You might wonder, ‘What exactly goes into a great project brief?’. Well, it’s more than just jotting down ideas. It’s about clearly defining your project’s purpose, objectives, and the path you plan to take. This clarity is what transforms a good project into a great one. 

For those new to the realm of project management, the concept of a project brief might seem a bit daunting. But don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it seems. With the right approach, you can craft a brief that sets your project up for success. 

In short, a project brief is your first step towards turning your vision into reality. It’s the document that aligns your team, clarifies your objectives, and sets the tone for your project. So, let’s get started on creating a project brief that makes a lasting impact. 

What is a project brief?  

Consider a project brief as a mini-guide for your project. It’s not super detailed like a full plan, but it’s super useful. It tells everyone – your team, clients, and stakeholders – what the project’s all about and what you’re aiming to do. Think of it as a handy overview of your goals, what you’re planning to deliver, when, and how. 

This brief is a big deal because it gets everyone on the same page right from the start. For clients, a well-structured brief offers clarity and direction, ensuring that their vision and objectives are accurately conveyed and understood. It’s the first step in transforming an abstract idea into a tangible project, showing where you’re headed and how you plan to get there. 

Moreover, the project brief serves as a critical tool for internal team alignment before engaging with external partners. By ensuring your team’s vision and goals are unified, it streamlines communication and collaboration with design and development partners. This internal consensus sets a strong foundation for a successful and cohesive external partnership, making the project brief an essential step for effective project initiation. 

On the service provider side, the project brief gives us the basics so we can start talking about what needs to be done, figure out potential risks, and work out the finer details like costs and who’s free to work on what. This understanding leads to a more streamlined development process, where we can focus our efforts on meeting your specific needs, reducing the risk of miscommunication and project delays. 

Ultimately, a well-structured project brief benefits everyone. It’s a bridge between your vision and our execution. It’s a collaborative tool that aligns our efforts with your goals, ensuring that we’re not just working for you, but working with you towards a common objective. To put it briefly, it helps you give us the info we need, which lets us support you better. Putting in the effort to make a good brief pays off for everyone involved. 

Here’s how a project brief benefits you: 

  • Encourages deliberate focus on objectives. 
  • Confirms essential details for the project. 
  • Reduces time spent on explaining project details. 
  • Minimizes misunderstandings between team members. 
  • Speeds up the transition from initial discussions to decision-making. 

Additionally, here’s how it assists us: 

  • Provides a clear understanding of the project’s basics. 
  • Serves as a starting point for valuable discussions. 
  • Aids in planning the workshop and minimizing project risks. 
  • Helps verify team availability. 
  • Allows for more precise and prompt project estimates. 

This approach demonstrates its benefits for all parties involved. A solid project brief doesn’t just help the team know what to do; it also lets us, your digital buddies, give you the best help possible. In the end, it’s a win-win for everyone. 

Guidelines for Writing an Effective Project Brief 

With a rich history spanning over 7 years in digital development, our team at BrightMarbles Group has encountered and crafted an extensive variety of project briefs. From start-ups breathing life into their first concept to established enterprises revamping complex systems, we’ve tailored our approach to suit every unique need. Each project brief we’ve dealt with has been as diverse as the clients we serve, ranging from simple outlines to intricate plans. This variety has honed our ability to distill even the most complex ideas into clear, actionable project briefs. It’s this seasoned perspective that enables us to guide our clients effectively, turning even the most nascent ideas into well-defined, successful projects. 

To create an effective project brief, answer five key questions: what you’re creating, why, for whom, by when, and your budget. Describe the project (e.g., app, website), its purpose, and identify the target audience. Set a clear timeline and be transparent about your budget to focus on essential, cost-effective solutions. This brief guides every aspect of the project, ensuring alignment with its objectives. 

Thus, to create a project brief that is both useful and comprehensive, just remember these key points and you’ll be well on your way: 

  • Project Overview: Begin with a comprehensive overview. This section should capture the essence of your project, clearly defining what you are planning to develop and the reasons behind it. Whether it’s a new digital service, an app, or an innovative platform, detail your vision. Include any background work, such as research, initial ideas, or relevant links, to provide a complete picture. 
  • Business Goals and Objectives: Clearly articulate your project’s goals. What are you aiming to achieve? This could range from increasing market share to improving customer engagement or introducing a new product line. Setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) objectives provides a clear direction and measurable targets. 
  • Scope and Technical Requirements: Detail the project’s scope, including the desired features and technical specifications. Are there specific platforms or technologies you want to focus on? Understanding the scope helps in aligning technical resources and setting realistic expectations. 
  • Target Audience: Deeply understand your target audience. Who are they, and what are their needs and preferences? This information is crucial for tailoring your project to meet their expectations and ensuring its relevance and success. 
  • Timeline and Milestones: Define a realistic timeline for your project, including key milestones. Consider any external factors that could influence the timeline, such as market trends or seasonal demands. A well-planned timeline helps in tracking progress and ensures timely delivery. 
  • Design and Brand Guidelines: Define the visual and brand identity standards for the project. This should include specific color palettes, typography, logo usage, and other visual elements that align with your company’s branding. Additionally, outline the principles of design that the project will adhere to, ensuring a consistent and appealing user experience that resonates with your target audience. 
  • Budget and Resources: Be transparent about your budget constraints and resource availability. This clarity aids in making informed decisions about project scope and ensures that the project remains financially viable. 
  • Stakeholder and Team Alignment: The project brief should align with the interests and expectations of all stakeholders and team members. This alignment is key to ensuring everyone is working towards the same goals and understands their roles and responsibilities. 
  • Additional Elements: Depending on your project’s nature, consider including other relevant elements. These might include market research, competitive analysis, design materials like wireframes or mockups, potential challenges or risks, and specific requirements for communication and collaboration. 

The project brief is not a final verdict but a starting point. It allows service providers to bring their creative and technical insights to the table, adding value to the client’s initial concept. 

People sitting in front of a laptop and discussing their projects

What You Can Leave Out of a Project Brief 

When you look at the comprehensive list of what to include in a project brief, you might think that more is always better. But that’s not necessarily true. While it’s crucial to be thorough, overloading the brief with too much information can lead to confusion and inefficiency. 

Here are some things that you should consider leaving out of your project brief: 

  • Avoid Overloading Information: Don’t feel compelled to include every piece of information you have. Too much detail, especially if not directly relevant to the project, can clutter the brief and lead to misunderstandings. 
  • Irrelevant Product Details: If your company has a wide range of products, only mention those that are relevant to the current project. This helps to keep the focus and prevent any confusion. 
  • Patents and Intellectual Property: Detailed discussions about patents and intellectual property rights are not necessary in the initial brief. Trust that these aspects are being handled appropriately without needing to include them in the brief. 
  • Legal Document Summarization: Instead of adding extensive legal documentation, briefly outline any critical legal considerations or requirements. This approach keeps the brief focused and actionable. 
  • Team Information: While contact information is essential, you don’t need to include extensive biographies of team members. A simple link to LinkedIn profiles or a brief introduction is usually sufficient. 
  • Selective Marketing Material: Include marketing materials only if they are directly relevant to the project, particularly in terms of branding or user experience. 
  • Discretion with Fundraising Details: Details about fundraising efforts are optional. A general overview of the budget or funding situation is usually enough. 

Keep in mind, the primary goal of a project brief is to offer clear, concise, and relevant information that guides the project. Overloading it with unnecessary details can hinder rather than help, consuming time and resources that could be better spent on the actual project work. Keep it focused, relevant, and to the point for the best results. 

Unpacked the Project Brief – What’s Next in Business? 

We’ve just journeyed through the ins and outs of a project brief. Now, you understand its nuts and bolts, know what to do and what not to do, and have a good idea of what it takes to create an outstanding brief. But let’s delve deeper than just the how-to’s. Grasping the essence of a project brief is like discovering the secret ingredient in a masterful recipe – it’s the difference between something good and something exceptional. 

A project brief is more than just a document; it’s a conversation starter, a roadmap, and a vision-aligning tool. It’s like a magic wand that turns your ideas and goals into a clear, actionable plan. By meticulously organizing your thoughts and expectations in a well-crafted brief, you’re setting the stage for successful collaboration. 

Think of your project brief as a guiding light, steering your design and development team through the maze of creativity and potential. It’s your story, mission, and aspirations, distilled into a concise guide. Handing over this document is like saying, ‘Here’s my vision, let’s bring it to life.’ 

