
Crafting a Project Brief That Can’t Fail: Want to Know How?

Creating an unbreakable project brief is crucial for the success of any project, big or small. This document serves as the roadmap guiding your project from an idea to reality. Here’s a simple introduction to what a project brief is and why it’s so important. 

A project brief is essentially the backbone of your project. It’s not just a formality; it’s the tool that ensures everyone involved understands the project’s goals and their roles. It’s a common misconception that project briefs are only crucial for large-scale or fully fleshed-out projects. In reality, even the smallest project or an idea in its infancy stage can significantly benefit from a well-structured brief. So, whether you’re developing a brand-new digital product or adding features to an existing one, your project begins with this brief. 

People  in front of a idea board, jotting down ideas for a project brief

You might wonder, ‘What exactly goes into a great project brief?’. Well, it’s more than just jotting down ideas. It’s about clearly defining your project’s purpose, objectives, and the path you plan to take. This clarity is what transforms a good project into a great one. 

For those new to the realm of project management, the concept of a project brief might seem a bit daunting. But don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it seems. With the right approach, you can craft a brief that sets your project up for success. 

In short, a project brief is your first step towards turning your vision into reality. It’s the document that aligns your team, clarifies your objectives, and sets the tone for your project. So, let’s get started on creating a project brief that makes a lasting impact. 

What is a project brief?  

Consider a project brief as a mini-guide for your project. It’s not super detailed like a full plan, but it’s super useful. It tells everyone – your team, clients, and stakeholders – what the project’s all about and what you’re aiming to do. Think of it as a handy overview of your goals, what you’re planning to deliver, when, and how. 

This brief is a big deal because it gets everyone on the same page right from the start. For clients, a well-structured brief offers clarity and direction, ensuring that their vision and objectives are accurately conveyed and understood. It’s the first step in transforming an abstract idea into a tangible project, showing where you’re headed and how you plan to get there. 

Moreover, the project brief serves as a critical tool for internal team alignment before engaging with external partners. By ensuring your team’s vision and goals are unified, it streamlines communication and collaboration with design and development partners. This internal consensus sets a strong foundation for a successful and cohesive external partnership, making the project brief an essential step for effective project initiation. 

On the service provider side, the project brief gives us the basics so we can start talking about what needs to be done, figure out potential risks, and work out the finer details like costs and who’s free to work on what. This understanding leads to a more streamlined development process, where we can focus our efforts on meeting your specific needs, reducing the risk of miscommunication and project delays. 

Ultimately, a well-structured project brief benefits everyone. It’s a bridge between your vision and our execution. It’s a collaborative tool that aligns our efforts with your goals, ensuring that we’re not just working for you, but working with you towards a common objective. To put it briefly, it helps you give us the info we need, which lets us support you better. Putting in the effort to make a good brief pays off for everyone involved. 

Here’s how a project brief benefits you: 

  • Encourages deliberate focus on objectives. 
  • Confirms essential details for the project. 
  • Reduces time spent on explaining project details. 
  • Minimizes misunderstandings between team members. 
  • Speeds up the transition from initial discussions to decision-making. 

Additionally, here’s how it assists us: 

  • Provides a clear understanding of the project’s basics. 
  • Serves as a starting point for valuable discussions. 
  • Aids in planning the workshop and minimizing project risks. 
  • Helps verify team availability. 
  • Allows for more precise and prompt project estimates. 

This approach demonstrates its benefits for all parties involved. A solid project brief doesn’t just help the team know what to do; it also lets us, your digital buddies, give you the best help possible. In the end, it’s a win-win for everyone. 

Guidelines for Writing an Effective Project Brief 

With a rich history spanning over 7 years in digital development, our team at BrightMarbles Group has encountered and crafted an extensive variety of project briefs. From start-ups breathing life into their first concept to established enterprises revamping complex systems, we’ve tailored our approach to suit every unique need. Each project brief we’ve dealt with has been as diverse as the clients we serve, ranging from simple outlines to intricate plans. This variety has honed our ability to distill even the most complex ideas into clear, actionable project briefs. It’s this seasoned perspective that enables us to guide our clients effectively, turning even the most nascent ideas into well-defined, successful projects. 

To create an effective project brief, answer five key questions: what you’re creating, why, for whom, by when, and your budget. Describe the project (e.g., app, website), its purpose, and identify the target audience. Set a clear timeline and be transparent about your budget to focus on essential, cost-effective solutions. This brief guides every aspect of the project, ensuring alignment with its objectives. 

Thus, to create a project brief that is both useful and comprehensive, just remember these key points and you’ll be well on your way: 

  • Project Overview: Begin with a comprehensive overview. This section should capture the essence of your project, clearly defining what you are planning to develop and the reasons behind it. Whether it’s a new digital service, an app, or an innovative platform, detail your vision. Include any background work, such as research, initial ideas, or relevant links, to provide a complete picture. 
  • Business Goals and Objectives: Clearly articulate your project’s goals. What are you aiming to achieve? This could range from increasing market share to improving customer engagement or introducing a new product line. Setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) objectives provides a clear direction and measurable targets. 
  • Scope and Technical Requirements: Detail the project’s scope, including the desired features and technical specifications. Are there specific platforms or technologies you want to focus on? Understanding the scope helps in aligning technical resources and setting realistic expectations. 
  • Target Audience: Deeply understand your target audience. Who are they, and what are their needs and preferences? This information is crucial for tailoring your project to meet their expectations and ensuring its relevance and success. 
  • Timeline and Milestones: Define a realistic timeline for your project, including key milestones. Consider any external factors that could influence the timeline, such as market trends or seasonal demands. A well-planned timeline helps in tracking progress and ensures timely delivery. 
  • Design and Brand Guidelines: Define the visual and brand identity standards for the project. This should include specific color palettes, typography, logo usage, and other visual elements that align with your company’s branding. Additionally, outline the principles of design that the project will adhere to, ensuring a consistent and appealing user experience that resonates with your target audience. 
  • Budget and Resources: Be transparent about your budget constraints and resource availability. This clarity aids in making informed decisions about project scope and ensures that the project remains financially viable. 
  • Stakeholder and Team Alignment: The project brief should align with the interests and expectations of all stakeholders and team members. This alignment is key to ensuring everyone is working towards the same goals and understands their roles and responsibilities. 
  • Additional Elements: Depending on your project’s nature, consider including other relevant elements. These might include market research, competitive analysis, design materials like wireframes or mockups, potential challenges or risks, and specific requirements for communication and collaboration. 

The project brief is not a final verdict but a starting point. It allows service providers to bring their creative and technical insights to the table, adding value to the client’s initial concept. 

People sitting in front of a laptop and discussing their projects

What You Can Leave Out of a Project Brief 

When you look at the comprehensive list of what to include in a project brief, you might think that more is always better. But that’s not necessarily true. While it’s crucial to be thorough, overloading the brief with too much information can lead to confusion and inefficiency. 

Here are some things that you should consider leaving out of your project brief: 

  • Avoid Overloading Information: Don’t feel compelled to include every piece of information you have. Too much detail, especially if not directly relevant to the project, can clutter the brief and lead to misunderstandings. 
  • Irrelevant Product Details: If your company has a wide range of products, only mention those that are relevant to the current project. This helps to keep the focus and prevent any confusion. 
  • Patents and Intellectual Property: Detailed discussions about patents and intellectual property rights are not necessary in the initial brief. Trust that these aspects are being handled appropriately without needing to include them in the brief. 
  • Legal Document Summarization: Instead of adding extensive legal documentation, briefly outline any critical legal considerations or requirements. This approach keeps the brief focused and actionable. 
  • Team Information: While contact information is essential, you don’t need to include extensive biographies of team members. A simple link to LinkedIn profiles or a brief introduction is usually sufficient. 
  • Selective Marketing Material: Include marketing materials only if they are directly relevant to the project, particularly in terms of branding or user experience. 
  • Discretion with Fundraising Details: Details about fundraising efforts are optional. A general overview of the budget or funding situation is usually enough. 

Keep in mind, the primary goal of a project brief is to offer clear, concise, and relevant information that guides the project. Overloading it with unnecessary details can hinder rather than help, consuming time and resources that could be better spent on the actual project work. Keep it focused, relevant, and to the point for the best results. 

Unpacked the Project Brief – What’s Next in Business? 

We’ve just journeyed through the ins and outs of a project brief. Now, you understand its nuts and bolts, know what to do and what not to do, and have a good idea of what it takes to create an outstanding brief. But let’s delve deeper than just the how-to’s. Grasping the essence of a project brief is like discovering the secret ingredient in a masterful recipe – it’s the difference between something good and something exceptional. 

A project brief is more than just a document; it’s a conversation starter, a roadmap, and a vision-aligning tool. It’s like a magic wand that turns your ideas and goals into a clear, actionable plan. By meticulously organizing your thoughts and expectations in a well-crafted brief, you’re setting the stage for successful collaboration. 

Think of your project brief as a guiding light, steering your design and development team through the maze of creativity and potential. It’s your story, mission, and aspirations, distilled into a concise guide. Handing over this document is like saying, ‘Here’s my vision, let’s bring it to life.’ 

So, as you begin to draft your project brief, remember it’s more than just a checklist or a formality. It’s the opening chapter of your project’s success story, laying the groundwork where ideas take shape, and dreams come to life. Let’s start this journey together. Reach out to us – let’s turn your vision into an amazing reality. 😊 

About Author   

Svetlana Kosić is a marketing specialist who holds a master’s degree in media design in education. With extensive experience in the IT industry, particularly in sales and marketing, Svetlana has honed her skills over the years. She has a profound passion for the written word and expresses her creativity through various outlets, including as a columnist. Svetlana is a staunch advocate against injustice and tirelessly works towards the positive change she desires. 

Software development company discussing bespoke software solutions for client

Beyond the Quote: The Realities of App Development Pricing

You walk into a restaurant, settle into your seat, and eagerly scan the menu. Your stomach growls with hunger, but there’s one thing you’re desperately searching for – the price of that specialty dish you’ve been hearing about. Yet, much to your chagrin, there’s no number next to it. You can’t just glance at the menu and instantly know what it’ll cost. Frustrating, isn’t it? 

In the market for a custom digital product, you often encounter this situation: maybe a tailor-made website, a bespoke software application, or a unique mobile app that will set your business apart. You’re itching to know how much it’ll set you back, but alas, there’s no “Add to Cart” button with a fixed price tag. No instant gratification in sight. 
So, why does it feel like pulling teeth to get a quick and straightforward answer to the question, “How much will it cost?” Why can’t the price of a custom digital product be as simple as an email or a phone call? In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intricacies of pricing custom digital solutions and uncover why it takes more than just a casual inquiry or a glance at a menu to arrive at that all-important number. Just like it takes two to tango, it takes a thoughtful discussion, an exploration of your wants and needs, and a deep dive into the specifics before the curtain lifts on the final price tag. So, let’s unravel the mystery and understand why custom digital product pricing is an art, not a snap decision. 

Darko Kovac working on a project - CTO of BrightMarbles Group Holdng

Why Can’t You Just Snap Your Fingers for the Price of a Custom Digital Product? 

Many potential clients wonder about the app-building cost right from the start. It’s a common question in the digital world, where budgets are significant. But pricing digital projects doesn’t work like traditional models. Answering isn’t one-size-fits-all; it depends on your specific, custom-built solution. While off-the-shelf options exist, we encourage exploring a tailored path to align your product with your vision. 

When partnering with a digital agency for application development, it’s a unique journey to craft a product tailored to your business needs. You may not know the exact “something” at the start, but that’s the nature of the digital frontier. It’s a puzzle we’ll solve together. Each project is unique, akin to a fingerprint, making cost estimation more complex than reading a price tag. We’ll delve into the factors influencing your project’s cost and why a fixed price doesn’t fit. 

The Enigma of Unfinished Visions 

From idea to product - bespoken software solutions

If you bring us your brilliant idea, we’ll need to go through a process to turn that idea into an actual plan and then start building the app. We can give you a more accurate cost estimate when we have a clear idea of what we’re creating. However, even then, it’s not super precise because app development costs aren’t fixed. The cost of building an app depends on how far along your project is. The more progress we’ve made, the better our estimate will be. Also, the cost of creating an app varies depending on when you come to us.  

While every project is unique, we’ve simplified the design and development process into five stages: 

Stage 1: Your Idea 

At this initial stage, your concept may be as simple as a scribble on a napkin or solely a thought in your mind, a gem in its raw, formless state. It’s undoubtedly valuable but estimating costs accurately can be challenging. We may not be able to provide a precise answer to the question of cost. However, we can determine the cost of a discovery workshop, where both parties collaborate to chart the path forward. 

Stage 2: Product Brief 

After dedicating time to your idea, perhaps working closely with your in-house tech team, you’ve amassed a document brimming with remarkable features. Now, you’re on the lookout for the right partner to breathe life into it. At this stage, estimating costs can be a bit like aiming at a moving target. We value your project description, but it’s likely that a discovery workshop will be needed to precisely define your requirements. It’s akin to having a vision of constructing a structure but not knowing whether it will be a quaint cottage or a towering skyscraper. While the workshop cost is clear, the overall project cost remains a bit uncertain.  

Stage 3: Technical Specification 

You’ve completed the discovery stage with a different partner and now have a roadmap for your future product. However, the design is yet to take shape. Estimating costs here is moderately accurate. You won’t need a workshop at this point, but wireframing and design are essential. Based on your specifications, we can provide a fairly accurate estimate for the design part. Yet, the development cost remains a bit of a mystery. 

Stage 4: Wireframes 

You’re now at the halfway point of your journey. Your idea has a defined shape, but the design is incomplete, and you still need someone to make it real. At this stage, estimating costs is quite accurate. Armed with wireframes, we can confidently estimate both development and design expenses. 

Stage 5: Final Screens 

This is the final stretch, where you only need someone to turn your vision into reality. At this point, cost estimation accuracy is very high. You need development, and we can provide an accurate quote for the cost. 

When you embark on the journey of creating a custom product tailored to your business needs, this is the path you follow. Each phase builds upon the results of the previous one, and the next steps become clear as you progress. 

Think of it like unlocking achievements in a game; one stage leads to the next. For a high-quality product, there’s no bypassing this process. If you encounter an agency that makes grand promises early on and claims to provide an exact price for the entire project, our sincere advice is this – be cautious. The initial cost might surge due to unforeseen developments, or you could end up with an incomplete solution that doesn’t meet market demands or user requirements. The money you thought you saved could, in reality, go to waste.  

Paying for Expertise, Not Just the Product 

Software engineering experts developing the final product at BrightMarbles

When it comes to application development, or any digital product creation, it’s not a solo performance; it’s a grand symphony. This process often requires a diverse, multidisciplinary team. First, you bring in strategists to ensure your product aligns perfectly with your business goals. Perhaps you’ll need system architects to lay out the intricate technical blueprint. Then, you enlist designers, developers with specialized skills, tech experts, and quality assurance engineers to ensure the final product is both efficient and bug-free. The scope of your project might determine which of these experts you need, but the chances are you’ll require several individuals, each equipped with the precise skills for the job. 

Here’s the revelation: when you invest in a digital product, you’re not just investing in the product itself; you’re also investing in the wealth of knowledge and experience this team brings to the table. They’re not just our team; they have become your team too.  

Your Team, Your Success: Navigating Application Development 

We provide a range of collaboration options tailored to your project’s unique needs, but the one that offers the most value is the dedicated team. This dream team consists of all the experts required for your project, and they typically focus exclusively on your project for as long as their expertise is necessary. 

BrightMarbles fosters a collaborative style that provides you your own in-house team.

In essence, it’s like an extension of your in-house team. We fill in the skill gaps, and together, we work as a cohesive unit with a single goal. This collaborative style produces the best results because the entire team is fully committed to the project for the long term. They often work closely, sharing ideas and experiences. As part of our commitment to transparency, you have complete control over the team, including its size and structure. You have access to the team’s budget and expenses at all times, allowing you to make necessary adjustments. It’s a partnership built on trust and cooperation, ensuring your project reaches its full potential. 

It’s About Goals and Business Outcomes, Not Just Features 

Setting out to create a digital product involves more than simply assembling a set of features. It’s about crafting a purposeful creation that serves your business and adds value to your customers. Achieving this level of excellence requires more than a mere list of features; it demands a journey of discovery. 

