Quality Assurance for Failure free Development

Quality Assurance for Failure-free Development

Every client needs their software not only to be attractively designed and well-coded but also bug-free and future-proofed. Further, quality assurance is an indispensable part of any successful application development that can help you uncover errors and potential service issues that would otherwise remain hidden.

Benefits of Quality Assurance

Prevents failure
Due to daily testing, QA is the best way of preventing mistakes and avoiding problems with delivering products to customers.
Saves time and money
The amount of time and money spent to fix the error depends on the moment the error is found. Starting testing from the very beginning of the development process saves you time and money for repairing. In short, the sooner we find a bug, the cheaper it will be to fix it.
Assures long-term profit
QA saves your money, time, and reputation and increases your customers’ fulfillment and desire to use your product. All this leads to a long-term profit rise.

Assurance that quality requirements will be fulfilled

Most of our QA Engineers have a scrum master role, and their main goal is to make sure that only the highest quality product reaches our clients. Unnoticed bugs lead you to severe losses, so it is vital to have people do it daily.

Quality assurance means that the product must be suitable for its intended purpose and that errors must be eliminated. That is our engineers’ primary goal.

Are you interested in hearing specific examples where our QA Engineers prevented the occurrence of defects and thus saved our clients money? Be free to contact us.

Why does your project need a QA engineer icon

Why does your project need a QA engineer?

To start this article, we’d like to list a few projects that failed due to the lack of Quality Assurance, and we’d like to start with the most expensive one.

Do you know how to read a number $852,000,000,000,000,000? We had to Google it too, but it’s the estimated price of building something like The Death Star. That’s roughly 13,000 times the world’s GDP.

Why project need a QA engineer

Not sure how many of you are Star Wars fans, but you surely have to know about The Death Star even if you’re not. Empire’s ultimate weapon, capable of wiping out entire planets with one mighty blast of its super-laser. The Empire was apparently on the wrong side of the movie plot, so The Death Star was destroyed, but if they were on the right side, do you know what would they have done? They would’ve checked the quality of their expensive endeavor and notice they haven’t put in place defensive mechanisms. Ultimately they would win.

In the more non-fictional realm, the now classical project that failed due to the software mistake was NASA’s $125,000,000 robotic space probe called The Mars Climate Orbiter. The failure can be attributed to the Faster Better Cheaper (FBC) initiative. Budgets were tight, timelines were short, testing suffered, and wasn’t done correctly. Someone failed to use the right units in the code.

No matter how much attention is paid to software programming, there is no way to guarantee that the final product will be bug-free. As demonstrated, even small mistakes can cause much hustle and lead to significant financial losses. Is there a way to prevent this? Of course, having a professional QA Engineer in a team.

What is Quality Assurance (QA)?

Let’s start with a simple explanation of a bug. A bug, or a defect, is a flawed piece of code. This code can cause a system to fail to perform its required function. Quality Assurance aims to test the hell out of every feature to prevent such defects and inconsistencies. Another perhaps more important goal that overarches the whole software development process is ensuring the product’s highest quality by controlling its processes. So, we can define QA as a systematic approach to assessing the software product’s quality and making sure it meets the end user’s expectations.
The Quality Assurance process is tightly tied to the development process and needs to be performed from the outset.

How can a QA Engineer help your project?

A QA Engineer is a person who is responsible for the quality of the final product. QA Engineers work closely with both developers and product owners or business analysts to obtain the product’s technical specifications and get a clear picture of what is expected from the product.
They should be involved in the product development process right from the very beginning. Bug detection in the early stages of the development process significantly reduces their impact and overall development cost.

The role of QA Engineer involves:
– identifying weaknesses and inconsistencies in the product at all project stages;
– helping define project requirements;
– providing comprehensive information about the level of quality of a product;
– testing the product during all phases of the software development lifecycle (SDLC)

Quality Assurance is essential because it impacts the reputation of the company as a whole. No user will trust a product that’s buggy or inconsistent.
A capable QA Engineer can make a massive difference in all aspects important for the business.
The output is the product of the higher quality users can trust.
Saving on time and costs because it’s less time and resource-consuming to fix the bug or inconsistency in earlier stages of the development process.
Easier maintainability – building on shaky foundations means that developers have to spend extra time to fix bugs and implement new features. This can be quite expensive.
More polished user experience – QA Engineers will look at the product as an end-user would, and therefore be able to notice certain UX-related issues that may easily be overlooked.

Quality Assurance approach at BrightMarbles

Our approach to Quality Assurance at BrightMarbles is a bit different. Our main goal is to deliver premium quality to our clients – when it comes to the product, but also when it comes to service and collaboration. Our QA Engineers have a crucial role in this. They are here to make sure that only the highest quality product reaches our clients. Simultaneously, as most of them are certified, they perform the scrum master’s role, keeping all parties on track and informed, clearing obstacles, and establishing an environment where the team can be effective.