So, as you begin to draft your project brief, remember it’s more than just a checklist or a formality. It’s the opening chapter of your project’s success story, laying the groundwork where ideas take shape, and dreams come to life. Let’s start this journey together. Reach out to us – let’s turn your vision into an amazing reality. 😊 

About Author   

Svetlana Kosić is a marketing specialist who holds a master’s degree in media design in education. With extensive experience in the IT industry, particularly in sales and marketing, Svetlana has honed her skills over the years. She has a profound passion for the written word and expresses her creativity through various outlets, including as a columnist. Svetlana is a staunch advocate against injustice and tirelessly works towards the positive change she desires. 

Cultivating Security: Understanding Refresh Tokens and Their Secure Utilization in Flutter

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, the security of user data is paramount. Mobile and web applications require robust authentication and authorization mechanisms to safeguard sensitive information while providing seamless user experience.  

One essential component of modern authentication systems is the use of tokens, specifically refresh tokens. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of refresh tokens, their role in securing user sessions, and best practices for using them securely in Flutter applications

Chapter 1: What Is a Token? 

Before we delve into the intricacies of refresh tokens, let’s start with the basics. What exactly is a token in the context of authentication and authorization?  

A token is a piece of data that serves as a credential to prove the identity of a user or entity. In essence, it’s a digital “key” that grants access to specific resources or services within an application. Tokens are widely used in modern web and mobile applications to facilitate secure access to user accounts, data, and functionalities. 

BM Insight: BrightMarbles Group Holding pays utmost attention to retaining an immaculate security record in the software-development ecosystem. Having earned the ISO 27001 Certificate in 2022 largely contributed to staying one of the industry game changers both regionally and internationally. Read more about it in the post Announcing BMGH’s ISO 27001 Certification, written by our vCISO Branko Džakula 

Chapter 2: Differences Between Authentication and Authorization 

It’s crucial to understand the distinction between authentication and authorization, as tokens play a role in both processes: 

  • Authentication is the process of verifying a user’s identity. It answers the question, “Who are you?” Authentication ensures that the user is who they claim to be. Common authentication methods include username/password, biometrics, or third-party providers like Google or Facebook. 
  • Authorization, on the other hand, determines what actions or resources a user is allowed to access after they have been authenticated. Authorization defines the question, “What are you allowed to do?” Tokens often come into play during authorization, indicating the level of access a user has. 

Now that you know the difference, try not to use these two terms interchangeably.  

Chapter 3: What Are Different Token Types? 

Man using digital device make payments online shopping and icon customer network connection on screen.Wooden black office desk table on top view .

Tokens used in authentication and authorization processes can vary in type and purpose. Two primary token types are commonly used: 

  • Access token. An access token is a short-lived token that grants limited access to specific resources or functionalities within an application. It is usually used for a brief period and is designed to expire relatively quickly to enhance security. 
  • Refresh token. A refresh token is a long-lived token that serves as a key to obtaining new access tokens once the original access token expires. Refresh tokens are part of OAuth 2.0 and are used to refresh access tokens, without the need for the user to reauthenticate. This helps maintain user sessions and improve the user experience. 

*OAuth 2.0 documentation 

BM Insight: Rookies in the world of mobile app development need to undergo proper security training from day one to build bulletproof software tools with confidence. Learning about access and refresh tokens, in addition to many other elements, is part of this education. For more details on how to kick off a career in mobile development, read our article Mastering Mobile: 7 Essential Tips for Junior Developers in the World of Mobile Development.  

Chapter 4: What is a Refresh Token, How and When to Use It? 

A refresh token is a specialized token designed to address a common issue in authentication systems: the need to maintain a user’s session without forcing them to log in repeatedly. Here’s how refresh tokens work and when to use them: 

  • After a user successfully logs in, both an access token and a refresh token are issued.  
  • The access token is used for accessing resources and services, but it has a short lifespan for added security.  
  • When the access token expires, the refresh token can be used to obtain a new access token without requiring the user to re-enter their credentials.  
  • This cycle continues until the refresh token itself expires or is revoked. 

Refresh tokens are particularly valuable for enhancing the user experience, as users can stay logged in without the inconvenience of frequent logins. 

Chapter 5: How to Keep Refresh Tokens Secure? 

Man holding smart phone making online shopping and banking payment. Blurred background .

Ensuring the security of refresh tokens is crucial to prevent unauthorized access to user accounts. Here are some best practices for keeping refresh tokens secure: 

  • Secure storage. Store refresh tokens in a secure storage mechanism. In Flutter, you can use libraries like flutter_secure_storage or the SharedPreferences package with encryption to store tokens securely on the device.  
  • Token rotation. Implement token rotation, which involves issuing a new refresh token each time an access token is obtained. This practice invalidates older refresh tokens, adding an extra layer of security.  
  • Automatic reuse detection. Implement safeguards to detect and prevent the reuse of refresh tokens. Each refresh token should have a unique identifier, and a server-side check should ensure that a token is used only once. 

To learn more about Token Rotation and Automatic Reuse Detection you can check Auth0 documentation.

Chapter 6: Some Tips and Tricks Regarding Refresh Tokens 

Here are some additional tips and tricks to consider when working with refresh tokens: 

  • Token expiry. Configure token expiration times appropriately. Access tokens should have a short lifespan, and refresh tokens should be long-lived but not indefinite.  
  • Token revocation. Implement a mechanism for users to revoke their refresh tokens if they suspect any unauthorized access.  
  • Token scope. Use token scopes to limit the access granted by access tokens. Not all tokens need access to all resources.  
  • Logging and monitoring. Implement comprehensive logging and monitoring to detect suspicious activity related to token usage. This can help you identify and respond to security threats promptly. 

The Final Word 

In conclusion, refresh tokens are a vital component of modern authentication systems, providing security and a seamless user experience. By following best practices and staying informed about the latest security guidelines, you can ensure that your refresh token implementation in Flutter applications remains robust and resilient to potential threats. 

About Author 

Marko Krstanovic is a talented software engineer and technical officer with a proven track record of delivering exceptional mobile applications. His expertise spans various programming languages and technologies, including iOS and Flutter, which he has used to create seamless and secure client apps. With over five years of experience, Marko is a true innovator in the tech industry, constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in mobile app development.   

Stress Management in Tech: Fostering Creativity & Productivity

BrightMarbles Group has always been at the forefront of the tech industry, both as a trailblazer and as a caretaker of its greatest asset: its people. The world of technology can be fraught with challenges—tight deadlines, exacting projects, and the relentless pressure to innovate. Recognizing this, we decided to cast a light on a topic close to our hearts: Stress Management in Tech. 

The Personal Side of Stress in Tech 

Before delving into the broader issue, let’s lend an ear to some of our team members: 

Srđan Marjanović, “A few years ago, when I was a junior developer, we had a significant product release. I found myself burning the midnight oil as the complexities of the code intensified and the release date drew nearer. The mounting pressure and escalating stress began affecting my clarity. Taking a moment to pause, employing relaxation techniques, and discussing challenges with my teammates proved to be a game-changer.”  

Mladen Maksimović, product designer: “Pressure can stifle creativity. I encountered a creative block in the midst of a project, and my growing anxiety only intensified it. By embracing short breaks and mindfulness, I regained my creative flow and brought fresh zest to the project.” 

Oliver Šipoš, a Tech Officer for the backend team, shares, “A daunting project once made me question if I was in over my head. Thanks to BrightMarbles’ supportive milieu, I was empowered to express my apprehensions, take necessary breaks, and leverage our stress-relief resources. The outcome? Not only did I meet the deadline, but I also delivered one of my best works to date.” 

Svetlana Kosić, from our marketing team, observes, “An effective marketing campaign demands a clear mind. Stress blurs that clarity. Taking a step back, discussing my concerns openly and sharing a laugh with my team have invariably led me to more successful strategies.” 

Vedrana Kaloper, part of our delivery brigade, notes, “Project timelines and quality maintenance can be overwhelming. But finding moments of calm and maintaining open communication lines have always helped me steer projects to success.” 

Milica Stojaković, from our legal team, points out, “The nuances of legal documentation require precision, and stress can impair that. At BrightMarbles, I’ve learned that managing stress ensures the accuracy and reliability of my work.” 

The Link between Mental Well-being and Performance 

Our brain, much like a computer, can only handle a limited number of processes simultaneously. When overwhelmed, performance lags. Stress impacts our cognitive functions, making it harder to think, problem-solve, and be innovative – all crucial elements in the tech world.  

The World Health Organization (WHO) has even acknowledged workplace stress as a global epidemic. Especially in tech, where rapid innovation and constant change are the norms, it’s essential to address stress head-on. 

Research consistently shows that employees who are mentally at peace outperform their stressed counterparts. They showcase better problem-solving skills, are more collaborative, and, most importantly, they bring an infectious positive energy to the team. By ensuring our team’s mental well-being, we aren’t just looking out for them; we’re also ensuring the consistent quality and innovation that BrightMarbles is renowned for. 