To truly understand your target audience, your users’ desires and needs, the competitive landscape, and market dynamics, we often begin projects with discovery workshops. Working with our product strategists, you shape the vision of your future product long before we start actual application development. This approach ensures that you don’t end up building something nobody wants, thus avoiding the waste of valuable resources. 

The Agility Advantage 

In our domain, we follow the cadence of agile software development methodologies. This isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a set of values, principles, and practices that champion flexibility, collaboration, and iterative progress. This approach allows our teams to adapt to evolving requirements, minimize risks, and deliver top-quality products. Choosing the path of agility isn’t merely a choice; it’s a strategic decision that significantly improves your product’s chances of success.  

However, there’s a simple trade-off. When we go agile, we can’t give you a fixed product price. Why? Because, in the agile world, the product keeps evolving. The whole idea is to be flexible and adapt to user feedback, unexpected events, or competition. The cost of creating an app doesn’t fit perfectly with this agile approach. As mentioned before, if you tie the project’s scope to a set budget, it can restrict your ability to respond to changes and potentially impact the project’s success. 

Why Is Changing Your View on Costs Crucial? 

To manage project expenses efficiently, let’s shift our viewpoint. With our years of experience working with clients, we propose a new way to look at the pricing question. Instead of obsessing over its size, let’s focus on optimizing its capacity. Instead of inquiring about the necessary size of the container to hold a specific amount of content, let’s fill it to its maximum potential. 

When clients openly share their budget, it becomes much easier for us to find a solution that provides the most value within that budget. It might not result in a comprehensive product that requires months of development and goes through all the stages we discussed earlier, but it can serve as a foundation for future growth. 

Take, for example, the option of prototypes. They offer a budget-friendly choice, especially if you’re still in the process of securing full project funding and need to attract investors. After a strategy workshop, our designers create clickable prototypes, providing an interactive model of your future app. Many investors are familiar with this concept, and having a prototype can give them confidence in investing in a product that has yet to be fully developed.  

No Need to Focus on the Budget 

Choosing the right partner for your digital transformation is a significant decision. While you might not always know the total cost of a month-long project, you should be confident that you’ll get an exceptional product in the end. 

Why should you trust us? 

Established Procedures: We’ve been in the industry long enough to have worked on diverse projects for various clients. During this time, we’ve honed our processes to reduce errors and prioritize the most critical tasks. Our goal is to save you time and money, and perhaps even inspire you to optimize your own procedures. 

Streamlined Communication: Transparency is a core principle for us. We have robust communication systems in place for all our projects. Clear communication is vital as it streamlines workflows, prevents delays, and avoids conflicts. It ultimately saves you money. 

Sufficiently Equipped to Deliver: As a company with a diverse skill set, we are capable of managing projects of various sizes. Our well-structured planning and scheduling system enable us to customize a team to suit your needs and guarantee its availability throughout the project’s duration. 

Cross-Team Collaboration: Since we cover every stage of the digital product development process, we can easily facilitate collaboration across different teams. This improves efficiency and saves both time and money. For example, when quality assurance engineers work alongside developers from the project’s early stages, they can spot and address quality issues before they reach the production phase, eliminating the need for costly fixes later. 

Security and Trust: Adding an extra layer of assurance, we offer a risk-free two-week trial that demonstrates our confidence in delivering value. If you’re not satisfied, there are no charges. With us, you have full control over your spending, allowing you to move forward with confidence. 

BrightMarbles cross colaboration team at the office

At the End 

We understand that custom digital products can come with a substantial price tag. Moreover, providing an exact answer to the common question about price right from the start can be quite a challenge, like predicting the unpredictable. We hope that the reasons we’ve outlined shed light on the elusive nature of this concept and provide you with a deeper understanding of the entire development journey, from inception to completion. 

The digital realm is constantly evolving. To stay current, it’s crucial to remain adaptable and discard outdated project approaches that don’t fit the ever-changing landscape. It’s entirely conceivable that we may need to alter our direction during the journey, and that’s not only acceptable but often the most effective way to ensure that our deliverables genuinely enhance your business. 

We’ve discussed how cost estimation evolves as the project progresses. If you’re interested in sharing the stage your project is currently at, it won’t cost you a thing. Just set up a call, and let’s discuss how we can provide you with valuable solutions – Let’s Talk About Your Vision | Contact us | BrightMarbles 

About Author  

Svetlana Kosić is a marketing specialist who holds a master’s degree in media design in education. With extensive experience in the IT industry, particularly in sales and marketing, Svetlana has honed her skills over the years. She has a profound passion for the written word and expresses her creativity through various outlets, including as a columnist. Svetlana is a staunch advocate against injustice and tirelessly works towards the positive change she desires. 

Content Writer taking notes

Geek Meets Ink: Full-Stack Digital Writers Rewriting the Rules

A full-stack writer? Hold on a second! Isn’t that term reserved for the techies? Well, let’s borrow it for a spin, shall we? 

Once upon a not-so-distant time, writers were the ultimate architects of our literary universe. They wove words into enchanting stories, poignant poems, and captivating articles, all with the singular goal of touching the depths of the human soul. Back then, it was all about the pure art of storytelling, and the digital era we now take for granted was little more than a futuristic fantasy. 

But let’s zoom into the present day, where the scenery has changed dramatically. In today’s rapidly evolving landscape of digital content, writers have undergone a remarkable transformation. They’ve transcended the traditional boundaries of ink and paper and shape-shifted their roles to become full-stack content creators. This new world, governed by algorithms, search engines, and ever-evolving digital trends, has seamlessly merged their creative genius with the forces of technology. 

How Does It Appear on Paper? 

Content Writing - taking notes before writing

The digital age has truly transformed the craft of writing, seamlessly blending diverse writing styles into a unified whole. 

Imagine this: a powerful and striking piece of text jumps out at you from the screen, welcoming you in its distinctive style. But did it bother to grasp your likes and dislikes? Did it succeed in piquing your interest, and if it did, how did it do that? Did it connect with your emotions and present an alluring proposition, almost as if it were right at your fingertips? Did it transport you into the realm of entertainment and amusement, or did it merely convey information in a plain and ordinary way?  

What kinds of written treasures are you expecting to discover? Can you easily distinguish between the diverse flavors of content? 

It’s quite plausible to assume that the world of digital content is a carefully crafted tapestry, woven with one of these captivating goals in mind: 

  • Capturing and mesmerizing your attention. 
  • Persuading you to take that leap and make a purchase. 
  • Unleashing waves of entertainment and delight. 
  • Serving as your trusted guide to new and exciting discoveries. 

In the realm of content creation, there are three distinct schools of thought, each with its own unique approach: 

  • Search Engine Whisperers: These content producers are laser-focused on one goal—securing prime real estate on search engine results pages (SERPs). Their arsenal includes meticulous keyword research, crafting H1/H2/H3 headlines, and building hierarchical content structures. Their mission? To decode what people are typing into search engines and deliver content that search engine crawlers find irresistible. 
  • The Persuasive Wordsmiths or Dull Salespeople: Nestled in the middle, you’ll find the sales and conversion optimization copywriters. They’re the experts in the art of convincing readers to take action, be it making a purchase or subscribing to a newsletter. Their secret weapon is the AIDA formula: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. With compelling headlines and succinct, attention-grabbing copies, they aim to swiftly engage readers and prompt them to take that next step. 
  • The Storytelling Artisans: On the opposite end, we have the storytelling copywriters. Their primary focus? Crafting content that’s not just informative but also engaging and enjoyable. They’re the wordsmiths who spin captivating tales, injecting personality and emotion into their narratives. While they might not lose sleep over search engine rankings or conversion rates, their content is shareable, topical, and rich in opinion. 

So, the million-dollar question: Who’s got it right? 

What Sets SEO, Sales, CRO, Content Marketing, and Copywriting Apart in the Digital Landscape? 

What sets SEO, Sale, CRO, Content Marketing, and Copywriting Apart

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, many find themselves bewildered by the diverse styles of these disciplines. For some, they may appear as nothing more than buzzwords wielded by marketers and writers to peddle their services. 

But there’s more than meets the eye. 

These styles are distinct in their approach, each with its unique way of achieving specific goals. They all strive to answer pivotal questions that drive their respective strategies: 

  • SEO: How can I captivate search engines to discover, index, and elevate this content? 
  • Sales: What words can I weave to persuade and inspire readers to make a purchase? 
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): How do I transform casual readers into active participants, prompting them to call, subscribe, or engage further? 
  • Content Marketing: What kind of content will resonate with my audience, sparking value and encouraging sharing? 
  • Copywriting: How can I craft writing that not only resonates with the audience but also sparks discussions and interactions? 

Now, consider this: What if we could harness the power of all five when weaving our digital narratives? Is it possible that these distinct strategies can coexist harmoniously to create something truly remarkable? 

Decoding the Full-Stack Digital Writer: Bridging Creativity and Technology 

The term ‘full stack’ typically graces developers who master both the front and back ends of complex systems or applications. It’s also done by digital marketers adept at orchestrating omnichannel digital strategies. 

Now, in classic marketing flair, let’s borrow a page (or a term) and apply it to the world of writing: 

Enter the full-stack digital writer: 

       Full-stack writer 

Someone who can handle the full spectrum of digital content, able to consider how their content will be perceived by both algorithms and audience. 

Content Generalist vs. Content Specialist: Who’s the ‘write’ person? 

The age-old question arises: Should we embrace content generalization over specialization? Often, we’re advised to focus on a single niche, honing our expertise across diverse industry sectors. But what if we excel at securing top positions in SERPs, yet stumble when crafting compelling sales copy?  

It’s a thought-provoking perspective. However, venturing too far from one’s mastery in pursuit of content generalization may not always be the wisest choice.  

So, what’s the optimal path for a writer to tread? The age-old adage echoes: “Whatever you do, do it with excellence.”  

In other words, it’s perfectly acceptable to immerse oneself entirely in the realm of conversion copywriting or long-form content creation. What’s evolving, though, is the necessity to embrace a broader perspective when producing content.  

Enter the full-stack digital writer, armed with a versatile skill set and a penchant for considering every conceivable facet of their content: 

  1. Search Engine Savvy: These writers are well-versed in the art of appeasing search engines. They craft their narratives meticulously, weaving in well-researched keywords and seamlessly incorporating SEO best practices. 
  2. Question-Driven: They are on a mission to educate, and that begins with answering the questions that matter. Their content delves deep into inquiries, addressing genuine pain points and providing valuable insights. 
  3. Conversion Maestros: The primary goal? Conversion. These writers are acutely aware that their content should serve a business purpose, whether it’s nudging readers to make a purchase or assisting in the conversion process. 
  4. Engagement Architects: Crafting content that not only captures attention but holds it tightly is their forte. They’re driven by the desire to produce captivating narratives that beckon readers to dive in, comment, and enthusiastically share. 
  5. Distinctive Storytellers: In a world saturated with content, these writers make sure their narratives stand out. They infuse their work with precise terminology, grounded in academic research, and thought-provoking insights that spark curiosity. 
  6. Comprehending the User Journey and Behavioral Patterns:  
    They have a keen grasp of reader psychology, delving deeper than raw data to genuinely understand what motivates and engages their audience. 

Their aspiration? To elicit responses when content is shared on social media, to ensure content is discoverable via search engines, to impart knowledge within each article, and to persuade readers to take that all-important step—conversion. 

Ultimately, the full-stack digital writer believes that their content and copywriting expertise can empower clients to achieve greater business success. It’s about striking a harmonious balance between specialization and adaptability in the ever-evolving digital landscape. They serve as the architects of digital stories, skillfully bridging the gap between technology and creativity to create powerful narratives that resonate with the readers. 

Balancing Act: Writing for Both Machines and Humans 

The eternal debate in the digital content realm lingers on: Who are we writing for—humans or machines? 

The term “SEO content” has become a staple in digital marketing lingo, and it’s for a good reason. We’re well aware that our content needs to cater not only to human eyes but also to the watchful gaze of search engine algorithms. To secure that prized spot in search rankings, we must craft content that’s not lost on the machines. 

But here’s where the story gets interesting. 

Algorithms, led by Google’s sophisticated engine, strive to replicate the choices a real human searcher would make when picking the top result. If Google is trying to mimic human preferences, shouldn’t our primary focus be on human readers? 

It’s a valid perspective. 

Yet, we mustn’t forget that at its core, Google remains a machine. Despite its best efforts to mimic human behavior, it operates within certain predefined limits. 

So, what’s the bottom line? Striking a balance between meeting search engine expectations and captivating human readers is the name of the game.  

What valuable insights can we glean from all this and share with those who write in the digital realm? 

  • Introduce your articles with an engaging story; be more captivating. 
  • Get straight to the core message in your article. 
  • Have a clear keyword strategy in mind: What are you aiming to rank for? 
  • Ensure a compelling call to action. 
  • Simplify your language and employ colloquial expressions. 
  • Embrace an academic tone; reduce the use of buzzwords. 

Crafting Content for Impact: Ranking, Engaging, Converting, and Entertaining 

Why bother striving for keyword rankings if the resulting traffic fails to convert on your website? 

Consider this: some brands exude a playful and carefree aura in their social media content. However, when it comes to content designed for search engine optimization, they adopt a formal and standardized tone. The result? A jarring inconsistency in their brand voice. 

Instead of juggling various voices and tones across platforms and channels, what if we harnessed their collective power? Imagine creating content that not only engages but also organically ranks high in search engines. 

Is such a feat achievable? 

Unlocking the Full Potential of Digital Writing 

Our Content Writer Svetlana Kosic

In today’s digital world, we encounter content in many ways—through newsfeeds, search engines, social media, and newsletters. But there’s one thing we all want: content that combines information and interest seamlessly. 

Good digital writing means finding the right balance. You need to be informative, like a Wikipedia-style writer, but also engaging, like a skilled wordsmith. 

In short, a full-stack digital writer is someone who understands both technology and people. They create content that not only ranks well and keeps readers’ attention but also inspires, educates, and entertains. They bridge the gap between technology and human connection, crafting stories that matter in our ever-changing digital world.  

Certainly, we’ll let the term “full stack” remain in the writers’ toolbox a bit longer, at least until we come up with a more fitting alternative. 

About Author  

Svetlana Kosić is a marketing specialist who holds a master’s degree in media design in education. With extensive experience in the IT industry, particularly in sales and marketing, Svetlana has honed her skills over the years. She has a profound passion for the written word and expresses her creativity through various outlets, including as a columnist. Svetlana is a staunch advocate against injustice and tirelessly works towards the positive change she desires. 

Before Swiping Right: 10 Key Insights About Your New Digital Agency

Discovering the ideal digital agency for your business partnership is like uncovering a hidden gem. Picture this process as online dating – you’re on the hunt for that ideal match that resonates with your aspirations and comprehends your vision. In the current era of rapid technological advancement, your agency selection can profoundly shape the trajectory of your digital venture. It’s not just a partnership; it’s a strategic alliance that can either make your project succeed or miss out on its full potential. 

Why does this choice matter so much? Well, think about it – the agency you select will be by your side for a substantial stretch of time. Whether you’re launching a groundbreaking app, revolutionizing an industry, or reshaping your digital presence, you need a partner that’s as invested in your success as you are. This isn’t just a transaction; it’s a relationship built on trust, expertise, and a shared vision. 

At BrightMarbles Group Holding, we understand this dynamic perfectly.  

We’re not just about delivering projects; we’re about shaping outcomes. We’re not merely ticking boxes; we’re crafting success stories.  

Don’t worry, we won’t overwhelm you with technical talk. We’re here to share the 10 important things to consider when choosing a digital product development agency. Finding the right match is unique, but one thing is clear: you need to know what you want.  

1. Is Swiping Right on Tech Skills More Important than Industry Thrills? 

Industry-specific agencies are valuable in the digital partnership world, but technical expertise is the true gem. While understanding the industry helps, mastering technology opens innovative possibilities. Unlike industries, technology spans various sectors, providing flexibility and fresh solutions. Embracing technical skills allows you to navigate changing landscapes and use a versatile toolkit for dynamic solutions that endure industry changes. 