Are you interested to hear more about our QA practice? Contact us or schedule a call with our CEO.

How we work icon

How we work: 5 cornerstones of our service

Selecting a good software development company as a partner isn’t just a matter of convenience, sometimes it’s the difference between success and failure, or at least an amount of time you’ll spend working and reworking the software.

When we started BrightMarbles in 2016, we envisioned a company that would provide high-quality, premium software services. That’s the goal we’re fully committed to, the goal we’re working towards daily the bar we raise with every decision we make.

How we work: 5 cornerstones

Cornerstones of our premium service

Hands-on experience

Growing from 4 founders to 40+ employees took us four years. We took our time and chose to work only with the best people we knew. The current average experience is 7+ years, and the median of the seniority is Senior. The expertise of our people covers various programming languages (Android, iOS, different cross-platform solutions, JavaScript and other front-end technologies, .NET, Java, NodeJS, and others), multiple industries, and experience with collaboration with clients of different size.

Direct communication with C level management

Our clients communicate directly with our founders. Why is this important? This communication offers a lot of flexibility and quick decision-making.

Flexible contract

We were a startup once, and we know the struggles. Our contract is perfectly flexible. Teams can be scaled up or down, and contracts can be terminated from our client’s side without notice period.

European timezone

Fluent English and timezone as our clients provide a stress-free, easy collaboration for everybody involved.

We are a member of the elite software engineering network Digital Knights.

This is a network of companies offering guaranteed quality software engineering services. Only the top 7% of the companies applied are accepted to be members. In the rigorous background check and technical assessment, we proved ourselves to be one of them.

With that said, let us dive into how the process of collaboration goes.

How we work

Definition, discovery, and scope

We work together with our clients to define all specifications, project details, software features and functionalities, the timeline, and deadlines.

Development and collaboration

When every aspect of the project is defined, we start with the development. We write a code using the best industry standards. Clean code is a must.


We respect timelines and deadlines. The code is tested and sent to production.


If agreed upon, we can provide support and maintenance for the code.
In the end, we’d like to mention our services, or what with what we can help our clients with.

Our services

Custom software development

We develop tailor-made software for our clients. When it comes to programming languages, we follow industry trends, and we optimize the development process by selecting the right tools for the job.

Dedicated development teams

Maybe the development already started, or the need for team augmentation appeared. We can provide people to fit our customer’s needs.

Mobile app development

We have experience in developing both native and cross-platform solutions for mobile phones.

Machine learning

AI rooted in data science, applied mathematics, and a decade of experience in implementing diverse modeling projects.

Web development

Websites, presentations, or apps, we’re well versed, and we offer full-stack development according to the industry standards.

Quality Assurance

Automated or manual testing for software that runs like clockwork. Our QA team is equipped to find even the toughest bugs.

Finding a good software development partner isn’t an easy task, and we hope we made it easier to find all the necessary information about the way we work.
If you’re still not sure if we’re the right partner for you, we can help you get in touch with some of our current clients for a more detailed experience of the collaboration with us, just let us know.
The final note we want you to take is this – when it comes to software – the quality matters—the quality of the architecture, design, user experience, code, and overall communication and collaboration. Our experience guarantees a team of capable developers, with a tailor-made approach to your specific needs. Are you ready to level up your business?

Contact us with a request for a quote. It’s free. 

How to contract a software development company

How to contract a software development company, without compromising the quality of your software project

How to contract a software development company

You’ve started with an idea of a software project that you need to bring to life, improve, or you’re just looking for the best way to decrease the workload from your team of developers, and already the countless options market offers causes you headaches.
We offer our help, we’ll try to summarize all the necessary steps we suggest you undergo, during your journey of finding a reliable outsourcing partner.

Have a clear vision of what you need

Identify your priorities, needs, gaps in knowledge, and the requirements

Put everything on paper (we don’t actually mean that it’s necessary to use paper, just put everything down on the writing surface of your own preference).
And when we say everything, we mean everything.
Start by checking your (team’s) priorities and needs, identify gaps in knowledge or expertise. If you’re only starting developing the idea, be sure to have all of the requirements set upfront.

A company team

Determine what kind of team would suit your needs

Hiring a freelancer vs. contracting a software development company

So you have many options here:

  • You can hire a freelancer, and there are many platforms that can help you with it, such as for instance Upwork.
    Freelancers are usually a good option for projects that have limited scope or are short-term. You’ll probably have more work to do on your own, regarding the building, organizing, and managing the team.
  • If your project requires multiple domain expertise or more people to be involved, it’s usually easier to hire a team of developers from an outsourcing partner company, or simply put – contract a software development company.
    This usually costs more, but hiring a team of developers, from a software development company has many advantages. For instance, if they’re stuck, there’ll probably be someone (CTO, architects, other seniors, team leads’ and colleagues) that’ll be able to help them, so you’ll probably get a solution with higher quality. You’re collaborating with a team working within a bigger team with the same expertise. You have the company’s know-how at your disposal. And you already have a team that’s built, the people usually know each other and have probably worked together, so you’re saving on the efforts and the time (and the time is money, right?)