Benefits of Stress Management in Tech 

  • Boosted Creativity: As Mladen’s story highlights, a relaxed mind is a more imaginative one. It’s in states of calm that we often find our most ingenious solutions and ideas. 
  • Enhanced Productivity: Milica’s experience is a testament to the fact that reducing stress can help us work more efficiently, eliminating errors that come from a frazzled mind. 
  • Improved Team Collaboration: A mentally healthy environment promotes better communication and teamwork, essential in project-heavy tech landscapes. 

BrightMarbles Group: Where Well-being Meets Tech 

Potential team members might wonder, “Why choose BrightMarbles?” Beyond our cutting-edge projects and inclusive work culture, it’s our unwavering commitment to your mental well-being. We understand the unique pressures of the tech industry and have, therefore, ingrained stress management into our very fabric. 

  • Open Conversations: We promote a culture where feelings aren’t hidden behind screens. Everyone is encouraged to voice their concerns, share their stresses, and seek support. 
  • Work-Life Balance: Unlike the stereotypical tech firm, we respect boundaries. We understand that for our team to give their best at work, they need quality time outside of it. 
  • Workshops & Activities: From professional counselors to fun stress-relief activities, we’re proactive, not reactive, to stress. 
  • Adaptable Work Environment: We provide our employees the freedom to choose their working environment because a comfortable environment can greatly mitigate stress. 

Join Us in Redefining Tech 

In conclusion, as the tech industry propels forward, we must not leave our mental well-being behind. It’s not just about coding better or designing smarter; it’s about creating a sustainable, positive environment where innovation thrives. It’s about the people who drive what we do. 

To every potential Mibster reading this, know that with us, you’re more than your role; you’re a valued member of our tribe. Here, your mental well-being is our priority because we believe that happy minds create wonders. 

Join us on our journey, where tech meets well-being, and let’s create a brighter, stress-free future together! 

Note: BrightMarbles values the privacy and well-being of its employees. The personal stories shared are with consent. 

About Author 

Milica Stanković is a beacon of positivity in the HR world. With her hands-on approach, she excels at crafting simple yet effective recruitment plans that match companies with the perfect candidates. Not just limited to hiring, Milica ensures that new hires are well-prepared and integrated into their new roles, promoting a harmonious working environment. Driven by her passion and expertise, she’s always on the lookout to innovate and enhance, making the recruitment process smoother and more fruitful for all parties involved. 

Software development company discussing bespoke software solutions for client

Beyond the Quote: The Realities of App Development Pricing

You walk into a restaurant, settle into your seat, and eagerly scan the menu. Your stomach growls with hunger, but there’s one thing you’re desperately searching for – the price of that specialty dish you’ve been hearing about. Yet, much to your chagrin, there’s no number next to it. You can’t just glance at the menu and instantly know what it’ll cost. Frustrating, isn’t it? 

In the market for a custom digital product, you often encounter this situation: maybe a tailor-made website, a bespoke software application, or a unique mobile app that will set your business apart. You’re itching to know how much it’ll set you back, but alas, there’s no “Add to Cart” button with a fixed price tag. No instant gratification in sight. 
So, why does it feel like pulling teeth to get a quick and straightforward answer to the question, “How much will it cost?” Why can’t the price of a custom digital product be as simple as an email or a phone call? In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intricacies of pricing custom digital solutions and uncover why it takes more than just a casual inquiry or a glance at a menu to arrive at that all-important number. Just like it takes two to tango, it takes a thoughtful discussion, an exploration of your wants and needs, and a deep dive into the specifics before the curtain lifts on the final price tag. So, let’s unravel the mystery and understand why custom digital product pricing is an art, not a snap decision. 

Darko Kovac working on a project - CTO of BrightMarbles Group Holdng

Why Can’t You Just Snap Your Fingers for the Price of a Custom Digital Product? 

Many potential clients wonder about the app-building cost right from the start. It’s a common question in the digital world, where budgets are significant. But pricing digital projects doesn’t work like traditional models. Answering isn’t one-size-fits-all; it depends on your specific, custom-built solution. While off-the-shelf options exist, we encourage exploring a tailored path to align your product with your vision. 

When partnering with a digital agency for application development, it’s a unique journey to craft a product tailored to your business needs. You may not know the exact “something” at the start, but that’s the nature of the digital frontier. It’s a puzzle we’ll solve together. Each project is unique, akin to a fingerprint, making cost estimation more complex than reading a price tag. We’ll delve into the factors influencing your project’s cost and why a fixed price doesn’t fit. 

The Enigma of Unfinished Visions 

From idea to product - bespoken software solutions

If you bring us your brilliant idea, we’ll need to go through a process to turn that idea into an actual plan and then start building the app. We can give you a more accurate cost estimate when we have a clear idea of what we’re creating. However, even then, it’s not super precise because app development costs aren’t fixed. The cost of building an app depends on how far along your project is. The more progress we’ve made, the better our estimate will be. Also, the cost of creating an app varies depending on when you come to us.  

While every project is unique, we’ve simplified the design and development process into five stages: 

Stage 1: Your Idea 

At this initial stage, your concept may be as simple as a scribble on a napkin or solely a thought in your mind, a gem in its raw, formless state. It’s undoubtedly valuable but estimating costs accurately can be challenging. We may not be able to provide a precise answer to the question of cost. However, we can determine the cost of a discovery workshop, where both parties collaborate to chart the path forward. 

Stage 2: Product Brief 

After dedicating time to your idea, perhaps working closely with your in-house tech team, you’ve amassed a document brimming with remarkable features. Now, you’re on the lookout for the right partner to breathe life into it. At this stage, estimating costs can be a bit like aiming at a moving target. We value your project description, but it’s likely that a discovery workshop will be needed to precisely define your requirements. It’s akin to having a vision of constructing a structure but not knowing whether it will be a quaint cottage or a towering skyscraper. While the workshop cost is clear, the overall project cost remains a bit uncertain.  

Stage 3: Technical Specification 

You’ve completed the discovery stage with a different partner and now have a roadmap for your future product. However, the design is yet to take shape. Estimating costs here is moderately accurate. You won’t need a workshop at this point, but wireframing and design are essential. Based on your specifications, we can provide a fairly accurate estimate for the design part. Yet, the development cost remains a bit of a mystery. 

Stage 4: Wireframes 

You’re now at the halfway point of your journey. Your idea has a defined shape, but the design is incomplete, and you still need someone to make it real. At this stage, estimating costs is quite accurate. Armed with wireframes, we can confidently estimate both development and design expenses. 

Stage 5: Final Screens 

This is the final stretch, where you only need someone to turn your vision into reality. At this point, cost estimation accuracy is very high. You need development, and we can provide an accurate quote for the cost. 

When you embark on the journey of creating a custom product tailored to your business needs, this is the path you follow. Each phase builds upon the results of the previous one, and the next steps become clear as you progress. 

Think of it like unlocking achievements in a game; one stage leads to the next. For a high-quality product, there’s no bypassing this process. If you encounter an agency that makes grand promises early on and claims to provide an exact price for the entire project, our sincere advice is this – be cautious. The initial cost might surge due to unforeseen developments, or you could end up with an incomplete solution that doesn’t meet market demands or user requirements. The money you thought you saved could, in reality, go to waste.  

Paying for Expertise, Not Just the Product 

Software engineering experts developing the final product at BrightMarbles

When it comes to application development, or any digital product creation, it’s not a solo performance; it’s a grand symphony. This process often requires a diverse, multidisciplinary team. First, you bring in strategists to ensure your product aligns perfectly with your business goals. Perhaps you’ll need system architects to lay out the intricate technical blueprint. Then, you enlist designers, developers with specialized skills, tech experts, and quality assurance engineers to ensure the final product is both efficient and bug-free. The scope of your project might determine which of these experts you need, but the chances are you’ll require several individuals, each equipped with the precise skills for the job. 

Here’s the revelation: when you invest in a digital product, you’re not just investing in the product itself; you’re also investing in the wealth of knowledge and experience this team brings to the table. They’re not just our team; they have become your team too.  

Your Team, Your Success: Navigating Application Development 

We provide a range of collaboration options tailored to your project’s unique needs, but the one that offers the most value is the dedicated team. This dream team consists of all the experts required for your project, and they typically focus exclusively on your project for as long as their expertise is necessary. 

BrightMarbles fosters a collaborative style that provides you your own in-house team.

In essence, it’s like an extension of your in-house team. We fill in the skill gaps, and together, we work as a cohesive unit with a single goal. This collaborative style produces the best results because the entire team is fully committed to the project for the long term. They often work closely, sharing ideas and experiences. As part of our commitment to transparency, you have complete control over the team, including its size and structure. You have access to the team’s budget and expenses at all times, allowing you to make necessary adjustments. It’s a partnership built on trust and cooperation, ensuring your project reaches its full potential. 