Being committed to staying updated on emerging technology ensures your project is future-ready, adaptable to industry shifts. Mastering technology gives you the advantage of choice, aligning your solution with your project’s needs and goals, fostering innovation and adaptability across different industries. 

Imagine having a guide who knows one type of terrain really well but is clueless about navigating other landscapes versus having a versatile guide with a deep understanding of navigation principles and the ability to adapt to various terrains. In the digital world, prioritizing technical expertise over industry specialization equips you with a guide who can navigate any digital terrain, ensuring your success regardless of industry changes.  

2. Building a Relationship That Lasts: Navigating with the Right Cooperation Models 

Imagine you’re planning a cross-country road trip with your friends. Your destination is clear, but the path is filled with unexpected adventures. To handle all terrains, you pick an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) – the best choice for an unpredictable journey. 

Now, let’s use this journey to illustrate different cooperation models: 

  • Dedicated Product Development Teams. Think of this as having a dedicated team of experts in the ATV with you. They’re committed to your journey, knowing every detail about the vehicle. When faced with unforeseen obstacles or new routes, this team adapts on-the-fly, ensuring a smooth ride. 
  • Team Augmentation. Envision this as the ability to call upon specialists based on the terrain you’re approaching. Nearing a river? A river-crossing expert joins you. Heading into dense woods? A forest navigation professional is at your side. These individuals blend into your main team only when their specific skills are required, ensuring you’re always equipped for the challenges ahead. 

Now, how you finance and resource these ventures brings us to our pricing models: 

  • Time & Materials (T&M). Consider this as operating on a flexible budget. Depending on the challenges you face and the expertise you require on-the-go, you invest accordingly. It’s about fluidity and being able to adjust based on real-time requirements. 
  • Fixed Price. This is akin to setting a predefined budget for the entire journey. You’ve assessed the route, anticipated the challenges, and allocated resources accordingly. It offers predictability and ensures you stick to your outlined plan. 

In a nutshell, our cooperation models like the dedicated team or team augmentation determine ‘who’ is on this journey with you and ‘how’. Meanwhile, pricing models like T&M or Fixed Price decide ‘how much’ you’re investing, either with flexibility or a predefined structure. 

At BrightMarbles, we offer this entire spectrum of models, ensuring that every project gets the tailored approach it deserves. 

3. Holistic Approach: From First Spark to Everlasting Glow  

It’s crucial to explore the full range of services potential digital partners provide and consider their capabilities beyond development for several important reasons: 

Comprehensive Solutions

Tapping into the full breadth of a digital partner’s offerings turns them into a one-stop-shop for all your digital needs. This not only covers strategy, design, development, and QA but also extends to digital marketing, creative services, and data analytics. All under one roof, simplifying project management and communication. For instance, when launching a new e-commerce website, not only do you want it built right, but you also want it marketed effectively and filled with captivating content. 

Seamless Integration

By considering a partner’s capabilities across the entire project lifecycle, you can ensure that each phase integrates seamlessly with the next. This prevents bottlenecks and miscommunications that can occur when you work with multiple vendors for different project components. If you’re building a mobile app, a digital partner who handles both design and development can ensure that the design elements are easily translated into the final product without loss of fidelity or functionality. 

Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness

Collaboration with a partner offering a wide array of services can be more cost-effective and efficient. You save time and resources by not having to manage multiple contracts, vendors, and teams. When creating a software platform, a partner who provides development, design, QA, digital marketing, and data analytics services can deliver a well-rounded product at a lower cost compared to hiring separate agencies or freelancers for each task. 

Consistency in Vision

A partner with a comprehensive set of capabilities is more likely to understand and execute your vision consistently throughout the project. They can align their strategy, design, development, content creation, and analytics efforts with your overarching goals. Envision launching a content-rich platform: a partner skilled in both design and content strategy will ensure visuals and content dance in harmony, enhancing user experience. 

Adaptation and Scalability

As your project evolves, you may require additional services or adjustments. A digital partner with a broad skill set can adapt to your changing needs and provide scalability without the need to bring in new vendors. If your e-commerce site experiences unexpected growth, a partner with data analytics capabilities can quickly analyze user behavior, identify areas for improvement, and implement changes to accommodate increased traffic and sales. 

Risk Mitigation

A digital partner who can manage various aspects of a project reduces the risk associated with coordinating multiple vendors. They can take responsibility for the project’s success and address any issues that arise holistically. If a security vulnerability is discovered in your software product post-launch, a partner with both development and QA capabilities can quickly identify and patch the issue, reducing the risk of data breaches or service disruptions. 

4. Do You and Your Project Team Share a Love That Grows with Every Challenge? 

It is important to find out about the ability to quickly scale the project team when choosing the right product development digital agency for several reasons: 

  • Flexibility. Digital projects often face changing requirements and unforeseen challenges. An agency that can quickly scale its team can adapt to these changes without significant delays. 
  • Meeting Deadlines. Timelines in digital product development are critical. The ability to add team members when needed ensures that deadlines are met, even if the project scope expands. 
  • Specialized Expertise. Scaling the team allows you to bring in specialists as required. This is especially important for complex projects that may need expertise in specific areas. 
  • Resource Efficiency. It can be more cost-effective to scale the team within the agency than to hire and onboard new employees or contractors independently. 
  • Consistency. Scaling within the agency maintains consistency in project management and communication, as new team members can align with the agency’s existing processes and standards. 

The ability to quickly scale a project team is vital to ensure flexibility, meet deadlines, leverage specialized expertise, maintain consistency, control costs, and mitigate risks in digital product development projects. 

5. Does Your Digital Agency’s Quality Assurance Echo the Devotion of a Lifelong Love Story? 

QA is essential when choosing the right digital agency for developing your product for several reasons: 

Ensuring Product Quality

QA processes help ensure that the final product meets high-quality standards in terms of functionality, performance, and user experience. This ensures that your product is reliable and delivers a positive experience to users. When hiring a digital agency to build a mobile app, thorough QA practices ensure that the app doesn’t crash, functions as intended on various devices, and provides a smooth user experience. This prevents negative user reviews and app store rejection. 

Minimizing Post-Launch Issues

Rigorous QA helps identify and rectify issues before the product goes live. This reduces the likelihood of encountering critical bugs, security vulnerabilities, or usability problems after launch, which can be costly to fix. A website development agency that conducts extensive testing ensures that all links, forms, and interactive features work correctly. This prevents users from encountering broken links or non-functional elements after the site’s launch. 


Early detection and resolution of issues through QA practices can save time and money. Fixing problems during development is often less expensive than addressing them after the product is live. 

Maintaining Reputation

A product with frequent issues can damage your brand’s reputation and customer trust. QA practices help preserve your brand’s integrity by ensuring a reliable and polished product. An agency responsible for developing a messaging app ensures that messages are reliably delivered, and notifications work correctly. This enhances the app’s reputation for real-time communication. 

Optimizing User Satisfaction

QA contributes to a positive user experience by identifying and eliminating usability issues. This leads to higher user satisfaction, customer retention, and potentially positive word-of-mouth referrals. A software development agency conducts user testing to identify and address user interface (UI) design issues in a productivity application, resulting in a more intuitive and user-friendly interface. 

Alignment with Business Goals

QA practices can be tailored to align with your specific business goals and requirements, ensuring that the final product serves its intended purpose effectively. When developing a CRM system, a digital agency incorporates custom QA tests to ensure that data integration, automation, and reporting features meet the organization’s specific needs. 

6. How About We Embrace Transparent Communication Across Different Time Zones? 

Effective communication between a client and a product development company should not be hindered by different time zones. Here are some reasons why: 

In today’s interconnected world, businesses often span multiple countries and time zones. To remain competitive, companies must adapt to working with partners and clients from around the globe. Embracing different time zones is a natural part of this process. With the advent of advanced communication technology, it’s easier than ever to bridge time zone gaps. Tools such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and project management software enable real-time communication regardless of where team members are located. 

Many businesses and professionals now embrace flexible work arrangements, allowing them to work during hours that align with their clients’ time zones. This flexibility enables timely responses and collaboration. Working across time zones allows companies to access a diverse talent pool. It means that the best experts can be chosen for a project, regardless of their location. This diversity can lead to innovative solutions and fresh perspectives. 

Time zone differences can also work to a company’s advantage. When one part of the team is finishing their workday, another can pick up the baton. This “follow-the-sun” approach can lead to continuous project progress and reduced turnaround times.  

Establishing clear communication protocols is key to overcoming time zone challenges. This includes setting expectations regarding response times, scheduling regular meetings at convenient times for all parties, and using collaboration tools that allow for asynchronous communication when necessary. 

Effective project management practices can mitigate time zone challenges. This includes setting clear deadlines, breaking down tasks, and maintaining a centralized project hub where everyone can access important information and updates. And of course, understanding and respecting cultural differences, including time-related cultural norms, can help build stronger client-developer relationships. It demonstrates an appreciation for diverse perspectives and fosters trust. 

7. Heartstrings and Clicks: How Do Prototypes Ignite Your Product’s Romance? 

It is important to ask your potential digital product development agency about clickable prototypes as a valuable alternative to Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) for several reasons: 

  • Cost-Effective Exploration. Clickable prototypes offer a cost-effective way to explore and validate your product idea before investing heavily in development. Understanding this option can help you assess if it aligns with your budget and risk tolerance. Imagine you have an idea for a new mobile app. Developing an MVP would require significant resources, but a clickable prototype allows you to test and refine the app’s user interface and functionality without the full development cost. 
  • Efficient Communication. Clickable prototypes provide a visual and interactive representation of your product vision. Knowing about this alternative helps facilitate efficient communication between you and the development team, ensuring that your requirements are accurately understood. If you’re building a website, a clickable prototype can illustrate how different elements interact, helping you and the agency discuss and refine the user experience before development begins. 
  • Early Feedback. Clickable prototypes enable you to gather early feedback from stakeholders, potential users, or investors. Understanding their benefits allows you to involve key parties in the product’s conceptualization and refinement. Before developing a new e-commerce platform, a clickable prototype can be shared with potential investors to demonstrate the product’s user flow and functionality, increasing the chances of securing funding. 
  • Reduced Risk. By testing and validating your product’s concept through a clickable prototype, you can reduce the risk of investing in an MVP that may not meet user needs or expectations. You plan to create a SaaS dashboard for data analysis. By creating a clickable prototype, you identify user interface issues early, ensuring that the final MVP aligns with user expectations. 
  • Improved User Experience. Clickable prototypes allow for user testing and refinement, which can lead to an improved user experience. Agencies that offer this option demonstrate a commitment to delivering a product that meets user needs effectively. When designing a social networking app, a clickable prototype is used to gather user feedback on navigation, adjusting based on real user interactions to create an intuitive and engaging experience. 

8. The Love Language of Security in Digital Product Development 

It is crucial to find out about security measures when considering a new potential digital product development company for several significant reasons: 

Protecting Sensitive Data

Security breaches can lead to severe consequences, including data leaks and breaches of customer trust. Inquiring about security measures ensures your company’s sensitive data, and that of your customers, remains safe and confidential. If you’re developing a healthcare app that handles patient information, knowing that the development company follows strict security practices can prevent data breaches and regulatory violations. 

Preventing Cyber Attacks

Cybersecurity threats are ever-present, and a breach can have a devastating impact on your business. By asking about security measures, you’re taking proactive steps to minimize the risk of cyberattacks. If you’re developing a financial application, understanding the company’s security measures helps protect against hacking attempts and financial fraud. 

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Many industries have strict regulations regarding data protection and security. Asking about security practices ensures that your product development aligns with these regulations, avoiding potential legal issues. 

Maintaining Brand Reputation

Security breaches can damage your brand’s reputation and erode trust among customers. By inquiring about security practices, you show your commitment to protecting your brand’s integrity. 

Mitigating Financial Loss

Security breaches can result in significant financial losses due to remediation costs, legal fees, and potential fines. Knowing the security measures in place can help mitigate these financial risks. In the event of a data breach, a company with comprehensive security practices is better prepared to respond swiftly and minimize financial losses. 

Preventing Downtime and Disruption

Cyberattacks can lead to service downtime and disruptions, impacting your business operations. Understanding the company’s security measures helps ensure business continuity. A cloud-based software provider with robust security measures is less likely to experience service interruptions due to cyber threats. 

Third-Party Assessments

Inquiring about certifications like ISO 27001 demonstrates a commitment to security excellence. This certification validates that the company follows recognized international standards for information security management. A digital product development company that holds ISO 27001 certification has been independently assessed for its security practices, offering confidence in their security capabilities. BMGH earned its ISO 27001 certification in 2022.

9. Speaking the Same Language 

It’s important to ask your potential digital partner about their communication structure and discuss their communication practices during project work for several key reasons: 

Effective Collaboration: Understanding the communication structure ensures that you and your partner can collaborate efficiently. It helps establish expectations and processes for exchanging information, updates, and feedback. If your partner uses agile methodology, discussing daily stand-up meetings and sprint planning sessions ensures that everyone is aligned on project progress. 

Timely Problem Resolution: Effective communication practices allow for timely identification and resolution of issues. When you discuss their communication practices, you can ensure that problems won’t linger unaddressed. If a development bottleneck occurs, clear communication channels help raise the issue promptly and find solutions. 

Transparency: Transparency in communication is essential for trust-building. Discussing communication practices establishes a commitment to openness and sharing of information throughout the project. Regular status reports or project dashboards can provide transparency into project progress, budget utilization, and potential risks. 

Alignment with Goals: Communication practices should align with project goals and objectives. By discussing these practices, you ensure that your partner understands your project’s specific needs. If your project requires close client involvement in decision-making, you can discuss regular review meetings and update schedules to maintain alignment. 

Client Involvement: Some clients prefer a high level of involvement in the project, while others prefer a more hands-off approach. Discussing communication practices helps establish the right balance to accommodate your preferences. If you prefer frequent updates and close collaboration, you can request regular meetings and detailed progress reports. 

Risk Mitigation: Effective communication can help mitigate project risks. When you inquire about their communication practices, you can ensure that risk-related information is shared promptly. If a cybersecurity threat is identified, immediate communication can enable swift action to protect the project. 

Project Adaptation: Communication practices also influence a partner’s ability to adapt to changes in project scope or requirements. Discussing these practices helps clarify how changes will be communicated and managed. If you decide to add a new feature mid-project, you can discuss how this change will be communicated to the development team and integrated into the project plan. 

Client Satisfaction: Effective communication practices contribute to client satisfaction. When you establish communication hierarchies and transparency, you create an environment where client concerns and preferences are respected. A development partner that actively seeks client feedback and incorporates it into project decisions can enhance overall satisfaction. 

Quality Assurance: Communication practices influence the quality assurance process. Discussing how bugs, issues, and testing results will be communicated ensures that quality is maintained throughout the project. When a critical bug is identified during testing, clear communication channels ensure that it’s documented, assigned, and resolved promptly. 

10. Doing Well and Doing Good: Assessing Values and Philanthropy in Partnerships 

Cultural fit and shared values with your potential digital product development partner are of paramount importance for several compelling reasons.

Cultural fit ensures that you and your partner share similar values, work ethics, and communication styles. This alignment fosters a smoother and more productive collaboration. If transparency is a core value for your organization, a partner who shares this value is more likely to communicate openly and honestly throughout the project. 

Shared values and cultural alignment mean that both parties are on the same page when it comes to project goals and objectives. This reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings and misalignment. If your organization values sustainability, a partner who shares this value is more likely to incorporate eco-friendly practices into the project. 

When there is cultural alignment, it often leads to a stronger, more enduring partnership. This is particularly important for businesses looking to establish long-term relationships with their digital development partners. If you plan to continuously update and improve your product, a partner who shares your commitment to ongoing collaboration is ideal. 

Shared values can foster an environment of innovation and creativity. When both parties are culturally aligned, they are more likely to generate innovative solutions and ideas together. A partner who values creativity and experimentation are more likely to propose unique and innovative features for your product. 

Cultural alignment can facilitate effective problem-solving. When both parties have similar problem-solving approaches and values, they can work together more seamlessly to address challenges. If a project faces unexpected technical hurdles, partners who share a problem-solving mindset are better equipped to tackle these issues together. 