You made a decision to contract a software development company. How to select the one that’s right for you?

Take into account the project, the budget, the country, and its time zone, the portfolio, the company, and its learning culture

  • First of all, if you’ve completed step one, you know what you need, you know the requirements, the industry, and maybe even the technology stack. So you know what kind of company you’re looking for.
  • Do you know the budget you have? Is it 10.000 € or 1 million €? This will instantly narrow your search.
  • Consider the pros and cons of onshore, offshore, and nearshore outsourcing, and see which one fits your needs and budget the most.
  • Partner company time zone is usually a big deal. It can be tricky to have a team of developers dispersed in different time zones, because it causes a delay in communication, slowing down the pace of the project development. If the time difference is great, one of you (you or your team) will end up making compromises, and if you’re not ready to pay extra, it’ll probably be you.
  • Ask for the portfolio, check industries, clients, technologies your team-to-be has worked in. Usually, the wider the scope is, the variety of the problems they’ve faced with is larger. This can help them solve problems effectively.
    But it sometimes happens that the thing you need is pretty specific. So, you’ll need to look for a company with expertise in the field.
  • Ask about the company culture. We strongly suggest that you take the time to research this subject. Check the social media pages of the company, website, check their reviews on Google.
    Why would you be interested in this kind of information you ask us?
    Here’s the truth, it’s really important to you as a client what’s the perception of the company in the recruitment market. You want your team members to be a part of your team for a long time? You’re aware that onboarding new members will take time and resources.
    Well, that solely depends on the company how successful are they in keeping their turnover numbers low. Good reviews mean the higher the chance is that the company does it better.
    Don’t forget to ask about the learning culture of the company. The IT industry is fast-paced. You’d like to have onboard someone who’s on board with the latest technologies.

Consider the flexibility of the contract you’re signing

Think of all the possibilities – scaling up, scaling down, termination

Some companies, BrightMarbles is one of them, offer more flexible contracts than others.
It’s important that the contract you have with a company lets you sleep peacefully at night. Are you covered in all scenarios? What happens if you run out of funds half-past the project? Will the company cause your hard times to terminate the contract? Will you be able to scale up, or down the team? Is the company management truly interested in being useful, and bringing that extra value to their clients?
At BrightMarbles we can offer you a contract that’s fully under your control.

It’s time for us to wrap the story up. The lesson here is – know what you want, consider all of the possibilities systematically, and don’t forget the contract.
Let us know what you think, we’re always happy to chat – hit us up in the field below.


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by Simon & Garfunkel
23 0 reply 3 days ago
Cras sit amet nibh libero, in gravida nulla. Nulla vel metus scelerisque ante sollicitudin. Cras purus odio, vestibulum in vulputate at, tempus viverra turpis. Fusce condimentum nunc ac nisi vulputate fringilla. Donec lacinia congue felis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugiat a voluptatum voluptatibus ducimus mollitia hic quos, ad enim odit dolor architecto tempore, dolores libero perspiciatis, sapiente officia non incidunt doloremque?
by Simon & Garfunkel
23 0 reply 3 days ago
Cras sit amet nibh libero, in gravida nulla. Nulla vel metus scelerisque ante sollicitudin. Cras purus odio, vestibulum in vulputate at, tempus viverra turpis. Fusce condimentum nunc ac nisi vulputate fringilla. Donec lacinia congue felis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugiat a voluptatum voluptatibus ducimus mollitia hic quos, ad enim odit dolor architecto tempore, dolores libero perspiciatis, sapiente officia non incidunt doloremque?
by Simon & Garfunkel
23 0 reply 3 days ago
Cras sit amet nibh libero, in gravida nulla. Nulla vel metus scelerisque ante sollicitudin. Cras purus odio, vestibulum in vulputate at, tempus viverra turpis. Fusce condimentum nunc ac nisi vulputate fringilla. Donec lacinia congue felis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugiat a voluptatum voluptatibus ducimus mollitia hic quos, ad enim odit dolor architecto tempore, dolores libero perspiciatis, sapiente officia non incidunt doloremque?
by Simon & Garfunkel
23 0 reply 3 days ago
Cras sit amet nibh libero, in gravida nulla. Nulla vel metus scelerisque ante sollicitudin. Cras purus odio, vestibulum in vulputate at, tempus viverra turpis. Fusce condimentum nunc ac nisi vulputate fringilla. Donec lacinia congue felis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugiat a voluptatum voluptatibus ducimus mollitia hic quos, ad enim odit dolor architecto tempore, dolores libero perspiciatis, sapiente officia non incidunt doloremque?