It’s About Goals and Business Outcomes, Not Just Features 

Setting out to create a digital product involves more than simply assembling a set of features. It’s about crafting a purposeful creation that serves your business and adds value to your customers. Achieving this level of excellence requires more than a mere list of features; it demands a journey of discovery. 

To truly understand your target audience, your users’ desires and needs, the competitive landscape, and market dynamics, we often begin projects with discovery workshops. Working with our product strategists, you shape the vision of your future product long before we start actual application development. This approach ensures that you don’t end up building something nobody wants, thus avoiding the waste of valuable resources. 

The Agility Advantage 

In our domain, we follow the cadence of agile software development methodologies. This isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a set of values, principles, and practices that champion flexibility, collaboration, and iterative progress. This approach allows our teams to adapt to evolving requirements, minimize risks, and deliver top-quality products. Choosing the path of agility isn’t merely a choice; it’s a strategic decision that significantly improves your product’s chances of success.  

However, there’s a simple trade-off. When we go agile, we can’t give you a fixed product price. Why? Because, in the agile world, the product keeps evolving. The whole idea is to be flexible and adapt to user feedback, unexpected events, or competition. The cost of creating an app doesn’t fit perfectly with this agile approach. As mentioned before, if you tie the project’s scope to a set budget, it can restrict your ability to respond to changes and potentially impact the project’s success. 

Why Is Changing Your View on Costs Crucial? 

To manage project expenses efficiently, let’s shift our viewpoint. With our years of experience working with clients, we propose a new way to look at the pricing question. Instead of obsessing over its size, let’s focus on optimizing its capacity. Instead of inquiring about the necessary size of the container to hold a specific amount of content, let’s fill it to its maximum potential. 

When clients openly share their budget, it becomes much easier for us to find a solution that provides the most value within that budget. It might not result in a comprehensive product that requires months of development and goes through all the stages we discussed earlier, but it can serve as a foundation for future growth. 

Take, for example, the option of prototypes. They offer a budget-friendly choice, especially if you’re still in the process of securing full project funding and need to attract investors. After a strategy workshop, our designers create clickable prototypes, providing an interactive model of your future app. Many investors are familiar with this concept, and having a prototype can give them confidence in investing in a product that has yet to be fully developed.  

No Need to Focus on the Budget 

Choosing the right partner for your digital transformation is a significant decision. While you might not always know the total cost of a month-long project, you should be confident that you’ll get an exceptional product in the end. 

Why should you trust us? 

Established Procedures: We’ve been in the industry long enough to have worked on diverse projects for various clients. During this time, we’ve honed our processes to reduce errors and prioritize the most critical tasks. Our goal is to save you time and money, and perhaps even inspire you to optimize your own procedures. 

Streamlined Communication: Transparency is a core principle for us. We have robust communication systems in place for all our projects. Clear communication is vital as it streamlines workflows, prevents delays, and avoids conflicts. It ultimately saves you money. 

Sufficiently Equipped to Deliver: As a company with a diverse skill set, we are capable of managing projects of various sizes. Our well-structured planning and scheduling system enable us to customize a team to suit your needs and guarantee its availability throughout the project’s duration. 

Cross-Team Collaboration: Since we cover every stage of the digital product development process, we can easily facilitate collaboration across different teams. This improves efficiency and saves both time and money. For example, when quality assurance engineers work alongside developers from the project’s early stages, they can spot and address quality issues before they reach the production phase, eliminating the need for costly fixes later. 

Security and Trust: Adding an extra layer of assurance, we offer a risk-free two-week trial that demonstrates our confidence in delivering value. If you’re not satisfied, there are no charges. With us, you have full control over your spending, allowing you to move forward with confidence. 

BrightMarbles cross colaboration team at the office

At the End 

We understand that custom digital products can come with a substantial price tag. Moreover, providing an exact answer to the common question about price right from the start can be quite a challenge, like predicting the unpredictable. We hope that the reasons we’ve outlined shed light on the elusive nature of this concept and provide you with a deeper understanding of the entire development journey, from inception to completion. 

The digital realm is constantly evolving. To stay current, it’s crucial to remain adaptable and discard outdated project approaches that don’t fit the ever-changing landscape. It’s entirely conceivable that we may need to alter our direction during the journey, and that’s not only acceptable but often the most effective way to ensure that our deliverables genuinely enhance your business. 

We’ve discussed how cost estimation evolves as the project progresses. If you’re interested in sharing the stage your project is currently at, it won’t cost you a thing. Just set up a call, and let’s discuss how we can provide you with valuable solutions – Let’s Talk About Your Vision | Contact us | BrightMarbles 

About Author  

Svetlana Kosić is a marketing specialist who holds a master’s degree in media design in education. With extensive experience in the IT industry, particularly in sales and marketing, Svetlana has honed her skills over the years. She has a profound passion for the written word and expresses her creativity through various outlets, including as a columnist. Svetlana is a staunch advocate against injustice and tirelessly works towards the positive change she desires. 

Why Agile Development Is a Startup’s Best Friend

Agile and Scrum are the two project management buzzwords that have resonated strongly with the tech world in the last two decades. In the akin-to space race softdev environment, this method and framework, respectively, have proven to be precious time-saving and asset-boosting vehicles.  

As an authoritative partner of startups, BrightMarbles Group Holding educates new business owners on how to use Agile development at their utmost benefit.  

This article explains why Agile development is a startup’s best friend, providing relevant comparisons, and illustrating its positive effects via our experts’ insights.  

Agile Methodology Explained 

The Agile methodology is a project management strategy in which projects are divided into smaller chunks, with constant revisions of completed bits (and bytes). This approach is based on a round-the-clock collaboration, with the three typical stages: planning, execution, revision.  

In a wider sense, Agile is a special work philosophy, applicable to different industries. Published in 2001 in the form of the Agile Manifesto, this operational mindset puts people in the spotlight, prioritizing team collaboration and cross-functional operability.  

The dynamic nature of the Agile methodology is the reason why it has become the most widespread project management approach in the brave tech world. As software innovations are galloping from the colorful present to the promising future, Agile is the most optimal approach to softdev organization.  

BM Insight: As one of the softdev revolution forerunners, BMGH roots its operations in simply the best methodologies and tools available on the market; Agile is no exception. Our project-management experience speaks in favor of Agile and all the joys it brings. Hence, our veteran product and delivery manager Tanja Maliković, also a passionate fantasy aficionado, has put together a one-of-a-kind, epic-fantasy story on the birth of Agile. Read Part 1 and Part 2 on our blog. 

Agile vs. Scrum vs. Kanban 

When talking about Agile, let’s see how it differs from Scrum and Kanban.  

Agile is the supreme term in the Agile environment, referring to the project-management philosophy explained above. It comprises various frameworks, but the point is that large, long-term projects are divided into smaller tasks, handled within shorter periods so that the entire software development process is accelerated.  

Scrum is one of the frameworks within Agile that ensures executing smaller tasks within a project with utmost precision. The Scrum’s key measure is a sprint – a specified interval during which a group of engineers needs to finish the agreed amount of work.  

Kanban is another well-known and often-used Agile framework, based on visual task cards, and applied predominantly in manual industry. However, some software developers also use Kanban to get things organized and done on time.  

Scrum and Kanban are sometimes combined in the production plants that incorporate software solutions directly into tangible products.  

BM Insight: Scrum is a much-discussed framework with various adapted versions. Our Scrum masters and their colleagues in product-development companies don’t have the same workdays or tasks. In our article Scrum 101: Applying the Most Popular Agile Framework, we’ve debunked Scrum from our unique point of view.  

Testing and Agile 

Agile provides a dynamic and cost-effective testing framework throughout the software development lifecycle

Compared to traditional testing methods, comprised within the Waterfall development methodology, Agile advocates the test early, test often business policy. Before the Agile Manifesto was published, Waterfall was the predominant model in project management. The major feature of this methodology is that one development process consists of consecutive stages; each of these stages must be completed before the next one begins.   

As the softdev game accelerated at the turn of the century, a need for a more iterative and result-oriented project-management method arose. In other words, the time had come to go agile.  

Dunja Ibročić, our in-house Scrum Master, who has successfully organized and implemented dozens of projects, puts it this way:  

“Unlike the traditional testing that adheres to a linear or sequential development model, Agile advocates a more iterative and incremental approach to testing. Agile is often driven by tests, and thus the notion of testing promotes continuous integration with development. Testing and quality have become imperative for all team members.” Read more about her stance on testing in Agile development techniques in her eponymous blog post.  