Cultural alignment also affects the satisfaction and motivation of team members involved in the project. When values align, team members are more likely to feel comfortable and motivated in their roles. A partner who values work-life balance is more likely to provide a supportive work environment, promoting employee well-being. 

Inquiring about your partner’s community initiatives, education programs, and philanthropic efforts reveals their commitment to making a positive impact. Shared values in this area can align your organization with a partner that values social responsibility. A partner with a strong commitment to continuous education may collaborate with your organization on projects that support educational initiatives, demonstrating a shared commitment to social good. 

Swipe Right? 

In conclusion, choosing the right digital product development agency might seem overwhelming, but with the right guidance, it becomes a manageable and rewarding journey.  

At BrightMarbles, professional excellence isn’t just a goal; it’s our way of life. We don’t just meet your digital product development needs; we exceed them. Our commitment to understanding your unique challenges, crafting tailored solutions, and delivering outstanding results is unwavering. We believe in the power of partnership, and we’re dedicated to helping your organization thrive. 

Remember, it’s not just about finishing a project; it’s about building a strong, long-term partnership that supports your organization’s growth and success. BrightMarbles is here to guide you every step of the way. Swipe right, send a message:

About Author 

Svetlana Kosić is a marketing specialist who holds a master’s degree in media design in education. With extensive experience in the IT industry, particularly in sales and marketing, Svetlana has honed her skills over the years. She has a profound passion for the written word and expresses her creativity through various outlets, including as a columnist. Svetlana is a staunch advocate against injustice and tirelessly works towards the positive change she desires. 

The Mibsters’ Culture Manifesto: Excellence – The Driving Force Behind Our Company’s Growth

Once, a man visited a temple under construction in India. There, he saw a sculptor making an idol of God. Suddenly, his attention was drawn to a similar idol lying nearby. Surprised, he inquired, “Do you need two statues of the same idol?” Without even looking up, the sculptor, busy with his work, responded, “No, we need only one, but the first one got damaged at the last stage.” 

Inspecting the idol closely, the man found no apparent damage and questioned, “Where is the damage?” Still focused on his work, the sculptor replied, “There is a scratch on the nose of the idol.” Curiosity piqued, the man asked, “Where are you going to install this idol?” The sculptor calmly stated, “It will be installed on top of a pillar twenty feet high.” 

Confused, the man further inquired, “If the idol is going to be installed that far, who is going to notice that little scratch on the nose?” The sculptor paused, looked up at the gentleman, smiled, and simply said, “I will know it.” 


Throughout life, you’ve probably played the role of a sculptor, shaping various aspects like work, relationships, creativity, and even making a cozy den under the couch. If you’ve always aimed to be your best for your own sake, you’re definitely something special. But what does it really mean to be excellent? 

Well, excellence is all about being top-notch or incredibly skilled in a particular field. Different authors have different takes on whether it’s a goal or a journey, something you’re born with, or something you develop. But the bottom line remains the same: excellence means pushing yourself beyond limits, showing incredible strength, and having the unwavering determination to outdo your personal best. 

What have the greatest minds expressed about excellence? 

Excellence, the quest for greatness, has always been a driving force for people from all walks of life. From cool cats like Steve Jobs to wise old sages like Aristotle, the pursuit of excellence is a timeless source of wisdom. Take Jobs, for instance. He knew that excellence in every action shapes our lives. And Aristotle believed that excellence isn’t just a one-time thing, but a habit we develop through consistent actions. As Vince Lombardi wisely put it, we may never reach perfection, but in our pursuit of it, we achieve excellence. 

But let’s be real, excellence doesn’t come easy. It takes effort and dedication, just like Gift Gugu Mona and Roopleen tell us. It’s a journey where we take small steps aligned with our purpose, as Priyavrat Thareja says. 

Excellence resides in those little things that make a big difference. And Colin Powell reminds us that it’s not just a one-time thing—it’s an attitude we carry with us every day. As Steve Jobs pointed out, when we set the bar high for ourselves, we inspire others to strive for excellence too. And Dr. Abdul Kalam knew that excellence is a continuous process, while some anonymous folks stress the importance of staying consistent and never giving up. 

“All cultures are cultures of excellence; what makes the difference is how you define excellence.” Sid Mogasseb 

Excellence isn’t just about doing ordinary tasks; it’s about turning them into extraordinary achievements, just like John Gardner and Booker T. Washington believed. It’s the key to personal growth and spiritual wealth, as recognized by George Eliot and Confucius. 

Excellence isn’t just a concept; it’s a state of mind. It’s that unwavering drive to create value, as Robin Sharma and Albert Einstein understood. When we embrace excellence, we have the power to make a real impact, leave lasting legacies, and inspire others. 

So, let’s remember that excellence isn’t some finish line we cross. It’s an ongoing journey of self-improvement. It demands dedication, attention to detail, and a kickass attitude of greatness. By pursuing excellence in every aspect of our lives, we unlock our true potential and make a kick-ass impact on the world. 

Striving for Excellence at Work: A Bonus Task for Achieving an A 

Sid Mogasseb in his article “Seeking A Culture Of Excellence” states: “Your corporate culture simply exists and evolves. A new culture never suddenly appears because you choose to make it materialize; cultivating ideals and nurturing your excellence requires deliberate and continuous mind shifts as well as decisive and purposeful actions.” 

When we talk about being a top-notch company, we must ask ourselves: is it enough to just expect excellence, or do we need to hustle for it every single day? What the heck does workplace excellence even mean, and why is it so important? And, most importantly, how do we get there and stay there? 

Sid Mogasseb also said: Depending on how you define “excellent,” your company’s culture can cultivate success or defeat, growth or stagnation and innovation or preservation. To build a culture of excellence, first and foremost define your excellence.”  

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, achieving excellence is a crucial aspect of fostering growth, innovation, and success for any organization. Among the myriad of values that define a thriving company culture, excellence stands tall as a cornerstone that propels businesses to new heights. It is the embodiment of employees’ aspirations, personal principles, talents, and relentless efforts to attain a high level of expertise, superior performance, and success in serving business goals. 

At its core, employee excellence encompasses the fusion of passion and proficiency to create outstanding contributions to an organization. It involves a blend of skills, knowledge, and unwavering dedication to excel in one’s responsibilities. Employees who embody excellence strive for greatness not only for personal gain but also for the betterment of their teams and the entire organization. It is a mindset that transcends average performance and embraces a commitment to continuous improvement and advancement. 

Striving for excellence and encouraging employees to achieve excellence is not a simple formula. It involves a series of efforts that ultimately result in individuals within the organization feeling fulfilled. When someone feels good, it positively impacts the company. 

Let’s now embark on an exploration of workplace excellence, delving into its definition, significance, and the outstanding qualities that set apart exemplary employees. In other words, we’ll take a closer look at how we, at BrightMarbles Group, achieve this level of excellence. 

15 Key Moments That Define Excellence at Work 

  1. When Mastering Organizational Values Shapes Our Success Path 

When it comes to striving for excellence, there’s a fundamental rule we swear by understanding our organization’s values, mission, and objectives is key. Here at BrightMarbles Group, we truly believe that excellence shines through in individuals who embrace our core principles and performance metrics. When our dedicated employees wholeheartedly align their efforts with our collective goals, their deep understanding helps them make informed choices and contribute meaningfully to our group’s overall success. So, remember, embracing this wisdom is the key to unlocking excellence, both for individuals and the company.  

  1. When Striving for Optimal Results Becomes Your Propelling Fuel 

Championing excellence is all about constantly aiming for the best possible outcomes in our work. These exceptional individuals consistently go above and beyond to exceed expectations and deliver results that consistently surpass benchmarks. Their commitment to achieving excellence sets the bar higher, inspiring their peers, and elevating the overall performance of the team. 

  1. When Going the “Extra Mile” Defines Our Excellence 

Here at Brightmarbles Group, when it comes to outstanding performance, one universal truth defines us: we’re all about going the “extra mile” to ensure client satisfaction and successful project completion. Our unwavering dedication is fueled by a genuine passion for providing top-notch service and maintaining our organization’s stellar reputation. What sets us apart is our ability to consistently exceed expectations, making us invaluable assets to our company’s success. 
By always striving for excellence, exceptional employees play a pivotal role in enhancing the customer experience. Their unwavering commitment to going above and beyond leaves a lasting impression on customers, fostering unwavering loyalty and ensuring a continuous stream of repeat business. They truly know how to make a difference! 

  1. When Recognition Transcends the Symbolism of a Trophy 

Employee recognition is a timeless principle that transcends industries. Successful companies understand its importance and have robust programs to celebrate and acknowledge outstanding performances. They have various initiatives like the employee of the month program, commemorating team triumphs, and showering public praise during meetings or private feedback sessions. This commitment to recognition helps fortify workplace excellence. 

At its core, this universal rule emphasizes clear communication about the precise behaviors and accomplishments that warrant recognition. Acknowledging employees not only boosts morale but also kindles a flame of engagement and nurtures unwavering loyalty among team members. By perpetuating a culture of appreciation, successful companies ensure sustained motivation and a shared commitment to unparalleled success. 

  1. When Cultivating Growth Aligns with the Power of Continuous Learning 

When employees truly embody excellence, you can spot it a mile away. They’ve got this unwavering passion for their work and an unstoppable drive for professional growth. These exceptional folks take charge of their own learning and development, always staying ahead of industry trends and expanding their skill sets. They’re not afraid to tackle new challenges head-on, and they become the MVPs of their teams and the whole organization. 

To create a culture that thrives on excellence, we’ve got to embrace continuous improvement. Start by checking out what the industry leaders are up to, see where we can grow, and set some achievable goals. Sharing success stories from our industry gets the team fired up and inspired to reach new heights. 

Those who strive for excellence are usually super creative and innovative. They actively contribute to making things better, always sharing awesome ideas to improve processes, products, or services. This not only makes us more efficient, but it also gives employees a real sense of ownership and empowerment. 

Employee excellence and continuous learning go hand in hand. In fast-paced industries, being able to adapt to change is key, and excellence drives that adaptability. At Brightmarbles, we create an environment where growth, innovation, and progress thrive. We inspire our team to be endlessly enthusiastic about personal development and to have an unwavering commitment to excellence. That’s how we pave the way for unparalleled success, both for our incredible employees and the organization they proudly represent. 

  1. When Clear Communication and High Standards Become the Building Blocks of Excellence 

As a universal rule, clear and consistent communication forms the foundation of building a culture of excellence, and the Brightmarbles group exemplifies this principle. Setting high standards for performance and behavior while fostering openness to new ideas nurtures an environment where all team members feel comfortable sharing their suggestions, setbacks, and successes, regardless of their role. 

In keeping with this rule, prioritizing professional development becomes a key focus. Regular training sessions and encouragement to attend conferences and workshops ensure that knowledge and skills are continuously honed, promoting excellence throughout the organization.  

  1. When Fostering Teamwork Embodies the Essence of Collaboration 

A culture of excellence thrives on effective teamwork and collaboration. We encourage our employees to work together, learn from one another, and leverage their collective intelligence to drive success. Engaging in team-building activities can significantly strengthen relationships among coworkers, fostering trust and contributing to the creation of a harmonious workplace.  

  1. When Honoring Soft Skills Enhances Individual and Collective Performance 

At the heart of excellence lies a firm dedication to nurturing “soft skills.” Diligence in task execution, precision in problem-solving, and courtesy in interactions with colleagues and customers all play pivotal roles in cultivating a positive work environment and elevating the company’s reputation. Emphasizing the development of these essential skills is a key aspect of our commitment to excellence, ensuring that we excel both individually and collectively as a team.  

  1. When Respect for Seniority Harmonizes with Innovative Perspectives 

In workplaces that adhere to a seniority system, employees who embody excellence demonstrate a deep respect for and support of this structure. They recognize the value of the experience and wisdom held by their senior colleagues, acknowledging their contributions and learning from their insights. At the same time, these excellent employees are not afraid to offer their own fresh perspectives and ideas, contributing to a dynamic and innovative work environment. Striking a balance between honoring tradition and embracing innovation, they foster a harmonious and collaborative workplace culture that benefits everyone involved. 

  1. When Linking Rewards to Performance Celebrates Achievements 

Establish clear systems that tangibly reward good performance, going beyond monetary incentives. Consider promotions, flexible working hours, or additional vacation days as forms of recognition. Employee recognition awards can also play a vital role in celebrating and encouraging excellence. Involve employees in naming these awards, ensuring they resonate with the entire team and promote diversity and inclusivity. 

  1. When Valuing Transparency Builds Trust and Open Communication 

Embracing transparency at the workplace is crucial for fostering trust and open communication among team members. When employees have access to relevant information and are aware of the organization’s decisions and processes, they feel valued and included in the decision-making process.  

  1. When Social Responsibility, Diversity and Inclusion Unite for the Greater Good 

Appreciate the significance of social responsibility initiatives in cultivating a positive workplace culture. Involve employees in volunteering opportunities, charity partnerships, or environmental policies, fostering unity among staff members and enhancing the organization’s public image and reputation. Harness the power of diversity and inclusion to elevate problem-solving abilities. Cultivate a culture that values the contributions of all voices and encourages open-mindedness. 

  1. When Onboarding Excellence Sets the Stage for Success 

Start building a culture of excellence from the beginning by incorporating values of excellence into the onboarding program. Provide detailed information about recognition programs and culture-building activities during orientation. 

  1. When Upholding Ethics Safeguards High Standards 

Adherence to a robust ethical code is fundamental to cultivating excellence. Create an environment where employees feel safe, respected, and valued by holding regular discussions around ethics, having clear policies, and establishing a system for reporting unethical behavior. 

  1. When Prioritizing Work-Life Balance and Wellness Empowers Employee Health and Productivity 

Promote a balanced work-life schedule to avoid burnout and enhance employee productivity. Offer regular company outings, flexible working hours, and encourage breaks. Additionally, invest in employee wellness programs to support their physical and mental well-being. 

By tailoring these strategies to fit your organization’s unique needs, you can create an environment that motivates high performance and cultivates a culture of excellence. 

The Impact of Excellence on the Workplace 

When employees fully embrace that excellence vibe, it creates a transformative effect in the workplace. The atmosphere becomes charged with positivity and support, and everyone is motivated to give their best effort. This increased dedication and enthusiasm translate to higher productivity, a boost in employee morale, and a significant reduction in turnover rates. It’s like a magical recipe for success!  

When you’ve got a team of go-getters all chasing after excellence, they become a force of nature. They push the boundaries, come up with brilliant ideas, and drive the organization forward.  


In the end, being awesome is what drives individuals and organizations to reach greatness. It’s not just about personal ambition, but about having a shared value that sparks a culture of growth and innovation. At BrightMarbles Group, we live and breathe excellence as our guiding principle for success and progress. 

So, as we move forward, let’s keep nurturing and celebrating excellence in every aspect. That’s how we pave the way for a future filled with empowered people, happy customers, and a legacy of continuous victories. Together, we’re building a kickass workplace that not only thrives in the here and now, but also shapes a brighter and more prosperous tomorrow for everyone. 

About Author 

Svetlana Kosić is a marketing specialist who holds a master’s degree in media design in education. With extensive experience in the IT industry, particularly in sales and marketing, Svetlana has honed her skills over the years. She has a profound passion for the written word and expresses her creativity through various outlets, including as a columnist. Svetlana is a staunch advocate against injustice and tirelessly works towards the positive change she desires. 

Parental Superpowers: How Mom and Dad Shape Our Greatness

We owe our awesomeness to a bunch of things. First off, we got lucky with some awesome folks who cheered us on as we chased our dreams. Second, we’ve busted our butts to get damn good at what we do. But really, the heart and soul of who we are comes from the lessons we’ve learned about how to see the world, deal with others, handle our responsibilities, tackle tasks, and understand ourselves. These aren’t just life lessons, but guiding principles and values—many of which were inherited from our parents. They taught us how to perceive the world, interact with others, take ownership of our responsibilities, approach challenges, and understand our own individual selves. This blog post is a tribute to those lessons, a reflection of the values we learned at home that have now become an integral part of our professional ethos. 


“For a stretch of days, I found myself utterly amazed by my dad’s unwavering determination when it came to fixing and solving things. His tenacity left a lasting impression on me, particularly his drive to instill the same trait in me. Whenever I confront challenging tasks, I draw strength from his memory. He was not only a brilliant engineer, but also possessed a sharp wit that added to his charm. It’s safe to say he played a significant role in shaping who I am today and where I find myself.” – Svetlana Kosić, Marketing Specialist at BrightMarbles Serbia 


“Back in the day, whenever my brothers and I found ourselves in a jam or got caught up in some mess, we knew who to turn to: our mom. She drilled into our heads that we were each other’s first line of defense, and that’s why we made it a point to tackle the problem ourselves before crying for help. Funny thing is, more often than not, we actually managed to sort things out on our own. Who would’ve thought? Maybe that’s why I’m such a stellar team player these days. Go figure!” – Marko Krstanović, Tech Officer for the Mobile Team at BrightMarbles Serbia 

Continuous Learning 

“Whenever I’d go to my mum with a question or ask for a hand with something, she never spoon-fed me the answer or provided a quick fix to my immediate problem. Nope, she always made time to guide me in finding the answers on my own, digging into the literature myself, and discovering how to learn independently. I got to give credit to her for instilling in me this hunger for knowledge, because now I wake up every day craving to expand my intellectual horizons.” – Nebojša Lalić, Co-founder and CEO at UN1QUELY 

Diversity and Inclusion 

“My mom had this classic line she’d drop: “We’re all human” and “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” The funny thing is, I grew up in a place where people were quick to judge anything that didn’t fit their mold. But you know what? Over the years, my mom’s words really struck a chord with me, and I couldn’t be happier about it.” – Boris Berat, Co-founder and CEO at BrightMarbles Group 


“When I was about ten, my parents gave me a bicycle. It wasn’t just any bicycle—it was my first ever “grown-up” bike, but I was responsible for its upkeep. At first, it seemed like a daunting task. But as time passed, I realized that this was more than just about the bike’s maintenance. It was a lesson in taking full ownership of my belongings. The pride I felt each time I accomplished a minor repair or successfully fixed a flat tire was immense. This bike wasn’t just a vehicle; it was a steppingstone towards understanding the value of ownership, a lesson that I’ve carried with me into my professional life.” – Daniela Červeni, People Operations Manager at BrightMarbles Serbia 


“The garage was my dad’s favorite spot in our house. He loved tinkering with things, creating new objects from old, worn-out ones. This man’s workshop was a sanctuary of innovation. He taught me how to look at the world with an inventive mindset, to always consider how things could be improved. To this day, whenever I am faced with a problem, my first instinct is to imagine a solution that doesn’t exist yet.” – Anja Jovičin, IT Recruiter at BrightMarbles Serbia 


“My parents were always firm believers in the idea that anything worth doing is worth doing well. This principle permeated our daily lives. If we did our chores, we did them to the best of our ability. If we committed to a project, we didn’t stop until it was completed with excellence. They showed us through their own actions that maintaining high standards was a key to success.” – Branko Džakula, Co-founder and COO at UN1QUELY / CISO at BrightMarbles Group 


“Surrounded by books, Dad fostered an environment of curiosity, always encouraging us to explore new topics, ask questions, and seek knowledge. His belief was that curiosity opens doors and propels us forward. Now, I carry that same curiosity into my work and personal life, constantly eager to learn and grow.” – Katarina Zec, People Operations Manager at UN1QUELY 


“Whenever my siblings and I squabbled over who got the bigger piece of cake, my dad would remind us of the importance of fairness. He would tell us that treating others equitably was paramount, not only in our family but in all aspects of life. His constant reminder has stuck with me, molding me into a person who values fairness in every situation.” – Bojan Tomić, Co-founder and COO at BrightMarbles Group 


“My parents were always honest and upfront with us, even about difficult things. They taught us that transparency is the foundation of trust. They weren’t afraid to say, “We don’t know,” or “We made a mistake.” That honesty has guided me throughout my life, especially when working with teams. I strive to be transparent in all my dealings, promoting a culture of trust and openness.” – Sanel Jovanović, Co-founder and IT Director at Brightly 

Trust and Freedom 

My parents were big believers in giving us the freedom to make our own decisions and “mistakes. They trusted us to learn from our failures and improve. Their trust bestowed a sense of freedom, a feeling that I carry into my work life, trusting in my abilities and those of my team. They have taught me that trust isn’t about being perfect—it’s about being willing to learn and grow.” – Mirjana Parpura Đorđević, Co-founder and HR Director at Brightly 


“I remember my mom always saying, “Be true to yourself.” She firmly believed that authenticity mattered more than fitting in. Her integrity and dedication to her values were something that I always admired. She showed me that being authentic wasn’t about being unique or different, but rather being genuine and true. To this day, I strive to maintain that authenticity in all areas of my life.” – Dragana Ječmenica, IT Recruiter at BrightMarbles Serbia 


“Growing up, our home was a place of open hearts and understanding. My parents fostered an environment of empathy, showing us that understanding others’ emotions is not a weakness, but a strength. This understanding has become a compass in my personal and professional life, guiding my interactions with people. It has taught me to approach every situation with kindness and to appreciate the power of emotional understanding in building strong, meaningful relationships.” – Nastasija Trajanova, Marketing Specialist at BrightMarbles Macedonia 


“My father always stressed the importance of doing what’s right, even when no one is watching. I remember him returning the extra change a cashier once gave him by mistake. It was a small amount, but to him, it was about the principle. He taught us that integrity is not negotiable and that our actions reflect who we truly are. Today, I strive to uphold this same value in all areas of my life, ensuring that my actions align with my values, and always standing by what’s right, regardless of the situation.” – Darko Kovač, Co-founder and CTO at BrightMarbles Group 


“My parents believed that true success wasn’t just about achieving your own goals, but also about helping others reach theirs. I remember how they’d always be there to lend a hand, or simply listen when someone needed it. They taught me that by supporting others, we build stronger relationships and a more positive environment. This value of supportiveness has become a cornerstone of my professional ethos, inspiring me to assist my colleagues in their journey to the top and foster a collaborative and uplifting atmosphere in the workplace.” – Nevena Nemeš, CXO at BrightMarbles Group 


Our parents have played a seriously epic role in shaping who we are and propelling us forward. Whether they were dropping knowledge bombs directly or subtly influencing us, they’ve ingrained values, provided guidance, and dished out life skills like nobody’s business. With their love, support, and unwavering belief in us, they’ve been the turbo boost behind our awesome accomplishments. As we navigate the wild twists and turns of life, their presence and wisdom keep us inspired and ready to tackle anything. It’s about time we give them the recognition they deserve for shaping our (and their) awesomeness! 

The Mibsters’ Culture Manifesto: Tenacity

The Unstoppable Journey: Unleashing the Power of Tenacity 

“Why don’t you throw in the towel? It’s just not working for you,” I’d often tease my dad as a kid, watching him hunched over some contraption he was determined to fix. But my little jabs didn’t faze him one bit. He stayed locked in, laser-focused, surveying the mess of scattered parts on the floor or table. Giving up? That was simply not in his vocabulary. 

I witnessed him dissecting that gadget, pouring hours upon hours into deep contemplation. He’d chow down, catch some shut-eye, come home from work, and dive right back into his mission. Days turned into nights, and his once-free time became entirely consumed by this obsession. But he pressed on, unyielding, until victory was his. 

Now, mind you, he wasn’t a master mechanic or some DIY guru. Heck, he didn’t have a lick of experience or even the Internet to lend a helping hand. But you know what he had in spades? Pure, unadulterated persistence. There was a moment when I mustered up the courage to ask, “Do you even know how to fix it, Dad?” And you know what he said, with a twinkle in his eye? “Kid, I have no clue. But mark my words—I’ll find a way.” And find a way, he did. 

Was I in awe of him? You betcha. Countless times, when that little voice in my head starts whispering, “Why the heck don’t you give up? It’s obvious things aren’t working out,” my mind instantly drifts to my old man. And like magic, a surge of unshakable self-belief surges through my veins, giving me the kick, I need to keep pushing forward. It’s like someone pumped me full of confidence juice, revving up my determination to make things happen. Three, two, one… Let’s do this! 

And let’s be real, if I asked each and every one of you right now, “Who’s the person that lights your fire? Whose success makes you go ‘Wow’?” I guarantee the answers would be all over the map. Some might shout out athletes, business hotshots, creative geniuses, while others might point to their own folks, neighbors, or buddies. It doesn’t matter where they come from or what cards life dealt them – they all share a secret weapon: tenacity

What Is Tenacity? (Wrong Answers Only) 

How would you define perseverance? I would say: It’s the unstoppable drive of a toddler wanting another cookie and refusing to take ‘no’ for an answer. Or it’s like attempting to assemble furniture without the instructions, but with a big smile on your face, or it’s the endurance of a marathon runner chasing a pizza delivery guy (and still crossing the finish line).  

In life, we encounter numerous examples of tenacity, which serve not only to inspire us but also to bring laughter and impart valuable lessons. When we delve into the true definition of this trait, we find the following: Perseverance is a mindset that empowers us to pursue our goals despite obstacles, temporary setbacks, or other inconveniences. It involves steadfastly withholding our opinions or decisions previously made. It is the unwavering ability to endure, persist, and strive continuously towards what we desire or aim to achieve. 

“Tenacity is when you follow your heart – when the whole world is screaming to get back into your head” 

According to Forbes, tenacity is a fierce blend of determination, persistence, and grit. It is an attribute that can mean the difference between failure and success and can take a team from “doing all right” to “thriving”. Many authors describe tenacity as the ability to persevere when confronted with a challenge, and the ability to learn from mistakes with a readiness to try again. Tenacious people bounce back from disappointments and difficulties by drawing on a strong physical, mental, and emotional spirit that enables them to keep going in the face of hardships and limitations. They develop and demonstrate discipline, determination, grit, and resilience which pushes them beyond their perceived limits.    

When it comes to perseverance, authors have different takes on the matter. Some say it’s something you’re born with, like an inbuilt superpower that sets you apart from the rest. They argue that if you don’t have it naturally, you better focus on developing other qualities to reach success. But hold on, there’s another side to the story. 

On the flip side, those who are blessed with an unwavering spirit of perseverance aren’t off the hook either. See, it’s not just about pushing through no matter what. Some wise people out there reckon that perseverance alone isn’t enough to unlock the doors to success. You need that spark, that fire in your belly—a genuine passion for what you’re doing. It’s like having an extra turbo boost that propels you beyond the limits of mere perseverance. 

So, whether it’s inborn or something you cultivate, one thing’s for sure: Tenacity is just one piece of the puzzle. It takes a whole lot more to make those dreams come true.  

While researching this topic, I particularly liked how Nancy Eberhardt defined tenacity in her article for Forbes. She said “Many factors contribute to career and organizational success: training or education; depth and breadth of experience; networking, connections, and mentorship. Yet when I ask leaders about their single greatest factor for success, I consistently hear some variation of tenacity:  

“Hanging in there” “Going toe-to-toe” or “Sticking with it.” 

In the article, she also provided great examples that help us understand why this value has become crucial in the business world as well.  

Fueling Success with Grit: Why Tenacity is the Key to Thriving in the Workplace? 

In the world of business, building your career, running your own gig, or being part of a team, you’re bound to encounter more crises than you can shake a stick at. People who can handle those tough situations, overcome them without losing their cool, and come out stronger than ever? They’re the real deal—strong, capable, and steady as a rock.  

These qualities are essential for survival in today’s crazy world. You don’t want to get lost, disheartened, or crack under the pressure of modern life and business. We’re expected to constantly learn new skills, all while the looming threat of unemployment hangs over us like a dark cloud. But here’s the thing: not everyone is naturally stable, adaptable, and persistent. That’s okay! These traits can be acquired, learned, and developed over time.  

Identifying the right people is a major challenge for ambitious businesses, believes Roy Gori in his article about the growing importance of tenacity in the work environment. He says that Jim Collins, American author and business consultant, emphasizes the importance of prioritizing ‘who’ over ‘where’ and ‘what’. Traditionally, intelligence quotient (IQ) was the focus, but its limitations became evident, leading to the recognition of emotional intelligence (EQ) in the 1990s. 

Today, a broader perspective is needed. IQ and EQ are essential but insufficient in our fast-changing world. Social, economic, and technological transformations demand new leadership skills. By 2030, the global middle class will double, with Asia leading the way. Online connectivity shapes how people interact and shop, presenting vast opportunities. 

To seize these opportunities, businesses must embrace change and expect disruptions. It all hinges on having the right people—those with unwavering commitment, drive, self-belief, patience, and the ability to learn and grow from setbacks. Tomorrow’s leaders will be defined by their tenacity, their high tenacity quotient (TQ). They will fearlessly navigate challenges, dead-ends, roadblocks, and failures, shaping a brighter future. 

Mastering Tenacity: 10 Steps to Excel in Your Career 

1. Ignite Your Inner Purpose 
Life’s all about finding your groove. It’s about having a clear sense of purpose, understanding why you do what you do and what you want out of it all. It’s like having this awesome vision that gives your existence a kick. And that meaning is not just limited to one area of life. You got to sprinkle it everywhere – your work, your relationships, your family, your pals, your hobbies.  

Here’s the secret sauce: when you’re purpose-driven, you don’t let despair bring you down. Nope, you’re a champ who relies on their inner fire. You crave meaning, and that’s your trusty compass. Life throws curveballs? No problemo! You roll with the changes, find meaning in them and feel satisfied with how it all pans out. 

2. Love What You’re Doing 
When you’re head over heels for what you do, it’s like having a secret superpower at the workplace. Your love ignites a fire in your belly, giving you the grit to conquer any obstacle that dares cross your path. It’s that passion that pushes you to go above and beyond, even when the going gets tough. And when you’re all in, it breeds resilience, sparks your creativity, and fuels your drive to always reach for the stars. It’s the secret sauce that turns work into a thrilling adventure, where every step brings fulfillment and rewards. 

3. Gain Control by Letting Go 
Trying to control every single thing is a recipe for disaster. It’s like playing a never-ending game of stress and losing your cool. Stability and perseverance come from finding your true sense of control. You got to know what’s in your power and what’s out of your hands. You can totally control your own actions and reactions, even when life throws curveballs at you. It may seem like a teeny-tiny zone and all you need to rock your life like a boss. So, loosen that grip and focus on what you can handle. It’s the ultimate game-changer! 

4. Embrace Failure as a Launchpad 
Zig Ziglar, the self-improvement guru extraordinaire, wasn’t always living the high life. He had a wife, a kid, and a run-down apartment. Life was tough. In one crazy moment, his wife called him at work, freaking out because they had no utilities.  

Now, you’d think this would be a total disaster, right? But hold up! This setback actually lit a fire under Zig’s behind. He hustled like never before, not just to get back on track but to become the top dog salesman in his company. That poverty-induced fire? It turned Zig into a boiling powerhouse. And if he was still chilling with his folks, we might have never heard of Zig Ziglar. 

5. Foster Confidence and Nurture Optimism 
You have got to believe in yourself, trust that you can handle anything that comes your way. You’ve got the power to figure things out and get your act together, no matter what. If there’s something you don’t know, don’t sweat it, you’ll learn it. Those fears? You’ll face them head-on, conquer them, and show them who’s boss. You’ll discover yourself in every situation, following your inner compass – the need to craft your own life. And guess what? You’re the only one who can make it happen. 

Also, you can’t let negativity and doom-and-gloom thinking rule your mind. If you’re always expecting the worst, don’t expect the best to magically appear. Optimism isn’t about being blind or clueless about the challenges ahead. It’s about having the strength to tackle them head-on, finding the silver linings in every situation, something positive to cling to as you keep forging your path. It’s all about conquering those obstacles and pushing forward with a hopeful mindset. 

6. Tame Your Distractions 
Imagine checking social media, email, and texts a total of 50 times in a day. That’s not uncommon considering the average person spends 5 hours on their smartphones daily. Don’t underestimate your own habits—keep tabs tomorrow and see for yourself. 

Interrupting yourself around 3 times per waking hour, or even 30 checks in total, is detrimental to your focus and productivity. Minimize distractions by following this rule: if it doesn’t provide tangible value, don’t do it. 

Salespeople, and most people in general, find that checking email and texts 3 to 5 times a day is sufficient. Allocate 5-10 minutes for these tasks and schedule them as goals. For social media, try eliminating it for a week and reintroduce it in scheduled doses. This approach will preserve your focus and tenacity. 