Agile Testing Is Saving 

To rephrase the adage “Caring is sharing”, we can say with confidence that Agile testing is saving; but saving what? Here are several ways in which Agile testing saves your money, energy, and time:  

  • Early detection of issues. Thanks to Agile continuous testing, issues are found and addressed as soon as they are discovered, reducing the chance that expensive defects appear in the later stages of development. 
  • Quick feedback. Continuous interactions between developers, testers, and stakeholders help find and correct bugs or malfunctions early in the development cycle, reducing the time required for fixing them later. 
  • Prioritizing software features. Working in the Agile environment allows for the prioritization of features based on their value to the customer. Hence, softdevs and testers can focus on the most critical and valuable features first, using limited testing resources efficiently. Also, Agile teams are typically flexible, and adaptable to changing requirements and priorities. 
  • Reduced documentation. Rather than demanding comprehensive test plans and documentation, Agile project managers focus on working software.  
  • Continuous Integration and Automation. The iterative nature of Agile practices includes continuous integration and test automation, leading to faster testing processes and reducing manual testing. Nevertheless, manual testing may still play a vital role in some aspects of software development.  
  • Incremental Releases. Agile testing typically results in smaller, incremental releases of software. Testing and maintaining the quality of each release is thus easier, plus, it’s cheaper than testing large, monolithic applications. 
  • Reduced Rework. Early and continuous testing cuts the need for extensive rework in the later stages of development.  
  • Client Satisfaction. Software engineers and project managers utilizing Agile testing deliver value to their clients early and often. When customers are satisfied with the software and its quality, you can expect a high retention rate and further recommendations.  

As our test engineer Bojana Šatara Anić claims in her article Shift Left Testing: A Key for Improving Your QA Strategy:  

“Regardless of the chosen term, the Shift Left means to test early and test often. It intends to identify and resolve bugs, thus reducing costs, as early as possible in the Software Development Life Cycle. Discovering bugs and bottlenecks early in the development process increases efficiency in the software development process.”  

BM Insight: Not only that we hold Agile-enhanced testing extremely important, but we also maintain a strict quality-assurance quality in every single code we write, check, and verify. Find out more about our QA perspective from the blog post Quality Assurance: The Measure of Software Development Excellence.  

Why Use Agile in Startup Software Development 

Now, let’s break down and sum up the key benefits of using Agile in startup software development:  

  • Time efficiency. Small project chunks, dynamic teams, and wisely distributed tasks – all thanks to Agile – ensure timely and error-free software delivery. 
  • Enhanced collaboration of team members. Agile puts the interplay between software and engineers in the spotlight, enhancing productive collaboration between team members. In a startup environment, it bears the make-it-or-break-it importance.  
  • Fast-submitted iterations. Above we explained the Agile-based Scrum framework and its stages, i.e., sprints. This kind of project organization ensures fast-submitted iterations. The result: developers, project managers, marketers, and all involved parties increase their efficiency. To top it off, clients receive what they’ve ordered on time.  
  • Swift adaptation to ongoing changes. Startup owners are especially prone to ongoing market changes. Be it a new feature a competitor has launched, an investment surge, or a new idea that crosses their mind, SMB-entrepreneurs profit from Agile software development on many levels. 
  • Early delivery. With Agile, you can tell at an early stage whether a product or software solution is worth finishing in the first place. It is an MVP-based approach to software building, meaning that a business owner can have the most viable product in their hands pretty soon. From that point onward, they’ll quickly decide how and whether to continue building it.  
  • Higher level of employees’ ownership over tasks and projects. The Agile working principle brings unprecedented autonomy to software development teams. In turn, it increases the responsibility and ownership that team leads and members have over particular projects. 

BM Insight: There’s no well-used Agile without versatile and people-centered project management. Further, exquisite Scrum masters need equally powerful software engineers to start the development engine and keep it revving. Then, detail-oriented testers are a must-have, to polish every product before the launch. Marketers, HR, and Legal&Finance experts are also vital to spread the word about the latest startup partnerships, cater to employees’ wellbeing, and ensure continuous compliance, respectively. In our article The Entourage of IT Projects – The Binding Tissue of IT Software Development, we dig into every professional we need to bring software to life.  

Why Not Use Agile to Build Softdev Startups 

Even though we consider Agile the best thing since bread came sliced – i.e., since Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989 – it’s not a panacea for all software development projects.  

But who wouldn’t want Agile, especially after the heaps we’ve praised on it so far, one might wonder. 

Let’s start from the premise that not every business owner needs a fast-built software solution. For instance, you’re a multifaceted investor who simply wants to diversify their portfolio. You have enough time and assets not to succumb to the predominant trend of making apps as quickly as it gets.  

In that case, you probably prefer stability to dynamics. As Agile and stability don’t always overlap, such business owners might not embrace this softdev methodology. It also might lack predictability, which is frowned upon by most investors. 

Also, the flexible and dynamic nature of Agile and Scrum could lead to confusion and lack of accountability. All the professionals working on the project must be completely on board. Otherwise, you can expect missed deadlines and inaccurate estimates.  

We typically perceive flexibility as something positive. However, imagine a context in which project managers or team leaders lack the necessary organizational skills and commitment. Instead of task-devouring efficiency, you get confusion. And if a project is transferred to a new team of engineers, the lack of documentation – meant to make things easier and speed up the work process – turns out to be a major drawback.  

Now you may proceed to the lounge and see how we tackle these potential defects of Agile.  

Agile Development from the BrightMarbles’ Perspective 

Ever since our conception in 2016, BrightMarbles Group has been keeping a special place in our business plan for startups. We know how much sweat, blood, and tears it takes to run from 0 to 100m in the shortest time possible. This experience and awareness help us recognize startups worth giving an extra hand.

After all, every soonicorn, unicorn, decacorn, and every other -corn was once a startup. 

The Agile software development methodology has been our loyal ally in most of the projects we’ve worked on. It works perfectly for us because we hire, learn, and start partnerships with Agile in mind. Its vigorous character, omniapplicability, and adaptability have found a great match in our Mibsters.  

Advocating and applying a culture of excellence in every code we write, we’ve nurtured a dozen Agile-based productive collaborations with startups from various industries. Whether we deliver full-scale design, development, and/or marketing services, provide team augmentations, or offer dedicated teams, this combo of Agile and our specific, in-house strategies maximizes the return on investment (ROI) for our stakeholders. For all these reasons, we usually rely on Agile when starting a new business collaboration with startups. 

That being said, we don’t mind adapting Agile frameworks and principles to our clients’ specific requests and plans. When we’re negotiating the terms of potential collaborations or crafting our pitches, nothing is more important than listening to our clients’ demands.  


The story of Agile, startups, and BrightMarbles is coming to an end. We’ve explained the basics of the Agile methodology, its most common frameworks, and how it helps both startups and software service providers.  

We’ve also given you a chance to see why our Agile and Scrum professionals think Agile is so handy for effective software development, from testing to launching.  

Keep following our blog and social media channels for more authentic business stories and news from the ever-changing world of software development.  

Contact us if you have questions, or simply need a software development partner for your startup –  

About Author

Pavle Bobić, BrightMarbles’ resident wordsmith extraordinaire. With a passion for wordplay and a keen eye for eye-grabbing marketing materials, Pavle has been producing top-quality web content and copies for fintech, IT, and eCommerce since 2013. Now he keeps sharing his wealth of experience and expertise as part of the BrightMarbles team, making an impact by creating distinguished content across various digital channels.

UX Design: The Binding Tissue Between People and Technology

UX Design: The Binding Tissue Between People and Technology

In the ever-evolving realm of technology, amidst the chaos of codes, algorithms, and digital interfaces, a quiet revolution has taken place: the rise of User Experience (UX) Design. It’s the beacon that ensures no matter how advanced technology becomes, it always remains human-centric. 

Understanding the Essence of UX Design 

User experience (UX) design is more than just a buzzword. It is the meticulous process of sculpting digital products, applications, and services with an inherent user-centered perspective, ensuring they’re not just functional but are also enjoyable and intuitive. 

As technology seamlessly integrates into our daily lives—turning phones into lifelines and houses into smart homes—it promises efficiency and convenience. However, this promise is often paired with the potential for complexity and, sometimes, alienation. With myriad options, features, and operations, technology can, unintentionally, become a source of overwhelming complexity. 

That’s where UX design proves its worth. Serving as the bridge between innovation and usability, UX design makes technology feel less like a machine and more like a natural extension of our thoughts and actions. It’s about ensuring that the transformative power of technology remains accessible and pleasant. 

The Business Value of UX Design 

While aesthetically pleasing interfaces are a treat for the eyes, UX design goes beyond the superficial. It’s a holistic process marrying research, understanding, creativity, testing, and refinement. 