7. Build a Strong Support System 
Steadfast individuals understand that they don’t have to face challenging times alone. Seeking support from trusted companions is an integral part of maintaining stability when it’s shaken. Sometimes, simply knowing that someone stands by your side, willing to assist in any way you need, provides a sense of security. It eliminates the fear of failure and empowers you to confront obstacles, explore solutions, and navigate through them, even without explicitly asking for assistance. 

8. Cultivate the Power of Adaptability 
Stability lies in the qualities of elasticity, flexibility, and adaptability. It’s not about rigidly remaining in one place like an immovable rock. Instead, it stems from a resilient spirit that can adjust to circumstances, embrace the new, and reorient itself without feeling threatened by emerging demands. 

While rocks crack and crumble during an earthquake, something elastic and adaptable maintains its essential nature, even under pressure. It may bend, stretch, and contract, but it has the ability to return to its original form and withstand external forces without breaking. 

Adaptation entails tolerating temporary conditions that may be unsuitable, such as an unstimulating or insecure work environment and relationships. This is done until you can orient yourself and discover optimal ways to function in the new situation. Alternatively, you may choose not to tolerate and adapt, but instead seek something better suited to your needs. 

9. Leverage Humor as a Resilience Booster 
When life takes a turn for the bleak and hopeless, humor swoops in like a caped crusader to save the day. Suddenly, everything transforms into a hilarious spectacle. The darkness and hopelessness? Poof! Gone! Now, it’s all just one big comedy show. 

Stable and persistent folks have mastered the art of laughing at themselves. It’s like flexing their humor muscles, the ultimate strength training. So go ahead, chuckle at your own silly antics and quirks. Embrace the absurdity of it all and watch as stability and perseverance become your trusty sidekicks on this wild and funny journey called life. 

10. Prioritize Your Well-being for Lasting Success 
Taking care of yourself is crucial because being in good shape and optimal health enables you to tackle work challenges, withstand the pressures of modern life, and function at your best. Sure, it may sound like added pressure, but here’s the secret: when you’re aware of the need for self-care, including rest, healthy eating, exercise, and relaxation, it becomes an act of self-love. It’s all about finding that sweet spot of balance and tranquility. 

Now, let’s be real. Being stable and persistent doesn’t mean you become an invincible stress-fighting machine, impervious to frustration, fear, and negativity. However, it does equip you with the mental, psychological, and emotional readiness to confront your own feelings and navigate demanding situations. It’s like reaching the ultimate level of preparedness that not only helps you survive a crisis but propels you forward in both your professional and personal growth.  

Unyielding Spirit: Extraordinary Examples of Tenacity in Sports, Science, and Life 

Throughout history, a multitude of remarkable individuals have left an indelible mark by unwaveringly pursuing their goals. Here are but a few inspiring examples of their enduring success:  

Thomas Edison 
Legend has it that Thomas Edison, the renowned inventor and father of the light bulb, once expressed his frustration after numerous failed attempts to find a suitable filament material. He exclaimed, “What a pity! So much searching and effort, all in vain!” To which an astute observer replied, “What do you mean ‘in vain’? Now you know more than 9,000 materials that won’t work!” 

Let’s set aside the intriguing insight that experience often involves learning what not to do. What truly stands out is that Edison tried over 9,000 times to solve the problem. With each attempt, he approached it with enthusiasm, hoping for improvement, only to experience failure over 9,000 times. And this is just in the context of inventing the light bulb, not accounting for all the other setbacks he faced in developing inventions like the phonograph, kinetoscope, carbon microphone, and other remarkable contributions to history. 

Edison’s persistence and eventual success serve as an example of tenacity. It should make us reflect on all the entrepreneurs who give up on their ventures at the first sign of serious challenges. I say this because I have encountered many individuals excited about numerous business opportunities, only to abandon their pursuits due to the “hardships” that every entrepreneur must face in a competitive market. 

Albert Einstein 
He famously said that there was nothing so remarkable about him except for his curiosity, which is another word for tenacity: The man stayed up for days at a time solving his mind-bending equations. 
In his later years, Albert Einstein became deeply engrossed in a seemingly impossible mission: finding a unified field theory. This theory aimed to connect gravity and electromagnetism with the subatomic forces described by quantum theory.  

Despite skepticism from colleagues, Einstein’s friend and fellow physicist, Leopold Infeld, recognized it as yet another manifestation of Einstein’s unwavering determination, a quality that had contributed to his greatness over the years. Infeld believed that Einstein’s genius was characterized by his tenacity and refusal to abandon a problem, even after years of grappling with it. 

And Infeld was correct. Einstein had possessed this trait since his youth. At the age of six, his father had gifted him a compass. While most children would have been briefly fascinated by its workings before moving on to something else, Einstein remained captivated by the mysterious force fields and their connection to electromagnetic and gravitational fields for the rest of his life. He tirelessly explored these concepts, even continuing his quest for a unified theory on his deathbed, scribbling field equations in the hope of unlocking the ultimate truth. 

Chris Nikic 
In a remarkable display of determination, Chris Nikic, an American amateur triathlete born in 1999, defied expectations and achieved extraordinary feats. At the age of 21 in 2020, he made history by becoming the first person with Down Syndrome to complete an Ironman triathlon. Undeterred by this incredible accomplishment, the 23-year-old American athlete went on to further defy the odds. He became the first World Championship finisher with Down Syndrome, solidifying his place as a trailblazer in the world of triathlons. 

When asked about his journey, Nikic shared his mantra: “1% better.” He revealed that he started by performing just one press-up, and then pushed himself to do one more, and one more, and one more. With unwavering determination, he continued to add repetitions, eventually reaching 500 push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. This relentless pursuit of improvement became the foundation of his training. 

Nikic’s father and coach, Nik, explained the essence of their approach: “You just start with one of something, and then do just one more, and one more, and one more, and you just keep doing it. Until one day, you’re doing an Ironman.” Their philosophy encapsulates the power of incremental progress and unwavering commitment. 

Chris Nikic’s extraordinary journey serves as a testament to the human spirit’s capacity for resilience and triumph. It exemplifies the remarkable possibilities that can be achieved through consistent effort and unwavering determination. His story inspires us all to embrace the power of perseverance, knowing that with each small step forward, we move closer to achieving greatness in our own lives. 

Is Brightmarbles Tenacious? 

At Brightmarbles, we hold tenacity in high regard, recognizing it as a valuable trait that can be nurtured within each of us. Alongside our other core values, we believe that tenacity leads to inner happiness and fosters a sense of satisfaction as team players. Life itself is a journey towards our goals, and it’s crucial that we don’t allow obstacles to deter us. Instead, let us embrace the spirit of overcoming challenges together, learning to leap over hurdles as a united force. By embodying tenacity, we can stride confidently towards success, celebrating our achievements and strengthening the bonds that make us an exceptional team at BrightMarbles. 

Indeed, I am a proud member of a team comprised of relentless individuals who refuse to surrender. Even in moments when self-assurance wavers and the temptation to abandon problems arises, our team, in the most uplifting manner, rallies those who are feeling discouraged, urging them to persevere. This ethos of unwavering support often extends to our personal lives as well. I can say with certainty that I will never again stand beside someone and ask, “Why don’t you give up?” Instead, I will admire their resilience, as well as my own. 

About Author 

Svetlana Kosić is a marketing specialist who holds a master’s degree in media design in education. With extensive experience in the IT industry, particularly in sales and marketing, Svetlana has honed her skills over the years. She has a profound passion for the written word and expresses her creativity through various outlets, including as a columnist. Svetlana is a staunch advocate against injustice and tirelessly works towards the positive change she desires. 

Food Delivery Revolution: A Conversation with the Minds Behind the Padrino Delivery Platform

March 2020 demonstrated to us all how swiftly our daily routines can transform. The pandemic caused an abrupt shift in work from conventional offices to home settings, leisure activities from the great outdoors to within our own walls, and shopping from physical stores to the digital interfaces of our devices. This time, shopping from the comfort of our armchairs was not just a luxurious or fashionable pastime, as had been portrayed in early 2000s advertisements; rather, it became a necessity.  

Food delivery services from restaurants experienced a significant expansion during the pandemic, and the habits that emerged during that time have persisted and reinforced the need for this type of service. Even people who were previously hesitant to use such services were compelled to do so, leading to a newfound comfort with the process and a reduction in fears about making mistakes or being scammed. However, the emergence of foreign players in the market has led to the displacement of domestic services, and people have lost the familiar support of local providers.  

This situation did not last for long. A group of enterprising individuals from the local community decided to reintroduce a trustworthy player to the Novi Sad market – a familiar face who could be summoned with a simple click and whose reputation preceded them. After two years of tireless work on their app, Dario, Mladen, Vladimir, and Nikola, with the invaluable support of BrightMarbles Group, succeeded in offering the people of Novi Sad a competitive experience. Their app boasts a modern and user-friendly design, along with innovative options for ordering and delivery. We had the opportunity to speak with some of the team members involved in this remarkable story and learn more about their exciting new features and benefits.  

Since 2015, the Padrino brand has been synonymous with fast and high-quality delivery services for food and other products in Novi Sad. As a result, it is no surprise that the brand has amassed a large number of satisfied clients and business partners. However, we may wonder how Padrino operated before the launch of their app, and what inspired the idea for its development? 

Dario: Our primary focus at Padrino was to provide delivery services for catering establishments that lacked their own delivery options, with up to 90% of our work falling into this category. We also acted as a personal courier service for individuals, delivering a wide range of items, such as groceries and personal belongings. Our operations were centered around delivering food orders that were placed by phone to restaurants and fast-food establishments. Although we launched a restaurant ordering app a few years ago, it did not meet our expectations and was shut down shortly after, despite providing satisfactory results. However, this experience demonstrated to us that there was potential for a digital solution in the food delivery industry in Novi Sad. The entry of foreign competitors into the market further spurred us to expedite the development of our own product. At Padrino, we have always prioritized staying up to date with technology and adapting to the demands of the digital age. 

Vladimir: Dario had a vision for launching an application like this for a long time, even from the early days of Padrino, but the timing didn’t quite align until now. A while back, my friend Nikola and I started our own online catering service, together with an app, location, and all the excitement and challenges that come with entrepreneurship in our country. 😃 Naturally, we also needed a delivery service, which led us to meet Dario and Padrino. After discovering our shared passion for digitizing this type of business and after some attempts at integrating existing services, we decided to join forces and create something entirely new. It certainly worked to our advantage that restaurant owners were dissatisfied with unfair prices, and users were frustrated with high delivery fees and the convoluted services of larger systems. We recognized the opportunity and eagerly seized it. 😊 

Mladen: During conversations with friends and restaurant owners, we noticed that there was a significant opportunity to improve the current offerings. Their comments and feedback all seemed to indicate the same thing – a desire for a new approach to business that was authentic and unique to Novi Sad. 😊 This desire for improvement and authenticity drove us to develop the new Padrino application, which is the result of teamwork, enthusiasm, and a strong commitment to digitizing the hospitality industry in Novi Sad. 

What factors led to the decision to collaborate with BrightMarbles? 

Dario: When we were in the process of seeking a partner to develop the new Padrino application, I had the good fortune of meeting Vladimir, and soon after, the rest of the team at BrightMarbles. The collaboration began smoothly and was highly successful from the outset. It was truly inspiring to witness how each team member, with their own unique set of skills and years of experience, complemented one another, resulting in a significant advantage for us at the start. We were able to provide valuable input to the developers about the important details and challenges of the delivery business, and in turn, we received high-quality software. The division of tasks and responsibilities was clearly defined, and communication was seamless, which enabled us to easily overcome any challenges. Based on our experience of working together, I believe that this collaboration, built on a strong relationship and quality team members, has a bright future. We are only at the beginning of great things in the food delivery industry. 

Vladimir: We came to the realization that we were overly optimistic about the workload and that the three of us couldn’t handle the entire project within a reasonable time. So, we decided to seek the assistance of a reputable IT company, and BrightMarbles was the obvious choice. We had a good working relationship with them since Mladen was already part of the company, and I had previously worked with them as an external associate. Additionally, we were aware that BrightMarbles had experience in building startups and investing in them, which was crucial for us. 

Mladen: The partnership with BrightMarbles is a culmination of our longstanding relationship built on mutual trust and respect. Our familiarity with each other made the collaboration process seamless and enjoyable. Effective communication was the cornerstone of our cooperation, and we believe it’s critical to any successful partnership. I’m confident that this is just the beginning of many exciting developments to come from our collaboration, and the food delivery industry can expect big things from our team. 

What do you consider to be the main factors that have led to the success of both Padrino and BrightMarbles in their respective industries?  

Dario: Since its establishment, BrightMarbles has been a company that specializes in developing innovative solutions and products for various industries. The company has always been technologically advanced and has constantly invested in the professional development of its employees. Additionally, the company values transparency and clear communication with its clients, which has led to building long-term and successful business relationships. BrightMarbles has also invested in various startup companies, providing them with not only financial support but also mentorship and guidance. This approach has contributed to the company’s success as a valuable partner in the development of various products and services. Overall, the success of both Padrino and BrightMarbles can be attributed to their commitment to excellence, innovation, and investment in the development of their employees and business processes. 

Vladimir: The success of both BrightMarbles and Padrino can be attributed to several important factors. The first of these is a dedication to achieving top quality in every aspect of their business. This involves continually improving skills, knowledge, and technologies to best meet the needs of clients and partners. Another key factor is the teams’ approach to work, which emphasizes a sense of responsibility and commitment to projects. This enables each team member to take ownership of the project and make decisions that will contribute to its success. This level of commitment leads to greater efficiency and better outcomes for clients. Additionally, both teams prioritize building long-term partnerships with clients and associates. Each project represents an opportunity to learn, grow, and innovate alongside partners, providing support, knowledge, and experience to create innovative solutions that improve the industry. Finally, from a client’s perspective, Dario and the Padrino team are known for their exceptional communication and availability, always responding quickly and solving any issues that arise.  

Mladen: The success of both teams can be attributed to their unwavering commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, always placing them as top priorities. This involves closely monitoring customers’ needs, providing prompt and efficient support, and adopting a proactive approach to problem-solving. Additionally, their ability to adapt to market changes and maintain a flexible approach has allowed them to remain competitive and continuously enhance their services. They not only follow industry trends but also anticipate future market needs to maintain their leadership position. The dedication and expertise of both teams are also crucial components of their success.  

How did people in Novi Sad respond to the new application and the return of an old acquaintance under a new brand name, given that they are already familiar with major players in this industry?  

Dario: Given Padrino’s established reputation as the “city courier” in Novi Sad, users were not taken aback by our new application. In fact, it demonstrated their perception of it as the natural progression of our services. The restaurants we have partnered with for years were pleased with the local response to the global food delivery platforms, and thanks to our good working relationships, they agreed to join our application. The app provides us with direct access to end-users, enabling us to forge stronger connections with the broader community in our city, rather than just being a delivery middleman. 

Vladimir: Recently, we have received positive feedback from users, which is very satisfying. We have noticed comments on social media expressing appreciation for our service and surprise that no local delivery service had initiated this idea earlier. 😀 While our user acquisition rate is moderate, it is steadily growing. We observe a gradual increase in the number of profiles created on the app and the amount of daily deliveries. Currently, we have approximately 1,800 users and an average of 80 deliveries per day. 

Mladen: We have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from users about the application, and we actively seek to involve them in our development process. We value their input and encourage them to provide feedback, suggestions, and comments to help us improve our service. By building a strong relationship with our users, we can work together to create the best possible experience for them. 

What are the main benefits that Padrino provides to restaurant owners over its competitors in the food delivery platform market? What reasons might a restaurant owner have for choosing to partner with Padrino instead of other food delivery platforms?  

Dario: One of Padrino’s key advantages for restaurant owners is the round-the-clock availability of our service, which is unmatched by any other platform. Additionally, we offer delivery to any part of the city and suburbs, unlike our competitors who may impose delivery radius limits, particularly in unfavorable weather conditions. We have a team of couriers working in shifts to ensure we always have enough delivery personnel regardless of the time of day or weather. Furthermore, we provide Novi Sad restaurateurs with more favorable terms than the competition, as we believe that the percentage, they pay for our service should not be a burden on their business, but rather a mutually beneficial arrangement. 

Vladimir: Padrino has a track record of being a reliable partner. Since the beginning, we have prioritized financial accuracy by refunding money to restaurants in a timely manner, with no calculation errors or delays. This is a distinct advantage that our competitors cannot claim. Equally important is our fee structure for orders, which is aligned with the market and designed to be mutually beneficial for both restaurants and us.  

As we all know, starting a business or implementing a new plan can come with a variety of challenges. What was the biggest obstacle you faced while developing this app? 

Dario: Forecasting all the administrative and financial processes associated with providing services to users and restaurants was the biggest challenge for us. As it was something new for us, we recognized the importance of ensuring that all procedures were accurate and timely to build trust with our clients.  

Vladimir: The project involves a large and complex system, encompassing the scope of work, the domain, and various business processes. It brings together three main parties: the end user, the restaurant, and the delivery service. While we have already developed the core of the system, there is still much work to be done to ensure that our vision is fully realized, and that the system is technologically competitive. 

Mladen: Ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience while incorporating multiple features was the biggest hurdle we faced while developing the application. However, we believe we have been successful in maintaining a balance between functionality and user experience.  

Something surprised us in the new Padrino app that we haven’t seen in competitors before. What is it?  

Dario: Indeed, we have received positive feedback regarding the “Surprise me” feature, which seems to be a favorite among our users. It’s not something we’ve seen in our competitors’ apps before, so we’re glad to have added this unique and exciting element to our platform.  

Vladimir: The mastermind behind the “Surprise me” option is Mladen. When users are uncertain about what to order, they can select this option and the application will suggest a dish. This feature has received a lot of positive feedback from users, and rightfully so. 

Mladen: As the number of restaurants on our platform grows, users are faced with an increasing number of choices, making it challenging for them to decide what to order. We also noticed that many users tend to stick to the same food items they know and trust. The “Surprise Me” option was designed to solve these problems by providing a fun and easy way for users to try new dishes and support local restaurants. We hope that this feature will help users discover new and exciting food options they may not have tried otherwise. 

What upcoming developments should we anticipate from Padrino and BrightMarbles? How do you envision the future of the food delivery industry, and what strategies do you believe are most effective for adapting to market changes?  

Dario: With the rapid advances in AI technology, it’s important for us to consider ways to integrate AI or machine learning into our platform, particularly with regards to our “Surprise Me” function. Our ongoing focus is on the development and expansion of our application’s offerings. The trend towards delivery services is only increasing globally, particularly after the pandemic. This presents a lot of potential and opportunities for growth, but we must be adaptable and responsive to the evolving needs of our users. This includes staying up to date with the latest technologies, such as drone delivery and robotics, as we’ve seen in other countries.  

Vladimir: I believe there are many exciting things to expect from both our company and the market in the near future. Initially, we aim to fulfill the basic needs that are currently lacking, such as developing a web version of the application, a catering portal with statistics and data access, as well as a back-office application to automate our business processes. Beyond that, we have several innovative ideas that we would like to experiment with, including exploring the possibilities of artificial intelligence. In terms of market changes, while the pandemic caused an unsustainable surge, the trend towards time-saving delivery services will likely continue to grow as people have increasingly busy lives. We have noticed the rise of “ghost kitchens” competing for their share of the market. Overall, I am optimistic that the market will continue to thrive in the future. 

Mladen: Regarding our future plans, I could make various promises, but I believe the best way to discover them is by installing the app and experiencing it firsthand. 😊 As for my vision for the future, I see more implementation of artificial intelligence, ordering assistants, personalized content, and placing the users at the center of the application. We will focus on the quality rather than the quantity of the offer. 

Based on your responses, it seems that there are several key ingredients necessary for a successful venture, including a strong team, passion, an experienced IT player, and a bit of luck. Additionally, community support is essential for local success. With all of this in mind, we have just one question left: what do you personally order most frequently through Padrino?  

Dario: I let Padrino surprise me. 😀  

Vladimir: When I’m on a diet, I usually order Tortilla Casa, but when I’m not, I like to try different dishes from various restaurants.  

Mladen: Pizzas, definitely, I could eat them every day. 

Juggling It All: Insights from Four Tech Moms on Balancing Career and Family

She’s a force to be reckoned with managing kids, their belongings, meltdowns, homework, schedules, well-being, and health. At the same time, she attends to her own deadlines, tasks, and emotions. Can she truly maintain this intricate balancing act, or is something bound to slip through the cracks as she juggles it all? 

Let’s talk about the superhero powers of working mothers. These fierce women face a never-ending battle to balance their career and family responsibilities, yet they persevere. They multitask with finesse, ensuring everything remains in place even when the world threatens to crumble around them. 

So, what are the biggest challenges? One of the biggest difficulties working mothers face is trying to be in two places at once. They strive to attend their children’s important events while also being present and productive at work. It’s like trying to play two roles in a Broadway show, but without any rehearsal time. 

Another struggle for working mothers is dealing with the guilt that comes with trying to balance everything. They feel guilty for missing precious moments with their kids and guilty for not being fully focused on their work. It’s a constant battle to strike the right equilibrium and not let guilt consume them. 

Furthermore, working mothers often face unfair barriers to their career advancement, including gender wage gaps and a lack of support in the workplace. It’s like they must fight for their place in the industry, and sometimes it feels like this will never end. 

To gain insight into diverse perspectives and experiences, we sat down for a heart-to-heart with four exceptional women from BrightMarbles, who are not only killing it at work, but also crushing the mom game. First up, we have Tamara – a Scrum Master who is raising her 12-year-old daughter solo. Next is Miroslava, a coding queen with a 7-year-old son who keeps her agile. Svetlana, the Marketing Specialist, manages to balance her career with being a devoted mom to her two sons (aged 10 and 6) and a little princess aged 2. Lastly, we have Nevena, the Chief Experience Officer of the BrightMarbles Group, who leads her team with unwavering determination while valiantly raising her spirited 2-year-old daughter. 

Do you experience work differently since you are a mother? 

Tamara: Being a mother has impacted how I approach work since my daughter looks up to me as a role model. I aim to set a positive example by approaching my work with passion, dedication, and purpose, not just for myself but also for my daughter’s future. It has helped me see work as an opportunity to make a positive impact on her future and has given me greater motivation and purpose in my career. 

Miroslava: Of course. Firstly, becoming a mother motivated me to find a job closer to home, to avoid wasting time on long commutes. It also accelerated my career change from philology to information technology. While I managed both fields before motherhood, it became nearly impossible to maintain the same quality of work and inner peace after my child’s arrival. 

Svetlana: Honestly, no. The only thing that influences how I will look at work is itself, the company I work for, my colleagues, and myself. Maybe the challenges are bigger or just different, I haven’t decided yet. 😊 

Nevena: Oh, absolutely! Before I became a mom, I was all about chasing my career ambitions. But then Kika came along, and everything changed. I began to see work differently, focusing on the importance of balancing professional and personal life, and understanding that family truly comes first. This new mindset has also made me more empathetic towards my colleagues who juggle family commitments. I feel fortunate to be part of a company that supports me in fostering a nurturing atmosphere for my team.  

“When my kids understand that work is important and my employer knows family is a priority, everyone can be okay.” Svetlana Kosić, Marketing Specialist 

How do you manage to balance your role as a mother and your career? 

Tamara: Balancing motherhood and a career has been a journey for me, but I’ve found that effective time management and prioritization have helped me achieve a better balance. I prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency, dedicating specific hours for my daughter without distractions. I focus on quality time with her, being fully present during shared activities. This requires compartmentalizing my time, focusing on one thing at a time. In summary, effective time management and learning to be present have allowed me to maintain a fulfilling career while being there for my daughter. 

Miroslava: I strive to find a balance between work and parenting by organizing my time efficiently. With my husband’s support, we complement each other to ensure that our child receives the attention she needs. However, there are times when my child’s enthusiasm for playing school distracts me from my work, but I sometimes find that these moments inspire me to solve problems or come up with new ideas. 

Svetlana: Juggling work and motherhood can be a rollercoaster ride, sometimes smooth and sometimes bumpy, depending on how you look at it. For the most part, I think I’m doing pretty well at balancing both. But let’s be real, there are moments when I feel like I’m dropping the ball on one or the other. The secret to finding that sweet balance spot isn’t just up to me, though. It also depends on how my kids and my employer see the situation. If my kids understand that I got to work sometimes, and my employer knows that family comes first, then I think we’re all going to be alright. 

Nevena: It’s certainly not a breeze, but I’m lucky to have a fantastic support system. For example, my husband and I split household chores and childcare duties equally so that we could both focus on our careers and still be there for our family. We often discuss our teamwork and tweak things as needed to keep us both happy and in sync. My mom’s a lifesaver! She takes care of Kika when we’re working, and I can’t thank her enough. Plus, my colleagues are really supportive, making it so much easier to handle both roles. Oh, and I can’t forget my planner – it’s my go-to sidekick! While I may not get everything right, I put in my best effort, and I hope that’s what ultimately counts. 

Have you faced any particular challenges while balancing motherhood and work? How did you overcome them?  

Tamara: Balancing motherhood and work has been challenging for me, especially since my daughter is now 12 years old and I work from home. One moment I’m consoling her about puberty problems and conflicts with friends, and the next I’m using my Scrum Master skills to resolve conflicts with colleagues. It was funny in hindsight, but not so much in the moment. I’ve also tried to encourage my colleagues to turn on their cameras during meetings, but they resisted. I used my daughter’s example of going to school even when her hair wasn’t perfect to convince them. Overall, it’s been a balancing act between being there for my daughter and being present in my work, but I’m finding ways to make it work. 

Miroslava: During the Covid-19 pandemic, working from home posed significant challenges for me, especially since my 4-year-old son required constant attention and care. With kindergartens closed, I had to juggle work responsibilities and my son’s needs while dealing with the stress of the situation. Although I managed to meet both demands, it was a very stressful period for me. Now that my son is 7, he understands that his parents need to work, and things seem less challenging.  

Svetlana: Picture this: One morning, all three of my kids are acting up – one with a fever, the other with a high temperature, and the third has completely forgotten about his art class project and needs to go to the bookstore ASAP. Meanwhile, I have a super important work deadline coming up that I can’t miss. Luckily, since I work remotely, I don’t have to leave the kids behind, but it still takes some serious creativity and focus to juggle both roles at the same time. I just had to take a deep breath and go for it. And somehow, I managed to make it work. 

Nevena: Oh boy, where do I start? I’ve certainly had my fair share of wild moments, like juggling Kika’s meltdowns during important work calls. As you can imagine, it gets pretty chaotic with a toddler around! I’ve learned that staying calm and prioritizing Kika’s needs is vital in these tricky situations. At times, I’ve had to excuse myself, hit the mute button, and tend to her until she calmed down. There have also been times when I’ve had to reschedule calls or delegate tasks to my teammates. Flexibility and open communication with my colleagues are key in navigating these challenges. They’ve been really understanding, and I’m grateful for their support. 

Most of the time, I stick to good organization to make sure everything runs smoothly.” Miroslava Debeljački Jovičić, Software Engineer 

Have you ever felt guilty about prioritizing work over your family or vice versa? 

Tamara: I often feel guilty when I have to choose between work and family. But, I deal with it by reminding myself that balance is important and being present in the moment is key. To make it work, I set clear boundaries and schedule my time carefully. This means that when I’m working, I’m 100% focused on work, and when I’m with my family, I’m all there with them. It’s not always easy, and it doesn’t always work out perfectly, but it helps me manage my responsibilities better and feel less guilty.  

Miroslava: Usually, I’m pretty good at prioritizing stuff, but sometimes I feel guilty when I can’t give my child attention during important moments because of work (like when I have a meeting or a deadline). To make myself feel better, I try to rationalize and explain to my child that they have to wait a bit. I think it teaches them patience, and that’s important too. But if something urgent comes up, like a doctor’s appointment, I put work on hold and take care of my child without hesitation. I make sure to organize my day to balance my work and family responsibilities. I decide which obligations require more attention at the given moment, but that doesn’t happen often. Most of the time, I stick to good organization to make sure everything runs smoothly. I’m still learning not to stress out so much about prioritizing and to trust that everything will get done in a reasonable time.  

Svetlana: No matter what I prioritize, there are times when I feel like I’m losing myself – whether it’s because work is taking over or because the kids are demanding all my attention. But to me, balancing isn’t just about juggling two separate things. It’s about finding balance within myself. Sometimes I’ll lean more towards work, and other times I’ll lean more towards my family. It’s a constant shift, but what matters most is that I maintain that balance and keep both feet firmly on the ground.  

Nevena: Absolutely, I’ve felt guilty at times, and I used to joke that I was half-person and half-sense of guilt. But I’ve come to realize that it’s all about prioritizing what’s most important at any given moment. Sometimes work demands more attention, while other times, my family needs me more. To find the right balance, I set clear boundaries and plan my time carefully. This approach allows me to be fully focused on work when I’m working and fully present with my family when I’m with them. It’s not always easy, but accepting that priorities shift helps me handle those feelings of guilt and maintain a healthier work-life balance.  

Can you think of a time when your child unexpectedly taught you a valuable lesson about work-life balance?  

Tamara: My kid taught me a valuable lesson about work-life balance when she stayed up all night studying for a crucial exam but lost focus at some point. It hit me that I needed to rethink my approach to work and avoid getting too obsessed with it so that I end up losing focus like her. It was like seeing myself in a mirror, and it taught me that achieving balance between work and life is better for both in the long run.  

Miroslava: Nope, not yet! But hope never dies! :))) As I mentioned earlier, I have a little workaholic on my hands. As soon as he gets home from school, he wants to play school with his parents. 🙂  

Svetlana: One time, my kid drew a picture of our living room, complete with a laptop and the BrightMarbles logo in a speech bubble above a woman’s head – which he said was me. It was cute, but I felt a little guilty that there was only a logo in the bubble (even though I do think about work a lot 😅). A few months later, my younger boy drew a similar picture, but this time, there was a heart in the speech bubble above my head. When I asked what I was thinking about in that picture, my kid said “love”. Maybe the heart was a sign that I had changed my ways, or maybe it was just a sweet gesture from my little one – either way, it made me feel good.  

Nevena: One evening, as I was buried in my laptop, trying to wrap up a project, Kika was playing nearby. Suddenly, she waddled over to me and started tugging at my leg, giving me those irresistible “pick me up” eyes. I realized she just wanted some cuddle time with her mom, and I had been too absorbed in my work to notice. Seeing her eagerness to connect with me really hit me hard. I realized that while my work is important, it’s crucial to be present and cherish the moments I have with Kika, as she won’t be this little forever. That experience continues to serve as a reminder of the importance of balancing my two roles. 

 “I feel really lucky to have experienced firsthand how awesome BrightMarbles is at supporting me both as a mom and an employee.” Tamara Petrović, Scrum Master  

In your opinion, what makes BrightMarbles a good fit for working mothers and how has BrightMarbles supported you in juggling your responsibilities as a mother and an employee? 

Tamara: I feel really lucky to have experienced firsthand how awesome BrightMarbles is at supporting me both as a mom and an employee. They give me all the tools and resources I need to succeed in my role, and they totally get it when I need to put my family first. But it’s not just about the practical stuff, like working from home and having a flexible schedule. There’s also this amazing culture at BrightMarbles that’s super supportive of working moms. They really respect us and appreciate everything we do, and you can feel it in the office. It’s such a game-changer to feel valued and appreciated by your colleagues – it makes a huge difference in how happy you are with your job and your life overall. 

Miroslava: When I work at BrightMarbles, I can usually organize my time flexibly. If something comes up during working hours, like my child getting sick, I can finish my work later. Plus, I can use up to five days of sick leave without having to go to the doctor, which is super helpful when my child is sick and doesn’t necessarily need a doctor’s visit. This policy applies to dads too, not just moms, which is awesome. 

Svetlana: To be honest, for me, BrightMarbles is like having an extra partner (besides my actual partner, ofc). I can’t imagine a more supportive workplace for us jugglers. Luckily, my boss and I have a great relationship built on trust, which makes balancing work and life a whole lot easier. Whenever I think that the child’s new high temperature is a limit that I must not cross for the third time in the same month (or even week), I remember the words of my boss “Nothing is burning, take a day off and take care of your child” In those moments her “Nothing is burning” sounds more beautiful than the sound of waves on a summer’s eve, I swear. 