  1. Enhanced User Satisfaction: At its core, good UX design fosters satisfaction. By pre-empting user needs and creating designs that resonate, businesses can reduce user frustrations and enhance overall engagement. 
  1. Loyalty & Advocacy: When users find a product or service intuitive and enjoyable, they’re not just likely to use it more; they become brand ambassadors, leading to organic word-of-mouth marketing. 
  1. Operational Efficiency: An efficient UX reduces errors, streamlines operations, and can significantly lower support and training costs, contributing directly to the bottom line. 

Key Pillars of Effective UX Design  

  1. User-Centered Design: By keeping users at the epicenter of the design process, we ensure that technology solutions are moulded by user needs, habits, and goals, rather than the other way around. 

  1. Consistency: Uniformity in design—be it in color palettes, typography, or layout—evokes familiarity, making navigation instinctual and seamless.  

  1. Clarity: Simplified language, strategic information organization, and a logical flow enable users to grasp, use, and benefit from technology without unnecessary friction.  

  1. Accessibility: True innovation is inclusive. It’s vital that our designs cater to everyone, irrespective of physical abilities or technological proficiency.  

  1. Feedback Loops: Active user feedback isn’t just a tool for validation; it’s a window into continuous improvement, ensuring that the user remains the focal point of any iterative design process. 

UX Design and Startups 

As an expert UIUX designer at BrightMarbles with a deep understanding of motion design, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of impeccable UX design. Here’s why every startup, especially those in their nascent stages, should prioritize it. 

1. Human-Centric Solutions are Successful Solutions 

Startups often face the challenge of making their innovative solutions user-friendly. A fantastic product that lacks an intuitive user interface is like a book with a gripping story but unreadable font. UX design ensures that your audience not only understands your product but delights in using it. 

2. The Power of Motion Design in UX 

Visuals are not static; they are dynamic, just like the real world. With my background in motion design, I’ve seen how fluid animations and transitions can transform user experiences. A well-thought-out motion design can guide users, provide feedback, and add a layer of polish that makes your product stand out. 

BM Insight: Motion is a universal language that communicates without words. It’s a powerful tool to express thoughts and emotions, filling gaps that words can’t. That’s why motion design revolutionizes UI/UX, making digital interactions feel natural and easy. Explore the many ways motion design enhances UI/UX in our blog – Fluid Magic: How Motion Design Breathes Life into UI/UX Design 

3. Building Trust Through Consistent Experiences 

Consistency isn’t just about keeping the same button colors. It’s about making sure that from the landing page to the checkout, the user feels secure, understood, and catered to. A consistent UX design builds trust, a currency that’s hard to earn but easy to lose. 

4. Early Stage: The Best Time for Good UX Design 

For seed-stage startups, resources are precious. Investing in UX design early on ensures you’re building on a solid foundation, avoiding costly iterations later when scaling. Getting it right from the start is both time-saving and cost-effective. 

BM Insight: Users judge your app or website in seconds. A smooth, easy experience can turn visitors into loyal users, while a bad one can make them leave for good. For startups, every user matters, so investing in UX is key for a strong first impression. Read more about the Importance of User Experience (UX) Design for Early-Stage Startups in Mladen’s blog. 

BrightMarbles & Your UX Journey 

Startups, especially those in their seed stage, are at a pivotal juncture. The technological decisions made now will shape the trajectory of growth. With technology so integral to business models, ensuring that your product or service provides an impeccable user experience can set you distinctly apart from competitors. 

BM Insight: Your product’s user experience is crucial for standing out in a competitive landscape. Having a partner with  wide range of capabilities can help bring your vision to life consistently. Skilled in both design and content strategy they can ensure a seamless blend of visuals and content, elevating the user experience. Discover the 10 crucial insights your Digital Agency Partner should have in Svetlana’s Blog. 

BrightMarbles is more than just a technology partner. We understand the soul of startups. As your potential technology partners, we want to be a part of your journey in crafting an MVP that not only works but delights. 

With expertise spanning UIUX design and motion design, we grasp the nuances of creating tech products that resonate on both functional and emotional levels. As your ally, our mission is to ensure that as you bring your visionary startup ideas to life, your users always find themselves at the heart of the experience. 

BM Insight: Our design team adopts a user-centric approach, balancing aesthetics with simplicity and functionality. With BrightMarbles Group, UI/UX design is more than mere aesthetics; it’s a strategic alignment of design principles with your business goals. Learn how we empower brands through the BrightMarbles Approach.  


Technology evolves rapidly, but its success lies in its ability to enrich human lives. Through UX design, we ensure that the interface of tomorrow is not just technologically advanced but also intrinsically human. As you embark on your startup journey, prioritize user experience, and see the transformative impact it brings. 

Keen to discuss how BrightMarbles can champion your UX goals? Reach out today and let’s co-create technological brilliance. 

About Author

Marko Vladušić is a UI/UX and Motion Graphics Designer, with more than ten years of experience on game-changing projects. He approaches all things visual from a user-experience point of view – be it video animation and editing, interaction design, or any other digital visual art. With his exceptional eye for detail and deep knowledge of latest tech solutions, Marko is a visual playmaker who helps every team see things from a different perspective. 

Content Writer taking notes

Geek Meets Ink: Full-Stack Digital Writers Rewriting the Rules

A full-stack writer? Hold on a second! Isn’t that term reserved for the techies? Well, let’s borrow it for a spin, shall we? 

Once upon a not-so-distant time, writers were the ultimate architects of our literary universe. They wove words into enchanting stories, poignant poems, and captivating articles, all with the singular goal of touching the depths of the human soul. Back then, it was all about the pure art of storytelling, and the digital era we now take for granted was little more than a futuristic fantasy. 

But let’s zoom into the present day, where the scenery has changed dramatically. In today’s rapidly evolving landscape of digital content, writers have undergone a remarkable transformation. They’ve transcended the traditional boundaries of ink and paper and shape-shifted their roles to become full-stack content creators. This new world, governed by algorithms, search engines, and ever-evolving digital trends, has seamlessly merged their creative genius with the forces of technology. 

How Does It Appear on Paper? 

Content Writing - taking notes before writing

The digital age has truly transformed the craft of writing, seamlessly blending diverse writing styles into a unified whole. 

Imagine this: a powerful and striking piece of text jumps out at you from the screen, welcoming you in its distinctive style. But did it bother to grasp your likes and dislikes? Did it succeed in piquing your interest, and if it did, how did it do that? Did it connect with your emotions and present an alluring proposition, almost as if it were right at your fingertips? Did it transport you into the realm of entertainment and amusement, or did it merely convey information in a plain and ordinary way?  

What kinds of written treasures are you expecting to discover? Can you easily distinguish between the diverse flavors of content? 

It’s quite plausible to assume that the world of digital content is a carefully crafted tapestry, woven with one of these captivating goals in mind: 

  • Capturing and mesmerizing your attention. 
  • Persuading you to take that leap and make a purchase. 
  • Unleashing waves of entertainment and delight. 
  • Serving as your trusted guide to new and exciting discoveries. 

In the realm of content creation, there are three distinct schools of thought, each with its own unique approach: 

  • Search Engine Whisperers: These content producers are laser-focused on one goal—securing prime real estate on search engine results pages (SERPs). Their arsenal includes meticulous keyword research, crafting H1/H2/H3 headlines, and building hierarchical content structures. Their mission? To decode what people are typing into search engines and deliver content that search engine crawlers find irresistible. 
  • The Persuasive Wordsmiths or Dull Salespeople: Nestled in the middle, you’ll find the sales and conversion optimization copywriters. They’re the experts in the art of convincing readers to take action, be it making a purchase or subscribing to a newsletter. Their secret weapon is the AIDA formula: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. With compelling headlines and succinct, attention-grabbing copies, they aim to swiftly engage readers and prompt them to take that next step. 
  • The Storytelling Artisans: On the opposite end, we have the storytelling copywriters. Their primary focus? Crafting content that’s not just informative but also engaging and enjoyable. They’re the wordsmiths who spin captivating tales, injecting personality and emotion into their narratives. While they might not lose sleep over search engine rankings or conversion rates, their content is shareable, topical, and rich in opinion. 

So, the million-dollar question: Who’s got it right? 

What Sets SEO, Sales, CRO, Content Marketing, and Copywriting Apart in the Digital Landscape? 

What sets SEO, Sale, CRO, Content Marketing, and Copywriting Apart

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, many find themselves bewildered by the diverse styles of these disciplines. For some, they may appear as nothing more than buzzwords wielded by marketers and writers to peddle their services. 

But there’s more than meets the eye. 