Nevena: What sets BrightMarbles apart is the strong emphasis on fostering a flexible and inclusive work environment. Everyone here gets that life throws curveballs and being a mom is like having another full-time job. The entire management team understands the unique obstacles parents and caretakers face, and we believe that supporting our teammates in finding the right work-life balance is key to a positive company culture. Also, the parent perks at BrightMarbles aren’t just lip service; they genuinely make a difference for families. For instance, I can work remotely, be there for Kika when she needs me, or tweak my schedule as necessary. 

What changes do you think other companies should make to better support working mothers? 

Tamara: Provide flexible work options: Offering flexible work options like remote work or flexible hours can assist working mothers in managing their work and family obligations. 

Miroslava: I reckon that every company should offer flexible working hours and the option to work from home, tailored to the type of work a working mother (or parent in general) does. It’s crucial to have understanding and flexibility for parents who need to rearrange their working day from time to time. As long as the job is done on time and meets the required quality, there’s no need to stick to strict rules. 

Svetlana: All we really need is to be flexible, trust each other, and have more humanity and understanding for the little things that come up with our little devils at the last minute. 

Nevena: For starters, it’s time for them to step up and realize that being a mom is a full-time job, and that it’s not easy juggling work and family. Options like work-from-home, flexible schedules, and fully paid parental leave should be offered. And let’s not forget about single moms and parents of kids with disabilities. They deserve some extra support too, like additional days off or other forms of assistance. Overall, it’s about cultivating a culture that embraces working moms and recognizes the value they bring to the workplace.  

“It’s time for companies to step up and realize that being a mom is a full-time job, and that it’s not easy juggling work and family.” Nevena Nemeš, CXO 

 What advice would you give to working mothers struggling to balance their responsibilities? 

Tamara: I think working from home is a great help when it comes to maintaining a healthy work-life balance as a mother. To achieve this balance, flexibility is key. It’s important to have the freedom to adapt your schedule in case of any unexpected events or emergencies that may come up. Another important factor is taking care of yourself and prioritizing your well-being. This might involve setting aside some time for exercise, meditation, or just taking a break to recharge your batteries. Lastly, it’s important to stop feeling guilty and concentrate on being present and engaged in the moment. 

Miroslava: Daily organization is essential, and we should always prioritize our obligations in the right way, even if something unexpected comes up. I suggest being honest and open with both your child and colleagues or clients. And don’t forget to enjoy the small and big joys that come with being a parent, whenever you can. 

Svetlana: Trust your gut! You’re usually spot on. Go with the flow and don’t be afraid to challenge yourself for a bigger and better leap. 

Nevena: My advice would be to give yourself grace and know that it’s okay to not have everything perfectly balanced all the time. Also, build a support system, whether it’s a partner, family member, or friend who can help you out when needed. Lastly, communicate openly with your colleagues and family members about your needs and find a way to work together to achieve equilibrium. 🙂 

About Author

Svetlana Kosic is a Marketing and Sales expert with over 12 years of experience in the IT industry. She’s a former radio and TV journalist, magazine editor, and team leader, and she’s interviewed numerous CEOs of the largest IT companies in the world. She’s also a skilled negotiator who fights against the stereotype that only men in suits can make a good deal—and almost met the real Santa Claus.

The Mibsters’ Culture Manifesto: Continuous Learning

We each have our own unique set of values that guide us in our personal and professional lives, shaped by our emotions, personalities, and individual preferences. Despite our diverse perspectives, the lenses through which we envision a future in which we reach our full potential are made of the same material. We may change the frames of our glasses to match our style, but there is one common thread that ties all our aspirations for personal success: knowledge.  

I recall when I thought I was done studying after finishing my last exam at university. I was convinced that I had finally filled my mental backpack with all the knowledge I needed to master and remember, and it was time to put it away. But soon, I realized that this backpack only held the basic survival kit. Everything else I needed to continue growing was beyond its contents, waiting to be discovered within reach or at the end of the world. To access all of it, I had to keep learning and growing continuously.  

When we boil everything down, many of our aspirations to become the best version of ourselves stem from the desire to be current, to be able to handle diverse situations, never to be caught off guard, to stay relevant, and to be competent. To ensure that our minds – made of the spinning wheels in our heads that we call the brain – function optimally for as long as possible and age slowly while staying fresh, there’s one ultimate prerequisite: continuous learning

What Is Continuous Learning, and Why Is It Important? 

Continuous learning is key to staying ahead of the game in today’s competitive business environment. It ensures you have the skills and knowledge to stay up to date with the ever-changing demands of our professional existence and life in general. When it comes to business, not only will this give you the edge you need to be successful, but it will also help your organization stay competitive and prosperous in the long run. 

Continuous learning is all about actively working on getting better by expanding your competencies. The classic example is when someone picks up new technical skills and moves on to more demanding and complex yet rewarding jobs. But it’s not just about hard skills – continuous learning also covers leadership, management, teamwork, and other soft skills. 

What Are the Benefits of Continuous Learning in the Workplace? 

Knowledge and Lifelong Gymnastics 
Investing in people’s knowledge is crucial for unlocking their full potential and enhancing their value. Continuous learning keeps the mind sharp, combats age-related cognitive decline, and empowers individuals both personally and professionally. In other words: the more one learns, the greater their impact and influence. Let’s also point out that many authors state how continuous learning keeps our brain young: continuity in education helps us absorb any new information or skill just as quickly, if not faster, making us cognitively powerful and always ready to master new challenges or reach new goals. 

Secure Your Prominent Standing 
When discussing the importance of continuous learning in the workplace, it’s crucial to highlight its major offers, such as an individual’s personal development, the company culture and growth, together with the needs and evolution of the market.  

Investing in employees strengthens a company’s workforce and enhances the worth and abilities of its individuals. For all the above, the advantages of ongoing education in the workplace are nearly limitless, and organizations and their employees can benefit from continuous learning in numerous ways: 

  • Figuring out where the skills gaps are. 
  • Spotting opportunities to learn and grow. 
  • Giving employees a brain boost in critical thinking and problem-solving. 
  • Staying up to date with what’s going on in your industry. 
  • Building a work culture that’s all about collaboration and innovation. 
  • Bringing in fresh perspectives and ideas from the outside world. 
  • Making your organization more on its toes and ready to act. 

BM Insight: One of our core values is the trust we instill in all the Mibsters out there. Everyone under our roof should own their work process from the first line of code to the moment of software launch or delivery. This combination of internal education and intrinsic motivation makes for productive and credible ownership. One of the prequels in our Mibsters’ Culture Manifesto series, Ownership: The Only Ship that Can Tame a Storm, tells a more detailed story of ownership at BMGH. 

An Environment that Cares 
Sometimes, we alone are not enough to put our desire for constant learning into action. We need an environment that supports these values, encourages them, and is always ready to give us a hand. Hence, creating an atmosphere that promotes ongoing learning must be one of the organization’s priorities. With The Great Resignation still buffering, employees are looking for careers that allow them to grow, learn new things, and still have time for a life outside work.  

It doesn’t have to mean pushing employees up the corporate ladder or into management roles, either. Many of them just want to switch to a different part of the company. Interestingly enough, employees who have the option to move around within the company stick around twice as long as those who don’t. 

The 2021 Workplace Learning Report from LinkedIn found that 76% of Gen Z think learning is the secret to a successful career. And when a company is all about never-ending learning, it shows that they’re open to rethinking their beliefs, values, and rules – which is a big draw for a generation that’s not afraid to stand up for better fairness, diversity, and inclusiveness in the workplace. 

Professional Development 
For you as an individual, the chance to brush up on your skills and knowledge is immensely advantageous for your career. If you want to get ahead at work in every possible way, one of the best ways to make it happen is by upgrading your competencies. From enhancing technical skills like coding and acquiring certifications in your very field to developing soft skills such as leadership, it demonstrates a praiseworthy commitment to self-improvement and growth.  

And even if you’re not after a promotion right now, continuous learning will keep you on your A-game. New software upgrades? Latest and progressive industry trends? In a rapidly changing world, there’s always something new to learn. 

A Culture of Strength, Joyful Employees  
Continuous learning can also bring colleagues and their managers closer through teamwork, whether in person or online. It’s a great way to spark conversations across different teams or departments that only sometimes work together. And the more a company emphasizes lifelong learning, its sense of community also becomes more noticeable. 

Studies show that employees with a positive experience with job training tend to be happier in their roles. Why? Because it gives them a sense of purpose and accomplishment, helping them to see a clear path forward. 

BM Insight: We like to say that no engineer is an island (to paraphrase that classic John Donne poem), and at BrightMarbles, we mercilessly build a strong team spirit. This sense of belonging and the awareness that you can always get adequate support make us Mibsters invincible in conquering the global IT market. If you want to learn more about our in-house team spirit, read the blog post The Mibsters’ Culture Manifesto: Teamwork.  

How Can We Learn? 

When it comes to learning, there is no wrong method, given that learners gain new knowledge. All forms of learning are valid, whether through formal education, informal means, viewing YouTube videos, or reading books. The key is to discover a method that works best for the individual. Some individuals thrive under the guidance of experts, while others have a self-motivated approach to learning. 

Formal Learning – Because Some of Us Like the Blackboard and Chalk  
The traditional way of learning at work is through formal training, such as attending live teaching sessions, participating in interactive workshops, or even taking courses online through universities or colleges. This training will give you lectures, hands-on practice, and quizzes to test your understanding. It’s a structured way to expand your expertise in a physical classroom or online. 

Self-Directed Learning 
Self-directed learning empowers the learner to take charge of their education. This method is often conducted online, allowing for flexible scheduling and eliminating the need for travel. Many individuals appreciate this approach to learning, with 58% of surveyed employees reporting a preference for having control over their own learning pace. 

Social Learning – When Small Talk Is a Big Deal 
A large share of learning at work comes from your co-workers and bosses, not just from official training. So, it’s important to encourage positive social learning, also known as informal learning, by creating spaces where employees feel comfy chatting with each other outside of work stuff. Many companies use programs like Slack, where you can make channels for group convos about things like industry trends or the latest workshop. Also, consider starting a mentorship program where people can talk one-on-one with a co-worker or boss and hold each other accountable for their learning goals. 

Hybrid Learning: The Ultimate Combination 
Hybrid learning, or blended learning, is a cool mix of in-person and online learning – using the best of both worlds! It takes traditional, instructor-led classes and combines them with online resources to make the learning experience more personalized. For example, a company could have a department-wide lecture and then have people discuss what they learned online afterward. 

BM Insight: We can’t emphasize strongly enough how much we care about our people’s individual characteristics and preferences. Offering customized assistance to Mibsters’ personal development is one of many ways we advocate and apply diversity. In line with one of our previous Mibsters’ Culture Manifesto chapters: we truly are Uniform in Diversity in everything we do.  

Living a Culture of Continuous Learning 
When it comes to continuous learning at work, it’s critical to have a clear plan. Don’t just jump into booking those workshops or webinars without thinking about what you’re hoping to achieve. Ask yourself about your short- and long-term goals and plan your learning approach accordingly. Whether you create your professional-development plan alone or your superiors suggest it, it must be adapted to your individual dynamics, plans, and possibilities. 

Moreover, the organization needs to have a well-designed plan for continuous learning at work. To get the most out of it, it should consider everyone’s needs and make the learning process accessible for all its employees. An encouraging learning environment is key to the effective implementation of continuous learning. 

Companies also must be mindful that after-hours education does not add to their employees’ workload. Integrating learning into their regular schedule respects their work-life balance and prevents distractions or conflicts.  

And to foster a culture of ongoing learning and development among employees, it is essential to provide commitment, resources, and coaching. Unfortunately, many people have neither enough time nor resources to pursue continuous learning independently. Therefore, organizations, teams, and employees should work together to overcome this challenge. 

Let’s Create a Culture of Learning 

To cultivate continuous learning among employees, companies should promote, incentivize, and acknowledge their efforts. It means nurturing a culture that values and rewards ongoing education by offering incentives for learning opportunities or recognizing achievements in courses or training programs. 

Organizations that create a supportive environment for long-term workplace education will find the sweet spot, even for those who may not be too enthusiastic about it beforehand. 

The provision of support in various forms is crucial: 

  • Dedicating resources toward development 
  • Providing mentorship and tutorship 
  • Facilitating convenient access to long-lasting education, and  
  • Promoting the visibility of learning opportunities. 

Make It Fun! 

Make learning a blast by making it interactive. For example, learners who participate in social features such as Q&As or learning groups watch 30x more hours of learning content than those who don’t. And let’s be realistic; nobody wants a snooze-fest of a learning experience. 

To keep things interesting, why not gamify the experience? Offer incentives, set goals, and track progress. Recognizing and rewarding their achievements lets your employees know you value their efforts and appreciate their commitment to continuous learning. 

And Why Is Continuous Learning Important to Us at BMGH? 

At BrightMarbles, we strive to be more than just another company vying for a share of the market and meeting industry standards. Instead, we envision BrightMarbles as a community of remarkable individuals driven by a shared desire to make a difference in the world. We are unwavering in pursuing meaningful projects that contribute to society; however small the step may be.  

We continuously seek out innovation, follow visionary leaders, and gather innovative thinkers into our ranks. Ideas are all around us, but they start within us and then grow along. And just like all worthwhile things, they require nurturing through ongoing education and exposure to new information and perspectives. That’s why continuous learning is a fundamental value at BrightMarbles, as we believe that investing in our people is investing in the future.  

It’s like having your parents quietly enter the room while you study, leaving a bowl of fruit on the table, patting you on the shoulder – because the world is transformed by individuals whose thirst for knowledge knows no bounds. 

About Author

Svetlana Kosic is a Marketing and Sales expert with over 12 years of experience in the IT industry. She’s a former radio and TV journalist, magazine editor, and team leader, and she’s interviewed numerous CEOs of the largest IT companies in the world. She’s also a skilled negotiator who fights against the stereotype that only men in suits can make a good deal—and almost met the real Santa Claus.


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by Simon & Garfunkel
23 0 reply 3 days ago
Cras sit amet nibh libero, in gravida nulla. Nulla vel metus scelerisque ante sollicitudin. Cras purus odio, vestibulum in vulputate at, tempus viverra turpis. Fusce condimentum nunc ac nisi vulputate fringilla. Donec lacinia congue felis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugiat a voluptatum voluptatibus ducimus mollitia hic quos, ad enim odit dolor architecto tempore, dolores libero perspiciatis, sapiente officia non incidunt doloremque?
by Simon & Garfunkel
23 0 reply 3 days ago
Cras sit amet nibh libero, in gravida nulla. Nulla vel metus scelerisque ante sollicitudin. Cras purus odio, vestibulum in vulputate at, tempus viverra turpis. Fusce condimentum nunc ac nisi vulputate fringilla. Donec lacinia congue felis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugiat a voluptatum voluptatibus ducimus mollitia hic quos, ad enim odit dolor architecto tempore, dolores libero perspiciatis, sapiente officia non incidunt doloremque?
by Simon & Garfunkel
23 0 reply 3 days ago
Cras sit amet nibh libero, in gravida nulla. Nulla vel metus scelerisque ante sollicitudin. Cras purus odio, vestibulum in vulputate at, tempus viverra turpis. Fusce condimentum nunc ac nisi vulputate fringilla. Donec lacinia congue felis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugiat a voluptatum voluptatibus ducimus mollitia hic quos, ad enim odit dolor architecto tempore, dolores libero perspiciatis, sapiente officia non incidunt doloremque?
by Simon & Garfunkel
23 0 reply 3 days ago
Cras sit amet nibh libero, in gravida nulla. Nulla vel metus scelerisque ante sollicitudin. Cras purus odio, vestibulum in vulputate at, tempus viverra turpis. Fusce condimentum nunc ac nisi vulputate fringilla. Donec lacinia congue felis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugiat a voluptatum voluptatibus ducimus mollitia hic quos, ad enim odit dolor architecto tempore, dolores libero perspiciatis, sapiente officia non incidunt doloremque?