These styles are distinct in their approach, each with its unique way of achieving specific goals. They all strive to answer pivotal questions that drive their respective strategies: 

  • SEO: How can I captivate search engines to discover, index, and elevate this content? 
  • Sales: What words can I weave to persuade and inspire readers to make a purchase? 
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): How do I transform casual readers into active participants, prompting them to call, subscribe, or engage further? 
  • Content Marketing: What kind of content will resonate with my audience, sparking value and encouraging sharing? 
  • Copywriting: How can I craft writing that not only resonates with the audience but also sparks discussions and interactions? 

Now, consider this: What if we could harness the power of all five when weaving our digital narratives? Is it possible that these distinct strategies can coexist harmoniously to create something truly remarkable? 

Decoding the Full-Stack Digital Writer: Bridging Creativity and Technology 

The term ‘full stack’ typically graces developers who master both the front and back ends of complex systems or applications. It’s also done by digital marketers adept at orchestrating omnichannel digital strategies. 

Now, in classic marketing flair, let’s borrow a page (or a term) and apply it to the world of writing: 

Enter the full-stack digital writer: 

       Full-stack writer 

Someone who can handle the full spectrum of digital content, able to consider how their content will be perceived by both algorithms and audience. 

Content Generalist vs. Content Specialist: Who’s the ‘write’ person? 

The age-old question arises: Should we embrace content generalization over specialization? Often, we’re advised to focus on a single niche, honing our expertise across diverse industry sectors. But what if we excel at securing top positions in SERPs, yet stumble when crafting compelling sales copy?  

It’s a thought-provoking perspective. However, venturing too far from one’s mastery in pursuit of content generalization may not always be the wisest choice.  

So, what’s the optimal path for a writer to tread? The age-old adage echoes: “Whatever you do, do it with excellence.”  

In other words, it’s perfectly acceptable to immerse oneself entirely in the realm of conversion copywriting or long-form content creation. What’s evolving, though, is the necessity to embrace a broader perspective when producing content.  

Enter the full-stack digital writer, armed with a versatile skill set and a penchant for considering every conceivable facet of their content: 

  1. Search Engine Savvy: These writers are well-versed in the art of appeasing search engines. They craft their narratives meticulously, weaving in well-researched keywords and seamlessly incorporating SEO best practices. 
  2. Question-Driven: They are on a mission to educate, and that begins with answering the questions that matter. Their content delves deep into inquiries, addressing genuine pain points and providing valuable insights. 
  3. Conversion Maestros: The primary goal? Conversion. These writers are acutely aware that their content should serve a business purpose, whether it’s nudging readers to make a purchase or assisting in the conversion process. 
  4. Engagement Architects: Crafting content that not only captures attention but holds it tightly is their forte. They’re driven by the desire to produce captivating narratives that beckon readers to dive in, comment, and enthusiastically share. 
  5. Distinctive Storytellers: In a world saturated with content, these writers make sure their narratives stand out. They infuse their work with precise terminology, grounded in academic research, and thought-provoking insights that spark curiosity. 
  6. Comprehending the User Journey and Behavioral Patterns:  
    They have a keen grasp of reader psychology, delving deeper than raw data to genuinely understand what motivates and engages their audience. 

Their aspiration? To elicit responses when content is shared on social media, to ensure content is discoverable via search engines, to impart knowledge within each article, and to persuade readers to take that all-important step—conversion. 

Ultimately, the full-stack digital writer believes that their content and copywriting expertise can empower clients to achieve greater business success. It’s about striking a harmonious balance between specialization and adaptability in the ever-evolving digital landscape. They serve as the architects of digital stories, skillfully bridging the gap between technology and creativity to create powerful narratives that resonate with the readers. 

Balancing Act: Writing for Both Machines and Humans 

The eternal debate in the digital content realm lingers on: Who are we writing for—humans or machines? 

The term “SEO content” has become a staple in digital marketing lingo, and it’s for a good reason. We’re well aware that our content needs to cater not only to human eyes but also to the watchful gaze of search engine algorithms. To secure that prized spot in search rankings, we must craft content that’s not lost on the machines. 

But here’s where the story gets interesting. 

Algorithms, led by Google’s sophisticated engine, strive to replicate the choices a real human searcher would make when picking the top result. If Google is trying to mimic human preferences, shouldn’t our primary focus be on human readers? 

It’s a valid perspective. 

Yet, we mustn’t forget that at its core, Google remains a machine. Despite its best efforts to mimic human behavior, it operates within certain predefined limits. 

So, what’s the bottom line? Striking a balance between meeting search engine expectations and captivating human readers is the name of the game.  

What valuable insights can we glean from all this and share with those who write in the digital realm? 

  • Introduce your articles with an engaging story; be more captivating. 
  • Get straight to the core message in your article. 
  • Have a clear keyword strategy in mind: What are you aiming to rank for? 
  • Ensure a compelling call to action. 
  • Simplify your language and employ colloquial expressions. 
  • Embrace an academic tone; reduce the use of buzzwords. 

Crafting Content for Impact: Ranking, Engaging, Converting, and Entertaining 

Why bother striving for keyword rankings if the resulting traffic fails to convert on your website? 

Consider this: some brands exude a playful and carefree aura in their social media content. However, when it comes to content designed for search engine optimization, they adopt a formal and standardized tone. The result? A jarring inconsistency in their brand voice. 

Instead of juggling various voices and tones across platforms and channels, what if we harnessed their collective power? Imagine creating content that not only engages but also organically ranks high in search engines. 

Is such a feat achievable? 

Unlocking the Full Potential of Digital Writing 

Our Content Writer Svetlana Kosic

In today’s digital world, we encounter content in many ways—through newsfeeds, search engines, social media, and newsletters. But there’s one thing we all want: content that combines information and interest seamlessly. 

Good digital writing means finding the right balance. You need to be informative, like a Wikipedia-style writer, but also engaging, like a skilled wordsmith. 

In short, a full-stack digital writer is someone who understands both technology and people. They create content that not only ranks well and keeps readers’ attention but also inspires, educates, and entertains. They bridge the gap between technology and human connection, crafting stories that matter in our ever-changing digital world.  

Certainly, we’ll let the term “full stack” remain in the writers’ toolbox a bit longer, at least until we come up with a more fitting alternative. 

About Author  

Svetlana Kosić is a marketing specialist who holds a master’s degree in media design in education. With extensive experience in the IT industry, particularly in sales and marketing, Svetlana has honed her skills over the years. She has a profound passion for the written word and expresses her creativity through various outlets, including as a columnist. Svetlana is a staunch advocate against injustice and tirelessly works towards the positive change she desires. 

Flutter App Developer

Painting Your Flutter App with ‘ThemeData’ and ‘ColorScheme’ Magic 

We’re all familiar with the default Flutter Counter app. Yet, have you ever taken a moment to ponder the origin of that captivating, iconic blue color of the ‘FloatingActionButton’?  

Surprisingly, it’s a mystery hidden within the code, with no explicit color property to be found.  

Flutter Counter App: Floating Action Button

Moreover, have you ever wondered how to seamlessly integrate a refined color scheme into your own Flutter app?  
If you’re a Flutter enthusiast eager to master the art of app design, you’re about to embark on an enlightening journey.  

Today, we’re delving into the heart of Flutter’s design framework, exploring the finesse of ‘ThemeData’, the role of the indispensable ‘ColorScheme’, and how these components collaborate to craft visually captivating user experiences. 

Setting the Stage: The ‘ThemeData’ Class 

In the world of Flutter app design, ‘ThemeData’ is your guiding light, illuminating your path to crafting a captivating user experience. Beyond the aesthetics, it defines the very essence of your app’s visual identity. 

Colors and Typography: Brushstrokes of Elegance 

Colors form the heartbeat of your design. With ‘ThemeData’, you define your app’s color palette using the ‘ColorScheme’ class, ensuring a harmonious, inviting appearance. Typography, the silent narrator, plays an equally vital role as you create text styles for various components, weaving a narrative of elegance and coherence. 

Themes in Flux: A Dance of Light and Dark 

Flutter’s beauty lies in its adaptability. ‘ThemeData’ transcends static design; it’s dynamic and versatile. The ‘brightness’ property empowers you to effortlessly switch between light and dark themes, catering to diverse user preferences and varying lighting conditions. 

BM Insight: In the dynamic world of mobile app development, it’s vital to recognize that apps are utilized across an extensive array of devices, each with its unique configurations. This underscores the pivotal role of comprehensive and frequent testing. For further insights into mastering mobile development and ensuring your app’s compatibility, you can explore our 7 Essential Tips for Mastering Mobile Development. 

The Backbone of Design: ‘ColorScheme’ 

Meet the unsung hero—the ‘ColorScheme’ class. It forms the bedrock of your ‘ThemeData’, encapsulating primary, secondary, background, surface, and error colors. This foundational gem ensures a harmonious, visually united experience across your app. 

ColorScheme myColorScheme = ColorScheme.light( 

  primary: Color(0xFF6200EA),   secondary: Color(0xFF03DAC6),   background: Color(0xFFFFFFFF),   surface: Color(0xFFFFFFFF),   onPrimary: Color(0xFFFFFFFF),   onSecondary: Color(0xFF000000), 

  // ...other color variants ); 

Striking the Perfect Balance 

For a streamlined design approach that doesn’t require granular control over every aspect, using ‘ColorScheme’ within ‘ThemeData’ is an excellent choice. It provides you with a set of 10 essential colors, such as primary, secondary, background, and more, while also allowing you to add additional colors if needed.  
This strikes a balance between consistency, ease of use, and the flexibility to cater to your app’s specific design requirements. 

Light and Dark Themes in Action 

Themes empower your app to adapt seamlessly to different environments. Here’s a snippet demonstrating how to set both light and dark themes: 

final lightTheme = ThemeData(   brightness: Brightness.light,   primaryColor:, 

  // ...other properties 


final darkTheme = ThemeData(   brightness: Brightness.dark,   primaryColor: Colors.deepPurple, 

  // ...other properties 


void main() {   runApp(     MaterialApp(       theme: lightTheme,       darkTheme: darkTheme,       home: MyApp(), 


  ); } 

Pro Tips for Developers: Effortless Adaptation to Theme Changes in Your App 

When designing custom widgets with unique color schemes, consider utilizing a ‘ThemeData’ extension. By creating getter methods within this extension, you can easily access theme-dependent colors. 

Here’s a concise example: 

extension ThemeDataExt on ThemeData {   bool get isDarkMode => brightness == Brightness.dark; 

  Color get warrningDialogBackground =>       isDarkMode ? : Colors.white; } 

Consider these two approaches when designing a ‘WarningDialog’ widget: 

1. Using Hardcoded Colors: 

WarningDialog(   color: Colors.white,   // Other properties... 

While this approach works, it may pose issues if you later decide to implement dark mode. You would need to update the color manually. 

2. Using ‘ThemeData’ extension Colors: 


  color: warningDialogBackground, 

  // Other properties... 

The second approach is more flexible and maintainable, making it a better choice for long-term development. This approach enhances code organization and readability, making it more straightforward to incorporate theme-based colors into your Flutter widgets. 

By utilizing a theme-dependent color, like ‘warningDialogBackground’, you future-proof your widget for dark mode implementation. It seamlessly adapts to theme changes without requiring manual adjustments. 

Empowering User Experiences with Themes 

In the mesmerizing world of Flutter design, ‘ThemeData’, and the invaluable ‘ColorScheme’ come together to craft an experience that’s both visually captivating and consistently coherent. Themes not only establish a harmonious color palette but also adapt to the user’s environment, providing both light and dark options.  

As you journey through Flutter’s design framework, remember that you’re the conductor of your app’s visual symphony. Whether replicating the allure of the default counter app or forging an innovative path, Flutter’s design elements are your tools, and you’re the artist.  

Let’s create experiences that captivate, inspire, and delight.  
Happy designing! 

About author:  

Marko Krstanovic is a talented software engineer and technical officer with a proven track record of delivering exceptional mobile applications. His expertise spans various programming languages and technologies, including iOS and Flutter, which he has used to create seamless and secure client apps. With over five years of experience, Marko is a true innovator in the tech industry, constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in mobile app development. 

UX design is important for your startups

Importance of User Experience (UX) Design for Early-Stage Startups

Have you ever wondered why some startups skyrocket to success, while others fail to retain even their early adopters? It’s tempting to think that the difference is only the product idea itself. But in my years as a Product Designer, I’ve noticed that, more often than not, the real game-changer is a well-crafted user experience. Stick with me, and I promise you’ll walk away with a deeper appreciation for the role of UX in your startup’s journey, and more importantly, actionable insights on how to harness its potential. 

Why Does UX Matter for Startups? 

  • First Impressions Last: Users take mere seconds to form an opinion about your app or website. A seamless, intuitive experience can mean the difference between a lifelong user and one who bounces, never to return. For early-stage startups, every user counts, and thus, investing in UX ensures you’re making the best first impression. 

BM Insight: As our Chief Experience Officer said, compelling and intuitive design can spell the difference between a fleeting visit and a lasting customer relationship. At BrightMarbles Group, we take this to heart, crafting experiences that are as functional as they are beautiful. Our design team adopts a user-centric approach, balancing aesthetics with simplicity and functionality. Learn how we empower brands through the BrightMarbles Approach.

  • Reduce Development Costs: I’ve seen startups go back to the drawing board, reworking entire sections of their product because users couldn’t understand or navigate them. Quality UX design at the outset can significantly reduce the need for these costly revisions. 
  • Drive Growth Through Referrals: Satisfied users don’t just stick around – they become brand ambassadors. If users love the experience your product offers, they’re more likely to recommend it. Word-of-mouth, fueled by a delightful UX, can be a potent growth driver for startups. 

Common Misconceptions About UX for Startups 

Common Misconceptions About UX for Startups
  • “We Can Focus on UX Later”: Many founders believe that UX is a luxury that can be delayed until after gaining some traction. But remember, to gain and maintain that initial traction, a stellar user experience is paramount. Postponing UX can often mean losing out on the early adopters who can champion your product. 
  • “Any Designer Can Handle UX”: While any designer can make your product look good, not all can craft an experience that feels good. Specialized UX designers have honed skills in understanding user behavior and psychology. Their expertise is crucial. 
  • “UX is Just About Aesthetics”: Far from it. A beautiful interface might attract users, but if they find it confusing or cumbersome, they won’t stick around. UX is about understanding the user’s journey, needs, and pain points and then crafting a holistic experience that addresses them. 

UX Tips for Startups on a Budget 

  • User Testing: This doesn’t have to be costly. Even asking friends or family to use your product and provide feedback can offer invaluable insights. 
  • Use Prototyping Tools: Before diving into development, use tools like Figma to prototype your product. It allows for rapid iterations based on feedback without the high cost of coding changes. 
  • Stay Updated with UX Trends: The world of UX is always evolving. Platforms like Behance or Dribbble can provide inspiration and insights into the latest design trends. 

Wrapping Up 

If there’s one thing I want you to take away from this, it’s that investing in UX is about crafting an experience that resonates with users, turning them from casual browsers into passionate advocates. 

As a startup founder, you have a vision for what your product can achieve. Make sure your users can see that vision as clearly as you do by delivering a user experience that speaks volumes. Because, at the end of the day, a product that’s built for its users is one that’s destined to succeed. 

So, are you ready to prioritize UX in your startup journey? The road to success starts with a single step, or in this case, a single swipe, click, or tap. Let’s make sure it’s a memorable one. 


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by Simon & Garfunkel
23 0 reply 3 days ago
Cras sit amet nibh libero, in gravida nulla. Nulla vel metus scelerisque ante sollicitudin. Cras purus odio, vestibulum in vulputate at, tempus viverra turpis. Fusce condimentum nunc ac nisi vulputate fringilla. Donec lacinia congue felis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugiat a voluptatum voluptatibus ducimus mollitia hic quos, ad enim odit dolor architecto tempore, dolores libero perspiciatis, sapiente officia non incidunt doloremque?
by Simon & Garfunkel
23 0 reply 3 days ago
Cras sit amet nibh libero, in gravida nulla. Nulla vel metus scelerisque ante sollicitudin. Cras purus odio, vestibulum in vulputate at, tempus viverra turpis. Fusce condimentum nunc ac nisi vulputate fringilla. Donec lacinia congue felis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugiat a voluptatum voluptatibus ducimus mollitia hic quos, ad enim odit dolor architecto tempore, dolores libero perspiciatis, sapiente officia non incidunt doloremque?
by Simon & Garfunkel
23 0 reply 3 days ago
Cras sit amet nibh libero, in gravida nulla. Nulla vel metus scelerisque ante sollicitudin. Cras purus odio, vestibulum in vulputate at, tempus viverra turpis. Fusce condimentum nunc ac nisi vulputate fringilla. Donec lacinia congue felis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugiat a voluptatum voluptatibus ducimus mollitia hic quos, ad enim odit dolor architecto tempore, dolores libero perspiciatis, sapiente officia non incidunt doloremque?
by Simon & Garfunkel
23 0 reply 3 days ago
Cras sit amet nibh libero, in gravida nulla. Nulla vel metus scelerisque ante sollicitudin. Cras purus odio, vestibulum in vulputate at, tempus viverra turpis. Fusce condimentum nunc ac nisi vulputate fringilla. Donec lacinia congue felis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugiat a voluptatum voluptatibus ducimus mollitia hic quos, ad enim odit dolor architecto tempore, dolores libero perspiciatis, sapiente officia non incidunt doloremque?